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Advanced Microsoft Word Session 2: Mail Merge

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Microsoft Word Session 2: Mail Merge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Microsoft Word Session 2: Mail Merge
Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge Advanced Microsoft Word Session 2: Mail Merge Rich Malloy Tech Help Today

2 Question: How can you get people to read your business correspondence?
Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge Question: How can you get people to read your business correspondence? Personalize It

3 Question: How can you create 100 personalized letters in 10 minutes?
Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge Question: How can you create 100 personalized letters in 10 minutes? Mail Merge

4 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
Goal for this Session To learn how to perform a Mail Merge operation

5 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
Main Purpose: To create individualized letters (Form Letters) Also can be used for: messages Mailing lists Directories

6 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
Mail Merge Components Data Source Document Output Word table Form Letter Form Letters Excel table Mailing list template messages Outlook address list Directory template Mailing lists Database Directories

7 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
Mail Merge Components Data Source Document Output Word table Form Letter Form Letters Excel table Mailing list template messages Outlook address list Directory template Mailing lists Database Directories

8 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
Mail Merge Components Data Source Document Output Word table Form Letter Form Letters Excel table Mailing list template messages Outlook address list Directory template Mailing lists Database Directories

9 A Simple Data Source FirstName LastName Street CityZip LastSeen Jim
Smith 1 Main St. Ames, NY 10838 February Sue Jones 4 Broadway Bronx, NY 10467 January Tom Nevers 8 First St. Rye, NY 10676 November Note: First Row = Column Headers Called Field Names by database users

10 A Simple Main Document Note: Placeholders designated by «marks» indicate where data from Data Source will go

11 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
The Mail Merge Process «Name» Placeholder, or Merge Field Document «Name» Output Data Source Alan Barbara Charles

12 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
The Mail Merge Process «Name» «Name» Document Output Data Source Alan Barbara Charles

13 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
The Mail Merge Process Document «Name» Output Data Source Alan Barbara Charles

14 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
The Mail Merge Process «Name» «Name» Document Output Data Source Alan Barbara Charles

15 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
The Mail Merge Process Document «Name» Output Data Source Alan «Name» Barbara Charles

16 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
The Mail Merge Process «Name» «Name» Document Output Data Source Barbara Alan Charles

17 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
The Mail Merge Process Document «Name» Output Data Source Barbara Charles Alan

18 Question: What’s the easy way to set up a Mail Merge operation?
Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge Question: What’s the easy way to set up a Mail Merge operation? Use the Mail Merge Wizard Click Tools | Letters & Mailings | Mail Merge

19 Advanced Microsoft Word - Mail Merge
Review What kinds of documents can serve as a Mail Merge Data Source? What kinds of documents can serve as Main Documents?

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