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Miscarriage, Abortion and ectopic pregnancy

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Presentation on theme: "Miscarriage, Abortion and ectopic pregnancy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miscarriage, Abortion and ectopic pregnancy
Definitions Causes Pathophysiology Differential diagnosis Treatment Prevention

2 Miscarriage Spontaneous loss of viability before 24 weeks gestation
Definitions Causes Pathophysiology Differential diagnosis Treatment Prevention Spontaneous loss of viability before 24 weeks gestation

3 Miscarriage Extragenital Genital Definitions Immunological Causes
Pathophysiology Differential diagnosis Treatment Prevention Extragenital Immunological Endocrine Infection Environmental Genital Malformation Fibroid Cervical insufficiency

4 Miscarriage Threatening miscarriage Incomplete abortion
Definitions Causes Pathophysiology Differential diagnosis Treatment Prevention Threatening miscarriage Subchorial haemorrhage, cramps, bleeding, closed cervix Incomplete abortion Passing products of conception, cervix opened Complete abortion Spontenously emptied uterus

5 Miscarriage Definitions Causes Pathophysiology Differential diagnosis Treatment Prevention Evacuation of retained products of conception unless uterus is emptied spontaneously Rhesus check Culture & sensitivity + antibiotics if infectious origin suspected Special investigations if recurrent (thrombophilia, LA, immunology, TORCH, karyotyping)

6 Miscarriage Family planning Preconceptual advice and support
Definitions Causes Pathophysiology Differential diagnosis Treatment Prevention Family planning Preconceptual advice and support Periconceptional vitamin supplementation Special considerations in recurrent losses (elimination or suppression of causes) i.e. Aspirin, LMWH

7 Abortion Definitions Types and methods Artificial termination of a pregnancy before 24 weeks gestation

8 Abortion Definitions Types and methods Mifepriston (RU486) Misoprostol
Sulproston cx-ripening Hygroscopic cx-dilators Oxytocin-drip

9 Ectopic pregnancy Definition Implantation outside the uterine cavity
Symptoms Amenorrhoea, pain, bleeding Causes Impaired tubal function Differential diagnostics Vital signs, cx-excitation,b-hCG, US, LSC Treatment Elimination of bleeding source + pregnancy (LSC surgery, methotrexate) Prevention =prevention of PID (barrier contraception, POP, OAC)

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