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THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION More branches of the Christian Church.

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2 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION More branches of the Christian Church

3 Reformers l Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Ulrich Von Hutten, Thomas Muntzer, Menno Simons, Philip Melancthon, John Knox, Heinrich Bullinger, Schwenckfeld Von Ossig, John Wesley l Baptist, Congregationalist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Quaker/Society of Friends, Methodist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Church of God, Pentecostal, Anglican, Assembly of God, Church of the Nazarene, Church of the Brethren, Church of Christ, non- denominational, more…..

4 The Reformation begins l Martin Luther (monk) wrestled with how can one atone for sins by own actions. l Intense study of Scripture brought questions of many Catholic practices l Apostle Paul and Augustine- sins atoned for through salvation in Jesus despite sins of sinner l 1517- he invites university community to debate the issues by the customary nailing of theses to the University of Wittenberg door (95 in his case) l June 15, 1520 Pope excommunicated Luther

5 The Roman Catholic Church Position l Buy indulgences, relics, masses for the dead, pilgrimages, spiritual merit by donating. l Sins atoned for by own actions. l When sin: repent and confess to priest. l Penance, purchase indulgences. l Good works

6 LUTHER l God, through Jesus, offered salvation to sinners in spite of their sin. l Salvation comes from faith in Christ by the grace of God. l Justification results in good works for the true Christian. l “Priesthood of all believer” l Sacred rites- way of nourishing faith instituted by Jesus.

7 PROTESTANT REFORMATION l ROMAN CATHOLIC l No meat during lent, veneration of relics and saints, pilgrimages, celibacy for monks l Jesus’ body and blood in sacrament l Masses for dead and confession of sins to a priest. l ZWINGLI l Rejected practices not mentioned in Bible. l Lord’s Supper only a memorial, no mystical presence of Jesus. l ? masses for dead and confessing to priest instead God.

8 Protestant Reformation l ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH l People do not know who is to be saved. (Anti-predestination)

9 Protestant Reformation l CALVIN l Salvation by faith alone, exclusive authority of the Bible, priesthood of all believers. l Predestination- God all ready destined peoples lives, response to him-to salvation, or eternal punishment. l Only God knows who is saved/to be saved. (3 signs) l Church discipline.

10 Characteristics that somewhat distinguish Protestant from Catholic/Orthodox l C/O emphasize: l authority of Church. l mediation of God’s grace through the church. l priests act as vehicles of God’s grace. l P emphasize: l authority of Bible. l individual relationship with Jesus. l ministers role is to preach and build the Christian community.

11 Council of Trent: Catholicism Clarifies its Position l Moral reform among clergy. l Tighten church administration. l Recognize officially the Pope as absolute authority- vicar of God. l Original sin. l Good works. l Transubstantiation- body and blood of Christ. l Jesuits and others form

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