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San Francisco, CA May 30-June 2, 2013 Jennifer Watkins, MN State President, CTR.

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Presentation on theme: "San Francisco, CA May 30-June 2, 2013 Jennifer Watkins, MN State President, CTR."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Francisco, CA May 30-June 2, 2013 Jennifer Watkins, MN State President, CTR

2  Job Task Analysis every 5-7 years  Last one 2004  Hourly wage increased from $47,968 in 2005 to $62,232 in 2012  29.7% Change!

3  s4.4 and 4.5  Measures in Development  GI: At least 15 RLN are pathologically examined following resection for gastric cancer.  Lung: LN resction in non-small cell lung ca  Gynecologic Oncology: Measure workgroup being formed

4  Critical steps to Collaboration  Develop a common understanding of Purpose, Terminology & External Requirements  Routine Meetings  Joint participation on quality improvement initiatives.

5  Use outside tools to compare your facility with others  website   DATA IS POWER!

6  Use the NCCN Guidelines  We can help the clinician by;  Making Staging Card, laminate and give to doctors  When sending tx request put, “This pt is part of Clinical Study”, “1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd Request….” Essentially any cases we are doing can be considered a clinical study because data is used for statistics

7  When making presentation slide or charts for information request add the following under the title “Prepared by the Tumor Registry Staff” Letting them know we are THERE and this is where they can get this information! “If You Prepare It. It will be Used!” Share your data with Finance Department

8  476 Accredited Centers  173 Centers in Process

9  S 1.3- Evaluation and Management guidelines  S 2.3- Breast Conservation  S 2.8- Diagnostic Imaging  S 2.12- Radiation oncology

10  S 2.15- Support and Rehabilitation  S 3.2- Clinical Trail Accrual  S 5.1- Breast Center Staff Education

11  Required for Compliance in 2014  S 2.7- Pathology Reports  S 6.1- Quality and Outcomes  Still on Hold S 6.2- Quality Improvement Requires data collection Committee met on April 10, 2013

12  Staff Retention/Recruitment  Financial compensation  Health Benefits  Flexible work arrangement to promote good work/life balance  Rewards and Recognition Programs  Availability to work Remotely

13  Advantages of Working Remotely  No commute  Greater work/life balance for employees  Less expenses required  Greater productivity due to less interruptions  Happier employees which means a greater retention of high quality staff

14  QOPI: Quality Oncology Practice Initiative  A set of measures geared for the outpatient chemotherapy clinic or practice, designed as a tool for performance improvement  Important because they help with Quality and Career Development!  You can look online for 100+ ideas for studies, put it up at Cancer Committee and let them pick.

15  Institute of Medicine recommends each cancer pt receive a tx summary and surviorship care plan (TS/SCP)  Colorado Central Cancer Registry did a pilot program which used cancer registry data to pre-populate TS/SCPs

16  Templates developed for breast and colorectal cancers  Web-based Module developed; which connects oncology providers to pre- populated, interactive templates.

17  2015 Implementation of Treatment Summary & Survivorship Care Plan  WEBPLUS is a good tool  Purpose: Find areas of improvement for both web-based application and templates  17 Plans developed---13 delivered---9 patients interviewed and 6 nurses interviewed  Nurses loved it!  100% of Patients would recommend it!

18  Meaningful use is using certified HER technology to:  Improve population and public health  Use of certified HER technology for electronic exchange of health information to improve quality of health care, example E-prescribing

19  CS Education website has the built in Youtube videos so you can still see them even if your place of work has strict Firewalls!  Stage Coach on Youtube; Canswer Forum questions, youtube style!  Use to find answers!!  Go to AJCC Channel

20  Benefits include:  Allows expedited data entry  Enables accredited cancer programs to report data on pt’s concurrently  Provides hospitals timely notification of treatment expectations

21  Alexander Von Winiwarter (1848-1916)  Arguably the First Cancer Statistician Studied records and outcomes of 548 cancer pts treated by famous German surgeon, Theodor Billroth between 1867 and 1976 Published “Statistics of Carcinoma in 1878. Credited with idea of classifying tumors by their site of origin Developed the concept cure rate by years and, indeed, that cure was possible Probably responsible for establishing 5 year survival as the measure of curability

22  NCRA Annual Conference 2013 Manual  Conference Proceedings THANK YOU!! I hope you enjoyed this recap of what I learned. My hope is that some of this will help you in your profession! ~Jennifer Watkins, CTR MN State President

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