FrontPage 2000 Web Page Database Connectivity. Client /Server Architecture Database Server PCs Middleware.

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Presentation on theme: "FrontPage 2000 Web Page Database Connectivity. Client /Server Architecture Database Server PCs Middleware."— Presentation transcript:

1 FrontPage 2000 Web Page Database Connectivity

2 Client /Server Architecture Database Server PCs Middleware

3 Web Client/Server Architecture Client Web Browser HTTP Server INTERNETINTRANET

4 Multi-Tier Client/Server Architecture Database Server Client Web Browser HTTP Server INTERNETINTRANET

5 Connecting Databases to Web Servers: Overview Three-Tier C/S Architecture CGI – Common Gateway Interface – C, Perl, VBScript, Delphi etc. ODBC - Pointer to DBMS ASP Example Database Connection Overview of FrontPage2000





10 ASP Code: Example <% Set OBJdbConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") OBJdbConnection.Open "is4506","", "” strSQL = "INSERT INTO Students (FName, LName, Email) VALUES ('" & Request.Form("first") & "', '" & Request.Form("last") & "','" & Request.Form("email") & "')" OBJdbConnection.Execute(strSQL) OBJdbConnection.Close %>

11 Connecting Access 2000 Databases: Steps Install a personal web server and FrontPage 2000 –The personal web server can be installed using IIS software Build a web site –Design a home page, query pages, and other pages using an authoring tool such as FrontPage Connect the Access database with the web site Publish the web site Best info on database connection is FP2000 Help

12 Connect the Access Database with the Web Site Create new subdirectory under C:\InetPub\wwwroot\subdirectory Start FrontPage 2000 Create a new web (File/New/Web) and type in a subdirectory: –http:// /subdirectory or –C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\subdirectory Import the database to the new web (File/Import/Add File) –When asked if you want to create a new subdirectory fpdb for the database, say yes


14 Connect the Access Database With the Web Site (Cont’d) Create links on the home page to the database pages To view a table or query in your database, follow: –Insert/Database/Results/User an existing connection/select table or Query/ To create a new query using an existing table: –Use Wizard and select “More Options” To insert records –Insert/Form/One-Line Text box –Manually set parameter to hook to database file


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