VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 1 Vermont Medicaid EHR Incentive Payment Program MAPIR Launch Update Program Status Meaningful Use.

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Presentation on theme: "VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 1 Vermont Medicaid EHR Incentive Payment Program MAPIR Launch Update Program Status Meaningful Use."— Presentation transcript:

1 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 1 Vermont Medicaid EHR Incentive Payment Program MAPIR Launch Update Program Status Meaningful Use Plans December 15, 2011

2 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 2 Today’s agenda Vermont’s Incentive Payment Program Preliminary comments MAPIR launch and EHRIP program update Medical Assistance Provider Information Repository By the numbers, and the dates Experience and issues to date Next milestone: Meaningful Use Q&A

3 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 3 Preliminary Comments Funding and payment delays explained “Show us the money!” Payment processing through year-end Income tax considerations Supporting the program - staffing Thoughts on working together

4 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 4 EHRIP Update – Dates and Numbers AIU (Adopt/Implement/Upgrade) Attestations began on October 17 To date: 273 Providers have accessed MAPIR 119 Not started 17 Incomplete 93 Pended for Review 32 Payment Approved 3 Denied 9 Cancelled (Inactive)

5 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 5 EHRIP Update – Payments Approved to date: $2,333,022 (one hospital; 31 eligible professionals) Pending approval $3,638,496 (two hospitals; 91 eligible professionals) Potential year end payout: $5,971,518 (3 hospitals; 122 eligible professionals)

6 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 6 EHRIP Update – Grace Period Eligible providers have a grace period during which they can still apply for a 2011 payment year A/I/U incentive payment For Eligible Providers the grace period is 60 days following the end of the year, February 29, 2012 For Hospitals the grace period is 90 days following the end of the Federal Fiscal Year which ended September 30, 2011 December 29, 2011

7 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 7 Beyond AIU – Meaningful Use Planning Meaningful Use Reporting Criteria: 2 nd payment year: Meaningful Use Stage 1; 90 day EHR Reporting 3 rd payment year: Meaningful Use Stage 1; full year EHR Reporting 4 th payment year: Meaningful Use Stage 2; full year EHR Reporting Some of this may change with CMS updates

8 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 8 Beyond AIU – Meaningful Use Planning Things you will need for Meaningful Use attestation (eligible professionals): A 90-day period from the previous calendar year used to demonstrate your Medicaid and/or Needy Individual patient encounter volume; A 90-day EHR reporting period from the payment year (e.g., from 2012 for a 2012 payment) from which Meaningful Use measures are taken

9 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 9 Beyond AIU – Meaningful Use Planning Vermont’s preparation for Meaningful Use attestation: Software update to the MAPIR system to support Meaningful Use Attestation (June 2012) Manuals under development for Hospitals and Eligible Professionals Webinars to walk through the screens and the process Testing (with some volunteer providers?)

10 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 10 EHRIP Update – Future Topics Auditing the EHRIP program Develop Audit program, procedures and process Implement the audit function Ongoing oversight of the EHRIP attestations and payments Valid sampling of providers to review data submissions Addressing multi-year issues Tracking providers through the EHRIP process from year to year Payment accumulations Provider movement from Group to Group Provider migrations in and out of the State

11 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 11 EHRIP Update - Issues Provider Access to MAPIR Provider relationships with Payee and Groups Providing a complete set of NPIs to validate encounter data

12 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 12 Contact Information Terry Bequette Assoc. State HIT Coordinator Department of Vermont Health Access 289 Hurricane Lane Williston VT 05495 802.879.5996 Paul Forlenza Vice President, Policy and Special Projects Vermont Information Technology Leaders, Inc. Vermont’s Regional Extension Center 144 Main Street, Suite 1 Montpelier VT 05602 802.839.1942 Carol Kulczyk Director of Program Implementation Vermont Information Technology Leaders, Inc. Vermont’s Regional Extension Center 144 Main Street, Suite 1 Montpelier VT 05602 802.839.1957 FIRST CHOICE: Send Email query to Call the MAPIR support line: 802.879.2377 (leave a message; this line is monitored several times a day)

13 VITL Meaningful Use Webinar - 12/15/2011 - Bequette 13 Questions?

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