BUSINESS is CHANGING in 21 st century Trend 1: moving from ownership to accessing experience ebooks/ moives /music /zipcar. Trend 2: business as ‘un’usual.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS is CHANGING in 21 st century Trend 1: moving from ownership to accessing experience ebooks/ moives /music /zipcar. Trend 2: business as ‘un’usual."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSINESS is CHANGING in 21 st century Trend 1: moving from ownership to accessing experience ebooks/ moives /music /zipcar. Trend 2: business as ‘un’usual. power of the cloud & crowd /open source thinking Trend 3: digital fabrication high quality / small quantity / moderate to low cost

2 BUSINESS is CHANGING in 21 st century Trend 4: Rise of information sources media (hyperlocal  global), sensors, internet of things. Trend 5: Infinite computing cost of computing approaching zero

3 FUTURE OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Four Drivers of Operations Management Advancements in information technology (IT), Data driven organisations / better information / opportunities for efficiency / communication Globalization of markets, Hyper-competition / e-business (B2B & B2C) / shorter product lifecycles Decentralized operations, Organisation boundaries weakening / outsourcing & partnerships / virtual organisations Increased consciousness towards environmental concerns. Triple bottom line /

4 Advancements in information technology (IT), Technology in operational and production systems CAD/CAM Additive manufacturing ( 3-D printing) E business – customisation – JIT Nanomaterials

5 Globalization of markets, Emerging economies (China-India / BRICS /Africa ). Middle class emerging in China (250 million consumers) Bottom of the pyramid / products for the very poor of India (750 million consumers) Bottom of the pyramid 21 st century market features are:- Global, knowledge based, IT-driven, customised, cost competitive products & services

6 Decentralized operations, Supply Chain as competitive unit. Partnering with suppliers / vendor managed inventory /open boundaries Designing for global consumers / markets. NPD-NSD (new product design- new service design) ‘Servitisation’ of Operations ManagementServitisation’ Outsourcing of specialised aspects of OM / 3 rd party logistics

7 Increased consciousness towards environmental concerns. Whole Organisation has to become ‘greener’ Design for environment / Design for disassembly /reduce-re-use-recycle Global supply chains make this more important purchasing / production / distribution / packaging Business operations Lean / energy use / carbon footprint / waste as a resource.


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