Indonesia - The World’s Next Economic Power Chairul Tanjung Chairman of National Economic Committee (KEN) KOMITE EKONOMI NASIONAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA July.

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Presentation on theme: "Indonesia - The World’s Next Economic Power Chairul Tanjung Chairman of National Economic Committee (KEN) KOMITE EKONOMI NASIONAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA July."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indonesia - The World’s Next Economic Power Chairul Tanjung Chairman of National Economic Committee (KEN) KOMITE EKONOMI NASIONAL REPUBLIK INDONESIA July 2011

2 page 1  Indonesia Future Outlook  Key Economic Drivers

3 Looking to the long term, Indonesia will become a high income country page 2 GDP Nominal (US$ Billion) 711 4,2579,70616,578 Population (Million people) 237 PREPARATIONACCELERATIONCONTINUATION 6,7932,4161,33512,989 286319353302269253336 GDP Nominal per capita Indonesia becomes a high income country with GDP per capita USD 14,250-USD 15,500

4 Indonesia’s economic growth has far surpassed the projections of the Indonesia Forum Foundation page 3 Source: Indonesia Forum Foundation (Yayasan Indonesia Forum), team analysis Projected GDP per capita - Indonesia Vision 2030 Lower Middle Income Country Upper Middle Income Country High Income Country 199220152023 Indonesia Vision 2030 Economic Projection 2011 - 2045 GDP per capita reached US$3,005 in 2010

5 IMF projects Indonesia to achieve the second fastest growth amongst the world’s 18 largest economies during 2009-2015 page 4 Source:International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2011 GPD Nominal Growth (2009 – 2015) Indonesia Russia China India Brazil Turkey South Korea Japan USA ASEAN (excl. Indonesia)

6 Indonesia’s economy will become more dominant in ASEAN and larger than several countries in Europe page 5 Source:International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2011; Proyeksi Ekonomi Indonesia 2011 – 2045; Analisa Tim Indonesia Economic Growth (nominal) (USD Billion) Indonesia’s economy as % of ASEAN-6 ASEAN (Total 11 Countries) 40%48%53% 38%46%52% Spain Netherlands 50%91%60% 91%165%105% European Countries: CAGR 14.5%

7 page 6  Indonesia Future Outlook  Key Economic Drivers

8 The increase of the productive population will fuel stable and rapid economic growth page 7 Expected Population Pyramid (2000–2020) MaleIndonesia–2000Female Population (in millions) MaleIndonesia–2020Female Population (in millions) Total (million) 205 254 Male (million) 102 127 Female (million) 102 127 Productive population (20–55 years old) 99 (48%) 132 (52%) Source: 2008 UNDP World Population Prospects

9 Natural Resources, Infrastructure and Consumers will also drive economic growth page 8  Based on 2010 GDP per capita (US$3,005), Indonesia has reached the critical threshold  rapid growth in consumption, discretionary and luxury spending Rise of Consumer Spending Power Consumer o Financial Services o Automotive o Retail o Tourism o etc. (as well as supporting sectors such as industry and construction) Natural Resources  Economic growth, including key emerging markets driving demand –Hard commodities, e.g. metals, oil, coal, etc. –Soft commodities, e.g. rubber, palm oil, etc.  Continued development of infrastructure: transportation, energy, communications, water & waste, etc. Infrastructure

10 This economic growth is also supported by conducive national conditions page 9 Political Environment Resilient Financial System  Maturing democracy  Regional autonomy  Supportive regulations  balanced open markets  Strengthening institutions  Government debt and foreign reserves at healthy levels  Improving investment climate  Indonesian banks performed well during global crisis Increasingly integrated networks  Regional – improving efficiency of domestic production and distribution chains  Global – geographic position provides excellent access to India, China, Japan, etc.

11 Indonesia has entered the Golden Era of economic growth  huge opportunities for businesses page 10 711 3,546 20102025  Indonesian economy will grow 5-fold through 2025  The stable government combined with strong economic growth will provide great opportunities for all businesses  Currently China already has 115 people in Fortune's list of World Billionaires, while Indonesia has only 14 people. By 2025, the number of Indonesian billionaires could surpass 115 4,257 Projection of Indonesia’s GDP Growth in 2025 (USD Billion) Source: Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Indonesia

12 Closing page 11  Indonesia’s is expected to continues its strong performance  This robust growth is driven by favorable demographics, strong natural resources and consumer sectors and developing infrastructure, as well as broad based geographic growth  Indonesia is moving forward to address challenges in funding, infrastructure, bureaucracy, human resources, and technology  Indonesia’s economy is projected to grow 5-fold by 2025, thereby making Indonesia the world’s next economic power

13 Thank You Chairul Tanjung Chairman of National Economic Committee (KEN)

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