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1 Survey Training Presented by: Ray Crawford Analyze Data and Develop Action Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Survey Training Presented by: Ray Crawford Analyze Data and Develop Action Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Survey Training Presented by: Ray Crawford Analyze Data and Develop Action Plan

2 2 Agenda Types of Analysis Sample Action Plans Next Steps (What’s Next) Café Feedback

3 3 Top 3 topics you would like to see: Pre-designed surveys (with the ability to add questions if you choose). Survey Analysis Examples: Bar

4 4 Example of Survey Analysis: Line Education & Training Interests Survey Importance of Benefits (scale of 1-10)

5 5 Example of Survey Analysis: Pareto * Only 2.7% responded ‘Don’t Know’ Current: Quality Training Opportunities 70.0% 51.6% 41.0% 33.6% 13.8% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% Outside Courses & Reimbursed Quality Professional from inside trains others Formal Training Department Contract with outside providers Outside Courses & Not Reimbursed

6 6 Example: 3 Dimensional Analysis

7 7 Example of Survey Analysis: Pie Overall Length of ASQ Membership 1-4 Years, 33.3% 20+ Years, 8.6% 5-10 Years, 23.4% <1 year, 14.0% Not a Member, 0.7% 11-20 Years, 18.9%

8 8 Section Survey Analysis What do you like? What do you not like? How can we provide additional value to you? What did they learn? ASQ South Florida Section 1510

9 9 Section Survey Groups Team A –No follow-up with attendees after events, presentations, or other events, no outreach; and no communication with non-active members Team B –Quality of speakers and topics Team C –Wide geographic area of coverage/time constraints in traveling to meetings Team D –Lack of use of technology and media

10 10 Action Implemented Team A –Section Chair & Arrangement Chair will assist Membership Chair provided help with New Member lists –Cash bar added automatically to meeting with 30+ attendees (5 meetings) –Non-active member issues were not addressed by the section Team B –Topics expanded –Average attendance increased to 41 from 26; 2 meetings in the 20’s and one at 76

11 11 Action Implemented Team C –Joint network meeting held mid-way between Sections 1510 and 1515; established as annual event. –Joint network meeting established annually –Plant tour held mid-way 1510/1515 Team D –Improvements have not been completely implemented (meeting photos are updated regularly)

12 12 Division Case Studies Government Division ASQ Government Division Member Survey Summary of Results – January 2007 Section 1: Awareness, Use, Satisfaction of ASQ Government Division Programs and Services ProgramAwarenessUse*Satisfaction* Website 73%23%30% Webinars 80%37%30% Leadership Dialogues 43%16%15% Discussion Board 47%27%34% ListServ 31%17%12% Newsletter 78%73%41% * Use and Satisfaction scores calculated as top 2 boxes (4or5)

13 13 Survey Analysis Analysis & Implications Opportunity to improve awareness and utilization of existing programs ( i.e. need to implement Communications – Marketing Plan) Key area where we would like to see increased use are website, list serv and discussion boards. Content is critical (Web-site, tools, courses etc). Need to better focus content of program activities with interest priorities of members. Next Steps: Discussion of Implications –Current and future Government Division Planning and Operations Communication of Results and Response from Division Leadership –Need to respond by mid-February

14 14 Government Survey Action Plan Priorities for 2008-2009 Division Business Plan 1.Improve awareness and utilization of existing programs and services. 2. Content is critical – “build it and they will come” (i.e. Website, tools, courses etc). 3.Focus training and information for practical on the job use and professional development. 4.Need to better align content of program activities with interests and priorities of members. The Bottom Line: This effort to listen to the Voice of Customer has proven to be extremely helpful.

15 15 The Membership Discoveries ASQ Members vs. All Members Results

16 16 Professional Organizations Membership Discoveries 78.3% have a favorable attitude toward associations 56.2% state providing training/professional development is an important function of an association 62.9% prefer to receive information on their profession through magazines or journals in their field 36.5% state the top challenge in their professional community is ‘inadequate recognition of the value delivered by the profession or discipline to the larger society’

17 17 The more you know, the harder it is to take decisive action Calvin and Hobbes©

18 18 Cafe What excites you today? What concerns you?

19 19 Next Steps  Select VoC Chair from each Section/Division/Forum  Forward name to ASQ HQ’s (  VoC Chair Training available soon  VoC Chair will receive User ID and password from ASQ HQs  Online software training coming soon  Attend Sunday CoP Session (1 to 5 PM)

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