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IOHANNES Fr. Randy Soto, SThD Kenrick Seminary. General Aspects Literary Genre Jesus’ life is presented as A drama with: Overture, Act I Interlude, Act.

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Presentation on theme: "IOHANNES Fr. Randy Soto, SThD Kenrick Seminary. General Aspects Literary Genre Jesus’ life is presented as A drama with: Overture, Act I Interlude, Act."— Presentation transcript:

1 IOHANNES Fr. Randy Soto, SThD Kenrick Seminary

2 General Aspects Literary Genre Jesus’ life is presented as A drama with: Overture, Act I Interlude, Act II, Epilogue Composition Date Terminus A quo 70 Terminus ad quem 90. Author The Beloved Disciple with some Glosa Symbol The Eagle

3 The Eagle’s Book

4 Overture The Word was God and Dwelt among us 1:1-18 Book of Signs 2-12 7 Seme,ia Interlude Plot against Jesus: The Hour has come 12:1-50 Book of Glory 13-20 7 Lo,gia Epilogue The Word is fulfilled The Risen Christ 21:1-25 Structure of the Eagle

5 Seven Signs and 7 Themes 7 Seme,ia 1st Semeion : Cana 2:1-12. 2nd Semeion : The Official’s Son 4:43-54. 3rd Semeion : The Cripple 5:1-47. 4th Semeion : Feeding 5000 6:1-15. 5th Semeion: Walking on Water 6:16-21. 6th Semeion: The Blind Man 9:1- 41. 7th Semeion: Resurrection of Lazarus 11:1-44. 7 Lo,gia 1 st Logion: on Service 13 2 nd Logion: on Salvation 14 3 rd Logion: on abiding 15 4 th Logion: On the Spirit 16 5 th Logion: on Prayer 17 6 th Logion: on the King 18-19 7 th Logion : on Faith 20-21

6 Overture 1:1-18 Perfect Chiasm (ABCC'B'A') A Logos 1:1-2 B Creation: Cosmos 1:3 C Light 1:4-5 C' Light 1:6-9 B‘ Creation 1:10-13 A' Logos 1:14-18

7 Book of Signs 1-11  Ministry of the Baptist 1:19-51.  1st Sign: Cana 2:1-12.  Prophetic Action: Temple Cleansing 2:13-25.  Discourse: Nicodemus 3:1-36.  Discourse: The Samaritan Woman 4:1-42.  2nd Sign: The Official’s Son 4:43-54.  3rd Sign: The Cripple 5:1-47.  4th Sign: Feeding 5000 6:1-15.  5th Sign: Walking on Water 6:16-21.  Discourse: Bread of Life 6:22-71.  Feast of Tabernacles 7:1-52.  Prophetic Action: Adulterous Woman 7:53-8:11.  Discourse: I Am 8:12-47.  6th Sign: The Blind Man 9:1-41.  Discourse: The Good Shepherd 10:1-42  7th Sign: Resurrection of Lazarus 11:1-44.

8 Interlude 12 Final preparations for the hour of death and glory (12:1-36) Jesus is anointed for burial at Bethany (12:1-8) The Jewish leaders plot to kill Lazarus (12:9-11) Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (12:12-19) The coming of the (Greeks) :: The Hour has Come (12:20-26) Jesus predicts his upcoming death by crucifixion (12:27-36) Conclusion to the Book of Signs (12:37-50) The response to Jesus by his own people (12:37-43) Jesus summarizes his mission and message (12:44-50)

9 Book of Glory 13-20  The last Supper, washing of feet and betrayal 13:1-30.  1st Logion: on Service 13  Jesus announces his last hour 13:31-14:31.  2nd Logion: on Salvation 14  Discourse: I am the Vine 15:1-4.  3rd Logion: on abiding 15  The Promise of the Paraclete 16:5-33.  4th Logion: On the Spirit 16  Jesus Priestly Prayer 17:1-26.  5th Logion: on Prayer 17  The Passion Narrative 18:1-19:42.  6th Logion: on the King 18-19  The Sign: The Resurrection 20:1-29.  7th Logion: on Faith 20-21

10 Epilogue 21 Further Apparitions of Jesus (21:1-25) Apparition to the disciples at the Sea of Galilee (21:1-14) Jesus speaks to Peter about his ministry (21:15-23) Jesus restores Peter and commissions him (21:15-17) Jesus tells Peter of his future: the Cross (21:18-23) The Conclusion to the Gospel (21:24-25)

11 Looks of the Eagle  Purpose  That all may see believe that Jesus is:  1. The Christ: Messiah  2. The King,  3. The giver of the Spirit,  4. Son of Living One  5. Preexistent  6. Savior  7. God himself  Style  Koiné Greek.  Greek is correct but poor in vocabulary  Very Repetitive.  Loves direct discourse.  Historical Present; parataxis kai,  It reflects a lot of contemplation.  John penetrates through Jesus’ Heart the Heavenly dwelling.

12 Thoughts of the Eagle Theological Scene  1. Since the Prologue, John introduces the flesh of Jesus as his Locus Theologicus: «And the Word was made Flesh» 1:14  2. The «I am» sayings develop this theme throughout the Gospel:  I am the way; the Truth; the Life; the Vine; the Door; the Good Shepherd, the Light, the Living Water; the Bread of life; the King; the Resurrection, etc

13 The Eagle’s Water Motif u[dwr water appears 78 times in the NT; 7 times in Mt 5 times in Mk 6 times in Lk 23 times in Jo 1:26,31,33 2:7,9(2x) 3:5,23 4:7,10,11,13,14(3x),15,46 5:4(2x),7 7:38, 13:5 19:34

14 The Eagle’s Light Motif Fw/j light appears 73 in the NT 7 times in Mt 1 time in Mk 7 times in Lk 23 times in John1:4,5,7,8(2x),9 3:19(2x),20(2x),21 5:35 8:12(2x) 9:5 11:9,10 12:35(2x),36(3x),46

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