AP E NGLISH L ANGUAGE A GENDA FOR A UGUST 19/20, 2013 Daily Objectives: 1. Understand how to use writing to communicate in the 21 st century 2. Understand.

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1 AP E NGLISH L ANGUAGE A GENDA FOR A UGUST 19/20, 2013 Daily Objectives: 1. Understand how to use writing to communicate in the 21 st century 2. Understand the basic rules for success in an AP class Daily Activities and Assessment: Pass out Rosey’s Guidebook for Success Go over rules/notebook/honor policy/parent letter; Go over homework on apple (and show www.savethewords.org), discussion board, and summer reading packet; Take summer reading quiz (worth 75 points); Go over Jar of Hearts analysis Bring A Walk in the Woods next class period

2 AP E NGLISH L ANGUAGE A GENDA FOR A UGUST 21/22, 2013 Daily Objectives: 1. Become comfortable with speaking in class through informal and formal presentations. 2. Learn the scoring rubric for AP essays. Daily Activities and Assessment: Watch short video called “The Green Tunnel” showing the Appalachian Trail Share apple Do reading of additional picture Assign and work on A Walk in the Woods group activity (p. 70)- due next week; your teacher will randomly assign you into groups Read and score Kincaid essay in guidebook (p. 54) WARNING #1: Your JQ#1 is due Friday to www.turnitin.com! WARNING #2: We will write our first in-class AP essay next week; it will be worth 50 points.

3 AP E NGLISH L ANGUAGE A GENDA FOR A UGUST 23/26, 2013 Daily Objectives: 1. Understand how language shapes our world. 2. Understand the key rhetorical concepts in DIDST. Daily Activities and Assessment: Watch short video on Stephen Fry’s “Typography” and discuss Finish going over Kincaid essay scoring Work in groups on PACAW Chart on Kincaid Essay (on p. 398a); if time left work on A Walk in the Woods Group Activity

4 DE ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR A UGUST 19, 2013 Daily Objective/s: 1. Understand the expectations for success in a college level class. 2. Work cohesively in a cooperative learning group to achieve a common goal. Daily Activities and Assessment: -Reminder: You should turn in your summer reading journal by 11:59 pm tonight to www.turnitin.com- worth 50 points; please do this when you sign up for ENC 1102 tonight (Note: If you have already submitted your journal to the full year class, this is okay. Be aware that you should submit all of the rest of your assignments to ENC 1102.) -Take summer reading quiz- worth 75 points -Go over syllabus/notebook/journal/Whoops Pass -Assign homework on The Last Lecture (p. 49) -Complete “paper clip” cooperative learning activity on The Last Lecture -Note: We will work on an essay on Old School next class period (describedin guidebook). If you do not have your Panther Central username and password you will need to contact: 784-7416 or online help@southflorida.edu (and of course there is a link to Panther Central on my website with this information) help@southflorida.edu

5 DE ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR A UGUST 21, 2013 Daily Objective/s: 1. Understand basic tenets of writing a strong paragraph and essay. 2. Understand what makes a strong comparison/contrast essay. Daily Activities and Assessment: -Hang up and share homework on The Last Lecture - Go over concepts you “missed” from Wadsworth since you passed the AP exam ( -Assign and work on comparison/contrast essay on Old School in Rm. 213

6 DE ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR A UGUST 23, 2013 Daily Objective/s: 1. Become comfortable with speaking in class through informal and formal presentations. Daily Activities and Assessment: Reminder: Your rough draft of essay on Old School is due tonight at 11:59 pm Watch short excerpt from end of The Last Lecture Read through articles on The Last Lecture in packet Begin discussion of The Last Lecture Note: Old School and The Last Lecture next week! Your Journal #1 is due next week as well!

7 DE ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR A UGUST 19, 2013 Daily Objective/s: 1. Understand the expectations for success in a college level class. 2. Work cohesively in a cooperative learning group to achieve a common goal. Daily Activities and Assessment: -Reminder: You should turn in your summer reading journal by 11:59 pm tonight to www.turnitin.com- worth 50 points -Take summer reading quiz- worth 75 points -Go over syllabus/notebook/journal/Whoops Pass -Assign homework on The Last Lecture and reading on Wadsworth book -Complete “paper clip” cooperative learning activity on The Last Lecture -Note: We will work in-class on an essay on The Last Lecture next class period. It is described in your Guidebook.

8 DE ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR A UGUST 21, 2013 Daily Objective/s: 1. Understand what makes an effective paragraph. 2. Understand what makes a strong illustrative/exemplification essay. Daily Activities and Assessment: Hang up and share homework on The Last Lecture Wadsworth : Do ex. 2B on p. 81 and ex. 8 on p. 91 with a partner; do handout on paragraphs on own Work on rough draft of Short Essay #1 on The Last Lecture in Rm. 213

9 DE ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR A UGUST 23, 2013 Daily Objective/s: 1. Become comfortable with speaking in class through informal and formal presentations. Daily Activities and Assessment: -Reminder: Your rough draft of essay on The Last Lecture is due tonight at 11:59 pm -Watch short excerpt from end of The Last Lecture -Read through articles on The Last Lecture in packet -Begin discussion of The Last Lecture -Note: Bring Old School and The Last Lecture next week!; Journal #1 is due tonight at 11:59 pm as well!

10 AP A GENDA FOR A UGUST 26, 2013 Daily Objectives: 1. Understand how language shapes our world. 2. Understand the key rhetorical concepts in DIDST. Daily Activities and Assessment: Watch short video on Stephen Fry’s “Typography” and discuss Work in groups on A Walk in the Woods DIDST Activity; it will be due at the beginning of class on Wednesday Finish going over Kincaid essay scoring If time, work on PACAW chart of Kincaid essay (p. 398a) Warning: Your first AP essay will be on Friday

11 AP A GENDA FOR A UGUST 28/29, 2013 Daily Objectives: Understand how to analyze imagery Understand the purpose of satire Daily Activities and Assessment: Watch video at http://thosewhomake.com/ on to analyze for imagery and details. As you watch this two minute clip, write down every image you think is significant. In a group, pick out the three most significant images you would analyze in a rhetorical analysis essay and how you would analyze them.http://thosewhomake.com/ Turn in your A Walk in the Woods activity as ONE PROJECT PER GROUP in a folder on my laptop for your class period Read through p. 30-59d for some tips on success in an AP English class as people turn in their project Go over another rhetorical analysis essay based on an article from The Onion (starting on p. 118); we will brainstorm ideas for how to write this and read sample papers to prepare us for next class’ REAL AP essay

12 AP A GENDA FOR A UGUST 29/30 Daily Objectives: Understand how to write a successful rhetorical analysis essay Understand how to engage in college-level discussion Daily Assessments: Complete AP Essay #1 Read “College Pressures” in Patterns for College Writing in our Circle of Love and Understanding

13 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR A UGUST 27, 2013 Daily Objective/s: 1. To learn to effectively evaluate a peer’s work. 2. To understand how to effectively write an illustrative/exemplification essay. Daily Activities and Assessment: Complete Old School Literary Allusions Assignment—including individual and group activity Begin discussion of The Last Lecture Work on peer editing of The Last Lecture essay; I will call you up to conference with you on your rough draft during your time in the computer lab. If you do not finish your peer editing in class it will be due by 11:59 pm tonight to www.turnitin.comwww.turnitin.com

14 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR A UGUST 29, 2013 Daily Objectives: To participate fully in a college level classroom discussion To successfully complete an illustration/exemplification essay Daily Activities and Assessments: Assign books Assign and work on group projects on Old School. They will be due next Wednesday. (Note: This is in an ideal universe. If we are working on it next Monday and we HONESTLY need more time I will give you more time.) Finish The Last Lecture discussion Readings for Writers Selections/Assignment/Discussion: “Guidelines for Critical Reading” 3-10 (in class), Chapter 2: “What is Rhetoric?” 16-40; “What—and How—to Write When You Have No Time to Write,” 41; “Have a Cigar,” 52; “How to Say Nothing in 500 Words” 65; “Assignment 1: The Research Paper,” 691-729; Chapter 10: “Illustration and Exemplification” 332-337; “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…” 350; “Don’t Legalize Drugs” 358; “Drug Use: The Continuing Epidemic,” 365 Work on final draft of The Last Lecture essay in the computer lab; it is due at 11:59 pm tonight.

15 AP A GENDA FOR S EPTEMBER 3/4 Daily Objective/s: To learn to successfully write a rhetorical analysis essay and complete multiple choice selections for the AP exam. Daily Activities and Assessment: Assign Literary Terms Assignment #1 on p.64 - due September 19 (A Day)/ 20 (B Day) Assign One Child Autobiographical Essay p.137- due September 11 to www.turnitin.com and presented September 12 (B Day)/ 13 (A Day)www.turnitin.com Show “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore” and discuss, complete questions on p. 61 Measure Reading Rate (p. 29.5 in Guidebook; p. 1189 in Elements of Literature ) Complete AP Multiple Choice Practice #1 (worth 10 points) Play the PLOT POINTS! Game on A Walk in the Woods Put chapters in order with the cards I give you. If you get a 100%, you get a sticker!

16 AP A GENDA FOR S EPTEMBER 5/6 Daily Objective/s: To understand specialized vocabulary for success on the AP exam. Daily Activities and Assessment: Go over how I grade on turnitin.com Work independently on literary terms assignment and One Child autobiographical essay (1/2 the class on laptops; ½ on terms—we will switch after about 20 minutes) Read “Sex, Lies, and Conversation” in Patterns for College Writing ; discuss; in a group of three or four, create five AP-style multiple choice questions using guidelines on p. 36-41 of your guidebook

17 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR S EPT. 3 Daily Objective/s: To work cohesively in a cooperative learning group. Daily Activities and Assessment: Assign Comparison/Contrast essay on Old School (p.72); rough draft is due September 13 at 11:59 pm; peer editing is due September 17; final draft is due September 25. I will also pass out handout on finding literary criticism using Panther Central. Work in groups on Old School Focus Review. I will also be assigning an additional review activity on p. 71. This is due next class period (and to turnitin.com by the time class starts) Bring Readings for Writers next class period

18 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR S EPT. 5 Daily Objective/s: To understand the implications of a dystopian society. Daily Activities and Assessment: Line up according to what age you would like to live to be and watch video on 1-100 Go over Readings for Writers assigned in syllabus. We will discuss “That Lean and Hungry Look” “Rules for Aging” and “That Time of Year” together Share Old School Group Review and Focus Activity Go over other Focuses not assigned in groups

19 AP A GENDA FOR S EPT. 9/10 Daily Objective: To elucidate that the most important stories are our own life stories. Daily Assignment: Assign One Child index (p. 139); due Sept. 27 AP MC Practice #2 Work on Autobiographical Vignettes and literary terms Remember your vignettes are due to turnitin.com by September 11 A Day Students: Bring A Walk in the Woods to class on Wednesday

20 AP A GENDA FOR S EPTEMBER 11 Daily Objective: To work cooperatively in heterogeneous learning community. Daily Assignments: In a group, create a BOARD GAME in a group that deals with the places, people, and events of A Walk in the Woods. Your game should include a decorative board, player pieces, a written book of rules, and explanations for how and why you chose what people, places, and events to represent. Important quotations should somehow be woven in, either on board spaces, playing cards, etc. (Note: The game should actually be able playable!!) If time, work on vignettes—which are due to www.turnitin.com tonight! www.turnitin.com

21 AP A GENDA FOR S EPT. 12/13 Daily Objective: To (hopefully) avoid life-long embarrassment by being forced to share one of your Autobiographical Vignettes Daily Assignment: Pass out and go over summer reading quiz Share one Vignette; turn it in if you have a paper copy; make sure it is formatted correctly on turnitin.com if it is a powerpoint; make sure I have the link if it is a Prezi Peer Editing of AP Essay #1; after peer editing, you will be forced to share one sentence from your essay you are proud of Peer editing of One Child Vignettes—due by September 13; done in Room 215 periods 1, 2, and 4; done with laptops period 3 If time, play A Walk in the Woods games Note: Bring One Child book next week so you can work on your One Child index

22 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR S EPT. 9 Daily Objective: To speak and respond in a scholarly manner to a college-level review. Daily Assignment: -Do Focus One on p. 64 in Guidebook -Finish Old School Review (2A starts with Jordan’s group); go over Discussion Questions on p. 70 -On own, go through the list of articles you should have already read in Reading for Writers and complete activity I give you on it. -If done early, go through articles on The Last Lecture and Old School in Guidebook Note: Bring Wadsworth to school on Wednesday; we will also work on our Old School essay next class period

23 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR S EPT. 11 Daily Objective: To learn how to actually use outlines AND semicolons to improve your writing. Daily Assignment: Wadsworth : Do p. 74 in Guidebook With a partner- p. 63 of Guidebook, ex. 2 (p. 653), ex. 3 (p. 654), ex. 5 (p. 656) On own: ex. 6 on p. 658 and an informal outline on Old School essay Work on R.D. of Old School essay

24 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR S EPT. 13 Daily Objective: To learn to effectively evaluate a peer’s and one’s own writing. Daily Assignment: Work on rough draft of Old School essay—due tonight

25 AP A GENDA FOR S EPT. 16/17, 2013 Daily Objective: To understand the vocabulary to be successful on the AP Exam Daily Assignments: Watch Harry Potter Clip to analyze tone Assign Literary Terms Assignment #2- due next Monday, Sept. 23( for A Day) and Tuesday, Sept. 24 (for B Day); The National Literary Term Bee will (tentatively) be Monday, Sept. 30 (for B Day) and Tuesday, Oct. 1 (for A Day); Your quiz on these terms will be Thursday, October 3 (for A Day) and Friday, October 4 (for B Day) Do AP MC Practice #3 Work on literary terms or One Child Index

26 AP A GENDA FOR S EPT. 18, 2013 Daily Objective: To learn the specialized vocabulary for success in Advanced Placement Daily Assignments: Watch Harry Potter clip to analyze tone, then Create a Board Game based on A Walk in the Woods On Friday, your literary terms will be due at the beginning of the period; we will also be completing our Kobald’s Bag Activity, which is described on p. 139

27 AP A GENDA FOR S EPT. 19/20, 2013 Daily Objective: To significantly raise our delicate self-esteem by taking to heart the sincere compliments our classmates write to us. Daily Assignment: Turn in Literary Terms Assignment #1 A Day only—Watch Harry Potter clip to analyze tone Complete Kobald’s Bag Activity Discuss A Walk in the Woods and One Child using Topics of Discussion in Guidebook WARNING: AP Essay #2, a rhetorical analysis on A Walk in the Woods or One Child will be Monday for A Day and Tuesday for B Day, which is the same day your Literary Terms Assignment #2 is due.

28 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 1 Daily Objective: To continue to appreciate the majesty of Chaucer’s writing and understand that if it were not for him we would probably be speaking French Daily Assignments: Work on final draft of Old School essay (45 minutes) in media center (1A, 2A) and in my room (3A) Assign and present skits on Canterbury Tales pilgrims

29 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 3 Daily Objective: To realize Chaucer is totes awesome. Daily Assignments: Go over Creative Assignments for The Canterbury Tales, which we will do in-class next Friday Read “The Summoner’s Tale” on own and do a Cornell Notes summary of it Read “Why Don’t We Complain?” and “A Nation in Need of a Vacation” together from Readings for Writers ; read other articles in syllabus on own

30 AP A GENDA FOR S EPT. 30/O CT 1 Daily Objective: To understand the literary term vocabulary in order to be successful on the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Assign Sebring’s Heart and Soul Assignment (p. 160—due October 10 for B Day and October 11 for A Day) Finish going over A Walk in the Woods (and One Child for some classes) Complete Douglass Packet in a group (B Day Only) Begin watching America’s Heart and Soul ( and take notes in Guidebook on p. 156) REMEMBER—YOUR LITERARY TERM BEE TAKES PLACE NEXT CLASS PERIOD! YOUR QUIZ ON THE LITERARY TERMS WILL TAKE PLACE THE PERIOD AFTER THAT!

31 AP A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 2/3 Daily Objective: To understand we live in the greatest country in the history of the world. Daily Assignments: Literary Term Bee Continue watching America’s Heart and Soul Remember your first Walden index on Economy is due Friday night to www.turnitin.com ; remember your Literary Term Quiz is next class period!www.turnitin.com

32 AP A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 4 (B D AY ) Daily Objective: To understand the literary term vocabulary to be successful on the AP exam. Daily Assignment: Literary Term Quiz Finish watching America’s Heart and Soul Remember your first Walden index on Economy is due tonight to www.turnitin.comwww.turnitin.com

33 AP A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 7 (A D AY ) Daily Objective: To improve sentence structure and variety in order to become a better writer. Daily Assignments: Turn in missed literary terms; go over any literary terms in which you need the “to the point” definition Pass out Quarterterm Test Review Guide—Test will be October 18 Answer “Pop Quiz” on Economy Chapter of Walden Finish watching America’s Heart and Soul, if applicable; I will check notes on it as film finishes Do AP MC Practice #5 Other Upcoming Due Dates—Sebring’s Heart and Soul assignment is due October 10 (B)/11 (A); Literary Term Quiz is next class period; Notebook is due October 16 (A Day)/17 (B Day); Posting of favorite JQ/Comments due October 18; Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 due October 29; Scarevenger Hunt October 30 (A Day)/October 31 (B Day)

34 AP A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 8 (B D AY ) Daily Objective: To improve sentence structure and variety in order to become a better writer. Daily Assignments: Pass out Quarterterm Test Review Guide—Test will be October 17 Do Literary Terms Quiz Answer “Pop Quiz” on Economy Chapter of Walden Finish watching America’s Heart and Soul, if applicable; I will check notes on it as film finishes Do AP MC Practice #5 Other Upcoming Due Dates—Sebring’s Heart and Soul assignment is due October 10 (B)/11 (A); Literary Term Quiz is next class period; Notebook is due October 16 (A Day)/17 (B Day); Posting of favorite JQ/Comments due October 18; Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 due October 29; Scarevenger Hunt October 30 (A Day)/October 31 (B Day)

35 AP A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 9 (A D AY ) Daily Objective:To improve sentence structure and variety in order to become a better writer. Daily Assignments: Complete Literary Terms Quiz Return AP Essay #2 and complete SOS on it (p. 270); Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 is assigned (p. 163) Work on reading Walden or Sebring Heart and Soul assignment or Quartermtest Review

36 AP A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 10 (B D AY ) Daily Objective: To appreciate the wonderful Sebringians that are a part of our community. Daily Assignments: Share Sebring’s Heart and Soul Assignment Return AP Essay #2 and complete SOS on it (p. 270); Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 is assigned (p. 163) Read “Sex, Lies, and Conversation” in the Circle of Love and Understanding Reminder: Next week is your Quarterterm test and your notebook is due. Pay attention to other due dates as well.

37 AP A GENDA FOR O CT. 11 (A D AY ) Daily Objective: To appreciate the wonderful Sebringians that are a part of our community. Daily Assignments: Share Sebring’s Heart and Soul Assignment Read “Sex, Lies, and Conversation” in the Circle of Love and Understanding Reminder: Next week is your Quarterterm test and your notebook is due. Pay attention to other due dates as well.

38 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 7 Daily Objective: To continue to understand the majesty of Chaucer’s language. Daily Assignments: Assign and brainstorm ideas for your Classification/Division essay (p.103) Reading time for “The Pardoner’s Tale” in The Canterbury Tales ; will be a pop quiz activity when finished reading it Wadsworth Activity on Commas: With a partner—do Ex. 1,4,6,7,10 On own—Do #1-10 on p. 76 in Guidebook More Upcoming Due Dates: We will work on our Creative Project and bring in food for our Chaucerian Food Celebration on October 11 Notebook is due October 18 (changed from Oct. 16 due to you not having to be here periods 1A and 2A when PSAT is given) Favorite journal is due to Discussion Board of www.turnitin.com plus comment on someone else’s journal is due October 18.www.turnitin.com

39 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 9 Daily Objective: To continue to understand the majesty of Chaucer’s language. Daily Assignments: Reading time for “The Summoner’s Tale” and “The Life and Times of Chaucer” in The Canterbury Tales ; will be a pop quiz activity when finished reading it Wadsworth Activity: On own: Do a Cornell Notes Summary of Chapter 9, 15, and 16 With partner: Do Ex. 2 on p. 201; Ex. 2 p. 107-108; Ex. 4 on p. 113

40 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR O CTOBER 11 Daily Objective: To continue to understand the majesty of Chaucer’s language. Daily Assignments: Complete Creative Project and Great Storytellers Assignments on The Canterbury Tales When finished, enjoy our Chaucerian Food Celebration

41 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR O CT. 16 Daily Objective: To appreciate the beauty and humor of Shakespeare’s language. Daily Assignments: Begin watching The Reduced Shakespeare Co. Film

42 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR O CT. 18 Daily Objective: To appreciate the beauty and humor of Shakespeare’s language. Daily Assignments: Go over rules for upcoming Scarevenger Hunt on October 30 (p. 111) and ask for volunteers to help in later periods Watch The Reduced Shakespeare Company Film As you watch film, I will call you up to check your notebook Remember to turn in Favorite Journal and a response to someone’s journal by 11:59 pm tonight to the Disc

43 AP A GENDA FOR O CT. 15/16 Daily Objective: To improve sentence structure on future essays. Daily Assignments: A DAY ONLY—Turn in notebook Return AP Essay #2 and complete SOS on AP Essay #2 (p. 270) Go over rules for upcoming Scarevenger Hunt on October 31 (p. 200) and ask for volunteers to help in later periods Go over instructions for Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 (p. 163) “Pop Quiz” Question on “Where I Lived, What I Lived for” and “Reading” Review Game: Play “Guess The Character” for next class’ Quarterterm Test

44 AP A GENDA FOR O CT. 17/18 Daily Objective: To successfully complete a comprehensive college-level test. Daily Assignments: Complete Quarterterm Test B Day Only—As you work on test, I will call you up to check your notebook Remember your favorite JQ is due to the Discussion Board of www.turnitin.com by Oct. 18 at 11:59 pm; a comment on someone’s JQ is due at the same timewww.turnitin.com

45 AP L ANG FOR NOV. 4 (B D AY ) Daily Objectives: To understand the requirements for a synthesis essay. Daily Assignments: 1. Assign synthesis research paper (p. 210; due dates p. 214) 2. “Pop Quiz” on “Civil Disobedience” 3. Continue to go over argument essays 4. Peer/self editing of AP Essay #1 or #2 Final Draft Reminder: We will be writing AP Essay #3 (Rhetorical) and #4 (Argument) next class period. Both of these essays will be worth 150 points.

46 A P LANG FOR NOV 5(A)/6(B) Daily Objectives: To continue to understand how to write a rhetorical analysis essay and an argument essay. Daily Assignments: A Day Students—Show me “Civil Disobedience” Homework 1. Write AP Essay #3 and #4 2. Reminder: Next class period your TOPIC only will be due for the research paper.

47 A P LANG FOR NOV 7(A)/8(B) Daily Objectives: To be able to synthesize and analyze the main arguments of forming a utopian society. Daily Assignments: 1. Complete Walden Utopia Activity in a group and present it during this class period. 2. Complete Exit Ticket activity on “The Life and Times of Thoreau” on p. 208a and 208b

48 E NC 1101 FOR NOV. 5 Daily Objectives: To successfully complete a classification/division essay. Daily Assignments: 1. Work on final draft of classification/division essay—due tonight at 11:59 pm 2. Work on Cornell Notes review of chapters in Wadsworth book, including: “Writing Argument Essays” p. 115-130; “Revising Run-Ons” p. 544-548; “Using Other Punctuation Marks” p.675-683; “Avoiding Plagiarism” p. 221-228; “MLA Documentation Style” p. 234-274 3. Complete p. 77-78 in Guidebook with a partner 4. If time, begin watching Macbeth

49 E NC 1101 FOR NOV. 7 Daily Objectives: To understand that Shakespeare’s works can be interpreted in several ways. Daily Assignments: 1. Pass out review for Midterm Test—which will be Nov. 7 2. Go over “The Scottish Play: A Study in Three Versions of Shakespeare’s Macbeth ” and watch clips from Macbeth

50 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR N OV. 11 Daily Objective: To be successful in taking a college-level test Daily Assignments: Turn in and go over p. 77-78 Take Midterm Test Bring Readings for Writers next class period; we will read a few articles and do our powerpoint review in preparation for Friday’s MLA Documentation Quiz

51 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR N OV. 13 Daily Objective: To be successful in understanding MLA Documentation Style Daily Assignments: Skim through articles listed on p. 11 of Syllabus for this week in Readings for Writers. They are: “In Praise of the Humble Comma” p. 382 “Shame” p. 217 “Of Altruism, Heroism, and Nature’s Gifts” p. 374 “Wide Open Spaces” p. 403 You will then be assigned an article to become an expert on; we will then present a “Jigsaw” review of the articles to the class—and the Jigsaw review is on p. 114-117 Play a Review Game in preparation for Friday’s MLA quiz; you will be given the powerpoint to study; YOU ALSO SHOULD BRING YOUR BOOK AND LIBRARY CARD AND PROOF YOU CHECKED OUT THE BOOK FROM SFSC NEXT CLASS PERIOD.

52 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR N OV. 15 Daily Objective: To be successful in understanding MLA Documentation Style Daily Assignments: Take MLA Documentation Style Quiz Work on Annotated Works Cited and Outline/Formal Brainstorming—due tonight at 11:59 pm I will ask you for your book as you work on your research paper

53 AP A GENDA FOR N OV. 11/12 Daily Objective: Daily Assignments: Walden Open Book Test Those of you doing “bonus” questions if you did not complete one or more of the indexes can do them when you finish the Open Book Portion; if you do not have time in-class these can be completed during study hall 4B on Nov. 12 or else they are a zero.

54 AP A GENDA FOR N OV. 13 Daily Objective: To appreciate the history of the Salem Witch Trials through the watching of a dramatic interpretation of it. Daily Assignments: Begin watching The Crucible in class; next class period we will take a test on it. It will be multiple choice and the MAJORITY of it will come from the study guide on p. 277.

55 AP A GENDA FOR N OV. 14 Daily Objective: To appreciate the history of the Salem Witch Trials through the watching of a dramatic interpretation of it. Daily Assignments:  Begin watching The Crucible in class; next class period we will take a test on it. It will be multiple choice and the MAJORITY of it will come from the study guide on p. 277.  Reminder: Homework is your PAPER PROPOSAL and RESPONSE to PAPER PROPOSAL, which is found under the Discussion Tab of www.turnitin.com. It is due at 11:59 pm on Friday.

56 AP A GENDA FOR N OV. 15 Daily Objective: To appreciate the history of the Salem Witch Trials through the watching of a dramatic interpretation of it. Daily Assignments: Finish watching The Crucible Turn in study guide Take test Reminder: Homework is your PAPER PROPOSAL and RESPONSE to PAPER PROPOSAL, which is found under the Discussion Tab of www.turnitin.com. It is due at 11:59 pm on Friday.

57 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR N OVEMBER 19 Daily Objective: To learn to totally write a research paper. Daily Assignments: Wadsworth : Go over “Using Verbs” p. 604-616 and “Revising Agreement Errors” p. 617-625 Do Ex. 2 p. 608, Ex. 3 p. 612, Ex. 5 p. 615, Ex. 2 p. 622 (1-5 only) and Ex. 3 p. 624 (1-5 only) Work on rough draft of research paper in Rm. 214 during 1A and 2A; in-class during 3A As you work on it, I will call you up to conference on your annotated works cited and brainstorming that you turned in Friday

58 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR N OVEMBER 21 Daily Objective: To keep being successful in writing a research paper. Daily Assignments: Work on your rough draft in Rm. 214 (or in-class); it is due tonight to www.turnitin.com by 11:59 pmwww.turnitin.com Remember you have a journal due Friday; other than that you should have a wonderful and relaxing break

59 AP A GENDA FOR N OVEMBER 18 (B D AY ) Daily Objective: To be successful taking an assessment dealing with AP-style multiple choice questions Daily Assignments: Finish watching The Crucible Spend five minutes looking over study guide Take MC test on The Crucible If you finish early, grab a laptop and begin work on your Annotated Works Cited and Formal Brainstorming—this is due Friday, November 22 nd at 11:59 pm; we will work on this all day on Friday. Also remember next class period is our Thoreauvian Experience and Modified Socratic Seminar on Walden.

60 AP A GENDA FOR N OVEMBER 19 (A D AY ) Daily Objective: To be successful taking an assessment dealing with AP-style multiple choice questions Daily Assignments: Finish watching The Crucible Spend five minutes looking over study guide Take MC test on The Crucible* Complete Modified Socratic Seminar on Walden (p. 202- 203) *If you finish the test early, grab a laptop and begin work on your Annotated Works Cited and Formal Brainstorming—this is due Friday, November 22 nd at 11:59 pm; we will work on this all day onThursday.

61 AP A GENDA FOR N OVEMBER 20 (B D AY ) Daily Objective: To have a college-level Socratic seminar on an American work on nonfiction Daily Assignments: Complete Modified Socratic Seminar on Walden (p. 202-203) When finished, enjoy our Thoreavian Experience (p. 203)

62 AP A GENDA FOR N OVEMBER 21/22 Daily Objective: To learn to effectively research and plan for a synthesis research paper. Daily Assignments: Work on Annotated Works Cited and Formal Brainstorming in Rm. 215; it is due on November 22 at 11:59 p.m.

63 AP A GENDA FOR D EC. 2 (A D AY ) Daily Objective: Effectively understand how to improve AP MC results. Daily Assignments: Do AP MC Practice Work on rough draft of research paper—show me introduction or ONE body paragraph by end of period. We will have half the class work on each assignment and switch halfway through so everyone has equal time on the laptops. I will conference with you over annotated works cited by end of period (hopefully)

64 AP A GENDA FOR D EC. 3/4 Daily Objective: To learn how to effectively write a research paper. Daily Assignments: Work on rough draft of research paper; as you work I will conference with some of you over annotated works cited. 4A- Rm. 214 1B, 2B, 3B- Rm.215

65 AP A GENDA FOR D EC. 5/6 Daily Objective: To learn to effectively write a research paper. Daily Assignments: Warning: Next class period I will return AP Essay #3 and #4 and we will go over it. Then, as a wonderful bonus, we will complete AP Essay #5 (an argument essay related to something written by Thoreau) Continue working on rough draft of research paper, which is due at 11:59 pm on Dec. 6 4A- Rm. 214 1B, 2B, 3B- Rm. 215

66 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR D EC. 2 Daily Objective: To learn to effectively write a final draft of a college-level research paper. Daily Assignments: Begin watching clips from Macbeth Do peer/self editing of rough draft in Rm. 214 (1A and 2A) or in classroom (3A); this is due tonight at 11:59 pm Remember—Final draft is due Friday, December 6 at 11:59 pm!!!!!!!!!!

67 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR D EC. 4 Daily Objective: To learn to effectively write a final draft of a college-level research paper. Daily Assignments: Continue watching clips to Macbeth Continue working on final draft of research paper

68 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR D EC. 6 Daily Objective: To learn to effectively write a final draft of a college-level research paper. Daily Assignments: Continue watching clips of Macbeth Continue working on final draft, which is due tonight, or research paper presentation

69 ENC 1101 FOR D ECEMBER 10 Daily Objective: To appreciate the majesty of dramatic interpretations of Macbeth Daily Assignment: Finish watching Macbeth versions; show me notes Assign Macbeth quiz/essay on p. 122; we will do this in- class next class period Do Facebook Feed Summary of Macbeth (p. 123) in a group. Must contain at least twenty statements. Remember: Next class period you will share your powerpoint on your research paper. It should be submitted to www.turnitin.com by the time class starts (EVEN THOUGH IT SAYS 11:59 PM ON THE DUE DATE TIME).www.turnitin.com

70 ENC 1101 FOR D ECEMBER 12 Daily Objective: Daily Assignment: Share powerpoint on Florida Social Issue Paper Complete in-class essay on Macbeth Reminder: So you know, we will be having a Book Talk next Wednesday. You will need to bring in: A book you are willing to talk about that you are on expert on (for 10 points) A food dish OR a story (of 250-350 words) somehow related to this book (for 15 points) A printed photo of you reading a book that you will not need returned to you (for 10 points extra credit)

71 ENC 1101 FOR D ECEMBER 16 Daily Objective: To learn how to effectively use quotation marks in your writing. Daily Assignment: Do exercises 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the chapter Using Quotation Marks with a partner Take a “Thoreau Field Trip” to the beauty and nature of the practice soccer fields; when we return we will do an assignment inspired by nature. You will be sharing your writing with the class. Remember next class period is our Book Talk.

72 ENC 1101 FOR D ECEMBER 18 Daily Objective: To appreciate the qualities of a good book. Daily Assignment: Show me food and book. Share photo for extra credit. Sit in tables and participate in our Book Talk.

73 AP A GENDA FOR D EC. 9 (B D AY ) Daily Objective: To successfully write an AP argument essay. Daily Assignments: Return and go over AP Essay #3/#4 Complete AP Essay #5 Complete AP MC Practice #10

74 AP A GENDA FOR D EC. 10 (A D AY ) Daily Objective: To successfully write an AP argument essay. Daily Assignments: Return and go over AP Essay #3/#4 Complete AP Essay #5 Work on peer editing of research paper in Rm. 214— due tomorrow at 11:59 pm if not finished in class

75 AP A GENDA FOR D EC. 11 (B) Daily Objective: To understand how to successfully peer and self edit a research paper. Daily Assignments: Complete peer editing of research paper—due tonight at 11:59 pm 1B and 2B- in Rm. 214 3B- in classroom Take a “Thoreau Field Trip” to the beauty and nature of the practice soccer fields (A Day) or the grassy area in the senior parking lot (B Day); when we return we will do an assignment inspired by nature. You will be sharing your writing with the class.

76 AP A GENDA FOR D EC. 12/13 Daily Objective: To understand how to write a strong synthesis essay. Daily Assignments: Go over synthesis essay and complete group activity on synthesis essays in class (starting on p. 225) Reminder: So you know, we will be having a Book Talk next. You will need to bring in: A book you are willing to talk about that you are on expert on (for 10 points) A food dish OR a story (of 250-350 words) somehow related to this book (for 15 points) A printed photo of you reading a book that you will not need returned to you (for 10 points extra credit) So Sorry Reminder: Next class period will be our only time in-class to work on the final draft of your research paper. Since I will have checked your paper in a relatively short amount of time, keep in mind that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for making major corrections from your rough to final draft.

77 AP A GENDA FOR D EC. 16/17 Daily Objective: To successfully write a revised draft of a research paper. Daily Assignments: Work on final draft of synthesis research paper, which is due December 18 at 11:59 pm. THIS WILL BE OUR ONLY TIME IN-CLASS TO WORK ON IT! 4A, 1B, 2B- in Rm. 214; 3B- in media center Reminder: So you know, we will be having a Book Talk next. You will need to bring in: A book you are willing to talk about that you are on expert on (for 10 points) A food dish OR a story (of 250-350 words) somehow related to this book (for 15 points) A printed photo of you reading a book that you will not need returned to you (for 10 points extra credit)

78 AP A GENDA FOR D EC. 18/19 Daily Objective: To appreciate the qualities that make a wonderful book. Daily Assignments:  Show me food and book.  Share photo for extra credit.  A Day Only-- Take a “Thoreau Field Trip” to the beauty and nature of the practice soccer fields or the grassy area in the senior parking lot (when we return we will do an assignment inspired by nature. You will be sharing your writing with the class.  As we return, get into tables, eat, and complete Book Talk questions.

79 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR J AN. 7, 2014 Daily Objective: To master the English language by reviewing what I do not know in The Wadsworth Handbook. Daily Assignments: Pass back papers BONUS DAY FOR WADSWORTH: Here is the deal—there are so many wonderful things to learn in Wadsworth, but I am running out of time to teach them all to you. Therefore, pick out FOUR CHAPTERS for which you would like more information that we did not cover this semester AND DO THREE EXERCISES PER CHAPTER (for a total of 12). Turn it in by the end of the period. When finished, we will begin watching Pride and Prejudice. Next class period: I will pass out exam review. YOUR NOTEBOOK IS ALSO DUE!

80 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR J AN. 9, 2014 Daily Objective: To begin successfully studying for the exam. Daily Assignments: Turn in notebook Pass out Exam Review Continue watching Pride and Prejudice Just a reminder—your favorite journal and comment on someone’s journal is due tomorrow at 11:59 pm to turnitin

81 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR J AN. 13, 2013 Daily Objective: To continue to successfully review for exam. Daily Assignments: Finish Pride and Prejudice Review for exam, including playing Canterbury Tales BINGO

82 ENC 1101 A GENDA FOR D AY OF E XAM Daily Objective: To be successful taking the exam. Daily Assignments: Take exam and do awesome on it

83 AP A GENDA FOR J AN. 7(A)/8 (B) Daily Objective: To learn to write a strong argument essay. Daily Assignments: B Day—After you get your papers back, you will TURN IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Pass back papers, including returning AP Essay #5 Write a final draft of AP Essay #4 (humorists) or #5 (Thoreau quote) Instructions on p. 297; we will work in Rm. 215

84 AP A GENDA FOR J AN. 9(A)/10 (B) Daily Objective: To understand what makes up a strong argument essay. Daily Assignments: A Day—Turn in notebook Fill out name and go over scoring of midterm exam Work on peer/self editing of AP Essay #4 or #5 in rm. 215 Do AP MC Practice #11 and #12 Play Scattegories to review literary terms Reminder: Next class period we will begin taking our AP Midterm. You will complete your synthesis and rhetorical analysis essays. PLUS remember to submit your favorite JQ and comment on someone’s JQ under the Discussion Board of www.turnitin.com.www.turnitin.com

85 AP A GENDA FOR J AN. 13(A)/14 (B) Daily Objective: To write a strong synthesis and rhetorical analysis essay. Daily Assignments: Complete synthesis and rhetorical analysis essay for midterm exam

86 AP A GENDA FOR D AY OF E XAM Daily Objective: To do well completing multiple choice questions and an argument essay for a real AP exam. Daily Assignments: Complete multiple choice and argument essay for midterm exam

87 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR J ANUARY 22 Daily Objective: To understand the rules for success in Writing about Literature Daily Assignments: Go over syllabus and guidebook Pass out books (if they are here) “New” students: Pass out Addendum Guidebook on what you missed last semester Go over study hall dates to meet with me (Jan. 27 and 29 in media center) Take quiz on winter reading Homework: “Writing about Literature” Handout on p. 28 of Guidebook and Cornell Notes Outline on “Writing about a Story”; also remember to turn in your Summer/Winter Reading Journal tonight to www.turnitin.com by 11:59 pmwww.turnitin.com “Experienced” students: Complete “Writing about Literature” Handout on p. 28 of Guidebook after reading chapter on “Writing about Literature” Read “Writing about a Story” and do Cornell Notes Outline on “Writing about a Story” Read from Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary and come up with your own satirical definitions in a group; you will share your “best” definitions with the class

88 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR J ANUARY 24 Daily Objective: To understand satire and be able to write a satire Daily Assignments: Show me Chpt. 41 and 42 Homework Watch clip from The Onion Read “A Modest Proposal” Write a modern “Modest Proposal” using instructions on p. 25. We will work on this in Rm.214 (1A,2A) or Rm. 222F (3A). It is due Monday, Jan. 24 at 11:59 pm. Pass out books as you work on Modest Proposal Reminder: Students new to class need to join me during study hall on Monday and Wednesday.

89 AP A GENDA FOR J AN. 21/22 Daily Objective: To understand how to be even more successful on taking an AP exam. Daily Assignments: Pass out midterm exam and your results (and PSAT Results, if applicable) Go over the following assignments: Reflection on midterm template (due at end of period) Final Draft of AP Midterm Essay (done in-class Thurs/Friday; due Friday at 11:59 pm) Peer Editing of AP Midterm Essay (done in class next Mon/Tues; due Tues. 11:59 pm) 10 grammar exercises (done in class this week) Go over the multiple choice passages Go over sample essays and scoring from midterm If time, begin to work on grammar exercises

90 AP A GENDA FOR J AN. 23/24 Daily Objective: To improve writing by working on grammar and usage skills. Daily Assignments: Work on Final Draft of AP Midterm Essay p. 298; it is due Jan. 24 at 11:59 pm If done early, begin working on 10 grammar exercises Please return Walden books next week. You should highly consider taking words out of it for your definitions before you turn it in.

91 ENC 1102 P LANS FOR JANUARY 28 2014 Daily Objective: Understand the elements that create a classic Faulknerian Gothic story. Daily Assignments: Complete Peer Editing of “A Modest Proposal” Essay (1A in class; 3A and 4A in room 213) Read “A Rose for Emily” and discuss Write a story with a creepy ending; be ready to share with the class

92 ENC 1102 P LANS FOR JANUARY 30 2014 Daily Objective: To understand how sparse dialogue can still make an emotionally powerful story. Daily Assignments: Read “A Clean Well Lighted Place” and pick out three significant quotes on a character (w/ proper citations) and write a thesis on that character. With a partner, come up with a short story mostly told through dialogue

93 AP E NG L ANG P LANS FOR JANUARY 27/28 2014 Daily Objective: To understand how to improve grammar and usage errors in your writing. Daily Assignments: Turn in Reflection on Midterm assignment Complete peer editing of midterm exam essay (due Jan. 28 at 11:59 pm); Rm. 214 for 1B,2B,4A; Laptops for 3B Watch Coldplay’s “The Scientist” and analyze as an experienced rhetorician Continue working on grammar exercises in The Handbook for Writers We will continue watching The Last of the Mohicans next class period (A)/Friday (B)

94 A P ENG LANG P LANS FOR JANUARY 29 2014 Daily Objective: Understand how to write a comparison/contrast esay. Daily Assignments: Finish working on grammar exercises Go over New Yorker comparison/contrast cartoon Begin going over comparison/contrast essays and start group activity Note: We will write a comparison/contrast AP essay next week in class; it will be worth 100 points.

95 A P ENG LANG P LANS FOR J ANUARY 31 2014 Daily Objective: To understand and analyze a significant piece of early American literature. Daily Assignments: Finish watching The Last of the Mohicans

96 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR FEB. 3, 2014 Daily Objective: To understand how to analyze a short story. Daily Assignments: 1. Students should get a Literature book with the sailboat cover from the front of the room and read “A Good Man is Hard to Find” (on p.167-170). This should take them approximately 20 minutes. They should also read the articles about the story after they finish reading “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” 2. When finished, each student should do the following:  Write down four quotes from the story and explain why each quote is significant to a theme in the story.  Write down two quotes from one (or more) of the articles after the story and explain why each is significant to a theme in the story.  The explanation of each quote’s significance should be two sentences. 3. After this, students should get with a partner and write a story with a creepy or unexpected ending. It should take them approximately 15 minutes to do this. Students should turn in both assignments by the end of the period.

97 E NC 1102 AGENDA FOR FEB 5 Daily Objective: To understand how to analyze a short story. Daily Assignments: Assign short story analysis essay; we will work on rough draft on Friday; it will be due Friday at 11:59 pm (keep in mind some of you need to turn in your final draft of your Old School essay tonight by 11:59 pm) Read “The Yellow Wallpaper” and create your own wallpaper in your group If time, begin reading “The Rich Brother” Next Tuesday, we will take a test on the Short Stories we have covered so far. It will be worth 150 points. Review guide will be passed out on Friday. Note: For those of you who want to check out a green literature book or a sailboat book—I have a check-out list in the front of the room. You may keep these books you check out until your final exam. Next Thursday, you should bring in a food you love (that will serve 8- 10 people) or write a story about something/someone you love. We will be doing both Valentine’s Day and Anti-Valentine’s Day Activities that day.

98 E NC 1102 AGENDA FOR FEB 7 Daily Objective: To understand how to analyze a short story. Daily Assignments: Pass out review guide for next Tuesday’s test Remember you also should bring your British Literature book you will be reading independently; we will start reading it in-class on Tuesday Read “The Rich Brother” and discuss Work on rough draft of Short Story Analysis Essay; due tonight at 11:59 pm

99 A P ENG LANG AGENDA FOR FEB 4/5 2014 Daily Objective: Understand how to write a comparison/contrast essay. Daily Assignments: Finish working on grammar exercises Go over New Yorker comparison/contrast cartoon Begin going over comparison/contrast essays and start group activity Note: We will write a comparison/contrast AP essay next week in class; it will be worth 100 points.

100 A P ENG LANG AGENDA FOR FEB 6/7 Daily Objective: Understand how to write a comparison/contrast essay. Daily Assignments: Watch “The Scientist” Video; discuss Finish Comparison/Contrast activity Do AP MC Practice Next Wednesday/Thursday, you should bring in a food you love (that will serve 8-10 people) or write a story about something/someone you love. We will be doing both Valentine’s Day and Anti-Valentine’s Day Activities that day.

101 AP A GENDA FOR F EB. 10/11 Daily Objective: To successfully complete a comparison/contrast essay. Daily Assignments: Assign RLARS activities on p. 370a and 370b (bring in book every day starting on Mon/Tues) Write AP Essay #9: A Comparison/Contrast Rhetorical Analysis Essay Do AP MC Practice #11; come up with 3 mc questions with a-d before you do questions in book. Remember to bring a food you love next class period!

102 AP A GENDA FOR F EB. 12/13 Daily Objective: To understand that love is a powerful emotion and a total lie. Daily Assignments: Part I: Eat Food Part II: Do Group activities on Valentine’s and Anti- Valentine’s Day Part III: Write a circle story in a group

103 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR F EBRUARY 11 Daily Objective: To understand how to analyze a short story. Daily Assignments: Show me British novel Complete short story test (worth 150 points) Read independently your British novel for 15 minutes When finished, we will go to the computer lab and do peer editing (periods 1,2); period 3 will use lap tops Remember to bring a food you love next class period!

104 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR F EBRUARY 13 Daily Objective: To understand that love is a powerful emotion and a total lie. Daily Assignments: Read British novel for fifteen minutes, then Part I: Eat Food Part II: Do Group activities on Valentine’s and Anti- Valentine’s Day Part III: Write a circle story in a group

105 AP A GENDA FOR F EB. 17/18 Daily Objective: To appreciate American nonfiction through our reading of our RLARS book. Daily Assignments: Show me RLARS book and read it for 15 minutes Go over background on Great Depression and John Steinbeck Begin reading Of Mice and Men ; be sure to underline and annotate on EVERY PAGE something significant to analyzing DIDST or SOAPS. I will also collect your annotation when we are finished reading it. We will also complete an assignment after every chapter (called a “Gapfill”) and take an AP exam on it. Audio book found at (starting at 1:46): http://www.cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yt/watch?vi deoId=xe_nEaj-6K0 ) http://www.cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yt/watch?vi deoId=xe_nEaj-6K0

106 AP A GENDA FOR FEB 19/20 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in John Steinbeck’s writing. Daily Assignments: RLARS for 15 minutes Continue reading and annotating and doing gapfill exercises Of Mice and Men

107 A P AGENDA FOR FEB. 21/24 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in Sandra Cisneros’ writing Daily Assignments: RLARS for 15 minutes Continue reading and annotating Of Mice and Men

108 E NC 1102 AGENDA FOR FEB. 18 Daily Objective: To write an effective analysis on a short story. Daily Assignments: RLARS for half the class Work on final draft of Short Story Analysis Essay— due tonight by 11:59 pm for other half of class Note: Next class period, I will have you print off your rough draft and final draft to highlight the changes you made to the final. A paper that made a 7/10 or lower should have at least 20% highlighted.

109 E NC 1102 AGENDA FOR FEB. 20 Daily Objective: To successfully analyze poetry. Daily Assignments: Go to Freshman Foundation Lab 1A or 2A to print off rough/final draft; we will return to class to highlight the differences between them. (3A will use my computer) RLARS for fifteen minutes Begin poetry unit by reading: “Those Winter Sundays”—then write a poem about a childhood memory involving a relative “Ask Me”

110 AP A GENDA FOR F EB. 25/26 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in John Steinbeck’s writing Daily Assignments: RLARS for 15 minutes On a tiny slip of paper given to you, write down your favorite quote from dialogue from OMAM so far. Share your quote with at least three people and have them guess who said it and why it is significant. At the end, we will have everyone share their quote. Do Gapfill on Chapter 3 Continue reading and annotating Of Mice and Men

111 AP A GENDA FOR F EB. 27/28 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in John Steinbeck’s writing Daily Assignments: RLARS for 15 minutes On a tiny slip of paper given to you, write down your favorite descriptive sentence/s from OMAM so far. Share your description with at least three people and have them guess the literary techniques present. At the end, we will have everyone share their favorite descriptive quote. Finish reading and annotating Of Mice and Men AP Exam on Of Mice and Men will begin next week. One day we will do the Synthesis Essay and Rhetorical Analysis Essay. Another day we will do our Multiple Choice and Argument Essay. After we complete the exam, we will bring in a food from the Depression and complete a trial activity after we are done eating.

112 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR F EB. 24 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry through watching a film dedicated to the importance of it. Daily Assignments: Assign Literary Analysis Research Paper (p. 46) RLARS for the first fifteen minutes of class Begin watching Dead Poets Society Take Cornell Notes as you watch on EVERY LITERARY REFERENCE MENTIONED. State what is going on in the film and what is significant about that literary reference as well. We will also have a Socratic Seminar on Dead Poets Society when we have finished watching it.

113 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR F EB. 26 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry through watching a film dedicated to the importance of it. Daily Assignments: RLARS for the first fifteen minutes of class Finish watching Dead Poets Society and turn in Cornell Notes Read the following poems: “Ask Me” “Doo Wop”—Write a serious or comic poem which contains no more than two words per line

114 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR F EB. 28 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry through watching a film dedicated to the importance of it. Daily Assignments: RLARS for the first fifteen minutes of class (and a reminder that Reading Log #2 is due tonight at 11:59 pm) Read article on Dead Poets Society; we will use this as the starting point for our Socratic Seminar on Dead Poets Society Continue reading poetry, including: “White Lies” “Dulce et Decorum Est” “Silence”—Write a poem that is told largely in quotations

115 AP A GENDA FOR M ARCH 3, 2014 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in John Steinbeck’s writing Daily Assignment: Pass back AP Essay #9 and discuss; go over Trial Activity for next class period p. 334 RLARS for 15 minutes With a group or on one’s own, participate in an Of Mice and Men Creative Performance, in which: You will choose one-two pages from the book to perform You will have a speaking part You will make props You will do all of this in approximately 30 minutes before the performances begin. Complete an artistic project (w/ a group or on one’s own) that is either a triptych, collage, or movie poster

116 AP A GENDA FOR M ARCH 5, 2014 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in John Steinbeck’s writing Daily Assignment: Put George Milton on trial for the death of Lennie Small; each person will have a part. If finished early, we will RLARS. Next period, we will write our synthesis and rhetorical analysis essay on Of Mice and Men.

117 AP A GENDA FOR M ARCH 7, 2014 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, culture, and themes present in John Steinbeck’s writing Daily Assignment: Complete a synthesis and rhetorical analysis essay on Of Mice and Men. Next class period: Multiple Choice and Argument essay will be completed.

118 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR M ARCH 3, 2014 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s own poems after the works of significant poets Daily Assignment: Read “Grass” Read “Dog Haiku” and write a haiku Read “Jabberwocky” and write a poem filled with nonsense words RLARS for the remainder of class

119 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR M ARCH 5, 2014 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s own poems after the works of significant poets Daily Assignment: Read the poetry of William Blake—write dual poems on the same subject; one from a child’s perspective and one from an adult’s Read “She Walks in Beauty” Read “Ozymandias” Read “To a Mouse” RLARS for the remainder of class

120 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR M ARCH 7, 2014 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s own poems after the works of significant poets Daily Assignment: Read “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (will take a while); you will write a modern parody of two stanzas in the same style; you will have a short quiz on this when everyone is finished reading it RLARS (until everyone is done with Mariner) Read “next to of course god america i”—write a poem with no capitalization or punctuation

121 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR M ARCH 10 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s poems after the works of significant poets. Daily Assignment: RLARS for 15 minutes (I will be writing down book you are reading as you read today so I can make sure I have a quiz written on your book) Get green book, then: Read “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and write “The Rhyme of the Second Semester Senior” Read “She Walks in Beauty,” “Ozymandias,” and “To a Mouse”; write a poem using dialect or slang similar to “To a Mouse”

122 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR M ARCH 12 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s poems after the works of significant poets. Daily Assignments: RLARS for 15 minutes Read “next to of course god america i” and write a poem with no capitalization and punctuation Read “The Fish,” “Metaphors,” and “Turtle”; write a poem told in metaphors with clues about the subject Read “Recital,” “The Hippopotamus,” and “We Real Cool”; write a poem focusing on the concept of sounds or rhythm You will choose one of the choices present today to write a poem; we will have another “POEM BATTLE” today—but this time anyone who wants to share their poem can share it.

123 ENC 1102 A GENDA FOR M ARCH 14 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s poems after the works of significant poets. Daily Assignments: Assign Poem Analysis essay (p. 32) RLARS for 15 minutes Read “Richard Cory,” “Ballad of Birmingham,” and “The Times They Are a-Changin” Create a Song Presentation in a group; share it with two other groups by the end of the period Remember your quiz on your RLARS book will be March 25; your notebook is also due that same day; your favorite journal for this nine weeks will be due the Friday we return from Spring Break to the Discussion Board of www.turnitin.com

124 AP A GENDA FOR M ARCH 10/11 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, cultures, and themes present in John Steinbeck’s work. Daily Assignments: Write rhetorical analysis and synthesis essay on Of Mice and Men ; as you turn it in, please also write down the book you are reading for RLARS so I can be sure to have a quiz on your individual book (You will take the quiz on March 25/26—which is obviously after Spring Break) Next period, you will do the multiple choice and argument essay; be sure to bring your copy of Of Mice and Men

125 AP A GENDA FOR M ARCH 12/13 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, cultures, and themes present in John Steinbeck’s work. Daily Assignments: Complete MC and Argument Essay on Of Mice and Men; turn in annotated copy of your book when finished as well Remember your quiz on your RLARS book will be March 25/26; your notebook will also be due that same day; your favorite JQ for this nine weeks will be due the Friday we return from Spring Break to the Discussion Board of www.turnitin.com

126 AP A GENDA FOR M ARCH 14 Daily Objective: To appreciate the language, cultures, and themes present in John Steinbeck’s work. Daily Assignments: Complete Art Assignment on Of Mice and Men RLARS when finished

127 E NC 1102 AGENDA FOR MARCH 25 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s poems after the works of significant poems. To appreciate great works of British literature by reading and analyzing a novel on our own. Daily Assignments: Turn in notebook Quiz on your British Literature book Work on your project on your British Literature book when finished (p. 39); it is due at BEGINNING of period next class. Remember to bring in a FOOD SOMEHOW RELATED TO YOUR BOOK next class period as well (or a story about the kind of food someone in your book ate/would eat that is 350-500 words)

128 E NC 1102 AGENDA FOR MARCH 27 Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s poems after the works of significant poems. To appreciate great works of British literature by reading and analyzing a novel on our own. Daily Assignments: Share how food relates to book and then put it on table Share project Participate in our Book Talk as we eat food and discuss books in a civilized manner Remember next period we will work on the rough draft of our poem analysis

129 A P AGENDA FOR MARCH 24 (B D AY ) Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. Daily Assignments: RLARS for part of class(I will verify book you are reading) Work on Great Test Makers are Great Test Takers Assignment (due April 2) using my laptops if finished with book; remember you must cover the ENTIRE book in MC questions; template is on my website Work on Project on RLARS book on p. 370b (due March 28) Remember your notebook is due next class period AND your quiz on your book is next class period!

130 A P AGENDA FOR MARCH 25/26 Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. Daily Assignments: Turn in notebook Quiz on RLARS book When finished with quiz, work on: Great Test Makers Are Great Test Takers (due April 2) in Rm. 213 RLARS Project on p. 370b (due at the BEGINNING of next class period)

131 A P AGENDA FOR MARCH 27/28 Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. Daily Assignments: Share project on RLARS book Work on Great Test Makers Are Great Test Takers Assignment in Rm. 213 (this will be our last in-class time on this) Remember to bring in a food related to your book (or a story about the kind of food someone in your book ate/would eat that is 350-500 words) on April 2/3

132 AP A GENDA FOR M ARCH 31/ APRIL 1 Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. Daily Assignment: Pass back OMAM exam; go over sample essays Complete Reflection on Of Mice and Men exam using template on my website in Rm. 214 during 4A, 1B, 2B (3B uses my laptops); due April 1 at 11:59 pm to turnitin.com Remember to bring in a food related to your book (or a story about the kind of food someone in your book ate/would eat that is 350-500 words) next class period for our Book Talk

133 AP A GENDA FOR APRIL 2/3 Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. Daily Assignment: Share how food is related to book Read samples from Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanack and his Autobiography as you eat Participate in Book Talk As you finish Book Talk, in your group create a Life’s Little Instruction Book according to p. 380a; you will share your best advice when finished

134 AP A GENDA FOR A PRIL 4/7 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. Daily Assignments: Read “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”; discuss; do questions Read Patrick Henry’s “Speech to the Virginia Convention”; discuss; do questions Assign Persuasive Speech; due April 21(A)/April 22(B) Warning: We will taken ANOTHER “REAL” AP EXAM on April 10/11 (Synthesis and Rhetorical Essay) and April 14/15 (MC and Argument Essay) on American Revolutionary Writings. It will be worth 200 points. It will be partially on nonfiction readings we have covered in- class or on topics covered in class. It will be challenging.

135 AP A GENDA FOR A PRIL 8/9 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. Daily Assignments: Read Thomas Paine’s “The Crisis” and do questions; discuss Read excerpts from Of Plymouth Plantation ; discuss Read Dave Barry’s take on the American Constitution from Hits Below the Beltway; in a group come up with 10 Other Amendments you would add to the Constitution; be ready to share your best ones! Remember next class period we will begin another AP Exam on American Revolutionary Writings.

136 AP A GENDA FOR APRIL 10/11 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. Daily Assignments: Write Synthesis and Rhetorical Analysis Essay on American Revolutionary Writings

137 AP AGENDA FOR APRIL 14/15 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. Daily Assignments: Write Argument Essay and complete MC questions on American Revolutionary Writings Next class period, we will register in the Smith Center for the AP exam; we will also do research on our Persuasive Speech, which will be presented on April 21/22.

138 AP AGENDA FOR APRIL 16/17 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. Daily Assignments: Register for the AP Exam in the Smith Center Work on persuasive speech in Rm. 213; it is presented next class period; transcript of speech is due to turnitin BY THE TIME CLASS STARTS

139 AP AGENDA FOR APRIL 21/22 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. Daily Assignments: Present Persuasive Speeches; turn in transcript when finished

140 AP AGENDA FOR APRIL 23/24 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. Daily Assignments: If necessary, finish persuasive speeches Pass back AP Exam on American Revolutionary Writings We will then have some people using laptops and some people doing work in the guidebook. This is your assignment for the rest of the period: Work on Reflection of AP Exam on American Revolutionary Writings (on p. 390a and 390b) and Emerson Quoting Activity (p. 307-); turn in by end of period Write final draft of essay using my laptops (labs not available due to FCAT); due April 25 at 11:59 pm

141 AP A GENDA FOR APRIL 25/28 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of American writers who wrote in the 1800s. Daily Assignments: Pass out literary terms to be covered in May 1 st /2 nd Literary Terms Quiz #2 (will do skit activity to review before then); Pass out illustrations of literary terms from 1 st semester (which never came in until way after your took your quiz) Read excerpts from Ralph Waldo Emerson on p. 240-248 You will then be broken up into groups to cover a concept to present to the class, such as diction, imagery, argumentative techniques, etc. A leader from each group will present why your technique was so strong in the middle during a “EMERSON BATTLE”; we will then decide which group was most persuasive When finished, watch clip to Alive Inside We will work on our Emersonian/Thoreauvian Song Presentation using laptops in the same groups (p. 432)

142 AP AGENDA FOR APRIL 29/30 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of American writers who wrote in the 1800s. Daily Assignments: In a group, create analysis questions on an Early English Language passage (instructions on p. 433) and post it to turnitin When finished, make two copies of it. Trade with another group and answer the other group’s questions. If time, trade with a second group and do the activity again.

143 AP AGENDA FOR MAY 1/2 Daily Objective: To work on skills to ensure success on May 9 th ’s AP Exam. Daily Assignments: Create skit on literary terms you have been assigned and present it to the class; this will aid you in studying for next class’ quiz Read sample essays from 1995-1998 and annotate; you will then be assigned to a group and brainstorm on how to respond to a few of them

144 AP A GENDA FOR M AY 5/6 Daily Objective: To work on skills to ensure success on May 9 th ’s AP Exam. Daily Assignments: Go over instructions for next class period’s Amazing Race Take Literary Terms Quiz #2 Pass out multiple choice passages to take home and study; answer key for passages is on p. 441a

145 AP A GENDA FOR M AY 7/8 Daily Objective: To work on skills to ensure success on May 9 th ’s AP Exam. Daily Assignments: Welcome to the 7 th Annual Amazing Race

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