This presentation is an example of how a presentation makeover happens at PPTguru … The next 5 slides are what came to us for a makeover Going forward.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation is an example of how a presentation makeover happens at PPTguru … The next 5 slides are what came to us for a makeover Going forward."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation is an example of how a presentation makeover happens at PPTguru … The next 5 slides are what came to us for a makeover Going forward you will see how we transformed the presentation

2 Everything Starts with Marketing Understanding customers’ needs is crucial to any business.

3 Marketing Elements Research Product Place Promotion Price Impact

4 Marketing Elements Research No product or service returns business until and unless customers NEED it. Extensive Research is a Prerequisite for a SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT Product The world keeps moving on. What was needed yesterday is backdated today. Tomorrow something NEW is Needed Place What I need should be available where I am!!! Marketing means products and services are SUPPLIED WHERE THEY ARE DEMANDED

5 Marketing Elements Promotion Communicate the right message to the right customers at right the time with the right tools for the right product by the right SPEAK your customers’ LANGUAGE Price Everyone wants to win. You can be successful if and only if your customers’ believe they will benefit with your product and/or service. PRICE is less than the VALUE you give Impact The efforts combine into business performance, the impact is SUCCESS

6 Thank You From the next slide is what It looks like after the makeover

7 EVERYTHING STARTS WITH MARKETING Understanding customers’ needs is crucial to any business.

8 Research Product Place Price Promotion Impact Elements of Marketing

9 Research Product Place Price Promotion Impact No product or service returns business until and unless customers NEED it!!! Extensive Research is a Prerequisite for a SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT

10 Research Product Place Price Promotion Impact The world keeps moving on. What was needed yesterday is backdated today. Tomorrow something NEW is Needed!!!

11 Research Product Place Price Promotion Impact What I need should be available where I am!!! Marketing means products and services are SUPPLIED WHERE THEY ARE DEMANDED!!!

12 Research Product Place Price Promotion Impact Communicate the right message to the right customers at right the time with the right tools for the right product by the right …. SPEAK your customers’ LANGUAGE

13 Research Product Place Price Promotion Impact Everyone wants to win. You can be successful if and only if your customers’ believe they will benefit with your product and/or service. PRICE is less than the VALUE you give!!!

14 Research Product Place Price Promotion Impact The efforts combine into business performance. The impact is … SUCCESS!!!

15 LET’S START WITH MARKETING Understanding customers’ needs is crucial to any business. Knowledge from: Patrick Dixon, Philip Kotler, and various Marketing Books and Articles.

16 And now the obvious: Follow us on FacebookFacebook Skype: Live: Phone: +88 017 1550 6023

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