The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program (TIST) 4 Years - Visible Results December 1, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program (TIST) 4 Years - Visible Results December 1, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program (TIST) 4 Years - Visible Results December 1, 2003

2 Present Reality: Deforested Land

3 Degraded Soil

4 Rampant Disease, Drought, and Famine Malaria Cholera Tuberculosis HIV/AIDS Malnutrition

5 Living In Desolation - Tanzania

6 Living In Desolation - India

7 TIST Participants -- Choosing Change

8 TIST’s Best Practices Make a Difference Confidence and Empowerment GhG: Long Term Income Beyond Sustainable Development

9 Confidence and Empowerment Small Groups developed the TIST program Small Groups implement TIST program Small Groups work to change behavior and improve their lives Small Groups are encouraged by visible results of their efforts Small Groups encourage and train others

10 TIST Groups -- Going Beyond Sustainable Development Small Groups develop best practices Small Groups disseminate best practices Small Groups invest today in: –Reforestation –Conservation farming –Soil enrichment –Improved health, education, information, etc. Small Groups –Meet their needs today, AND –Improve the ability of later generations to meet theirs!

11 Greenhouse Gas Income TIST Small Group activities sequester carbon in trees and improved soil TIST Quantifiers verify, measure and monitor carbon sequestration CAAC creates the electronic “infrastructure” CAAC negotiates with purchasers to deliver long term revenue streams to Small Groups GhG sales = Small Group Income

12 Small Groups Prepare Nurseries Gather seeds from local trees Make seedbeds of soil and compost Select best methods depending on species Tend and water during dry season

13 Thousands of Seedlings

14 Tens of Thousands of Seedlings

15 Tanzanian Groups - ready to plant

16 Indian Groups - ready to plant

17 Groups - prepare land for trees

18 Plant and tend young trees

19 1 year old tree

20 2 year old trees

21 3 year old trees

22 Trees now line paths

23 Trees now shade houses

24 Transforming the landscape…

25 Back to Forest

26 Improving agriculture saves lives TIST helps improve participants’ diets.. TIST has doubled crop yields A balanced diet of several small meals each day improves HIV/AIDS survival and overall health

27 Good Harvest = Better Diet

28 Better Diet = Better Health

29 TIST - Developing Best Practices Best Practices are developed by Small Groups Newsletters, seminars, trainings disseminate best practices In 4 years -- dramatic innovation and improvement

30 Innovation: Cattle destroy trees and ground cover

31 Innovation: Solutions to land tenure, infrastructure

32 Innovation: Solutions to Eroded Soil Dig Holes “Harvest Water” So Trees and Crops Can Grow

33 Program Improvement: Declining Cost/Tree

34 Growth Accelerating: Groups joining TIST

35 TIST Website: Transparent, Current Information

36 TIST 4 Years 17,000 Participants Visible Results

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