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ENERGY Vocabulary – 15.1 (10 words) Today: Energy and its forms…

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1 ENERGY Vocabulary – 15.1 (10 words) Today: Energy and its forms…
Unit 3 Chapter 15 Day 1 OBJECTIVE: Describe the relationship between work and energy. Give examples of the major forms of energy and explain how each is produced. New Notebook New Table of Contents Do Now: ENERGY Vocabulary – 15.1 (10 words) Today: Energy and its forms… Chapter 15.1 class read & GRWS DVD Field Trip – Physics of Fun Homework: Read Chap 15.2 & complete GRWS PHYSICS PHOTO PROJECT

2 Unit 3 Chapter 15 Day 2 OBJECTIVE: Describe and give examples of the major forms of energy. Analyze how energy is conserved and converted. Do Now: Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle Today: Chap 15.2 GRWS – check and Review Chapter 15 – Energy! notes Energy Card Sort Table Activity Homework: PHYSICS PHOTO PROJECT

3 ASK Science 2015 Review

Unit 3 Chapter 15 Day 3 OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate knowledge of Chapter 15 – Energy forms, conversions and conservation Do Now: “Your Turn” - Everyday Energy Conversions (last page of your Energy Notes) Today: Finish and Review Energy Card Sort Table Activity Homework: PHYSICS PHOTO PROJECT DUE NEXT CLASS (TUESDAY)

5 Unit 3 Chapter 15 Day 4 OBJECTIVE:
Do Now: TURN IN PHYSICS PHOTO PROJECT Alternative Energy Word Search Today: Energy Resources Chapter 15.3 GRWS Everyday Energy - Hoover Dam Homework: Alternate Energy Research

6 Unit 3 Chapter 15 Day 5 Physics Lab Do Now: Bobcat Maze Today:
OBJECTIVE: Apply Newton’s second Law Do Now: Bobcat Maze Today: Acceleration Lab or Newton’s 3rd Lab Unit 3 Study Guide – 2 parts! Homework: Study Guide Fill-ins and Problems

7 Unit 3 Chapter 15 Day 6 OBJECTIVE: Roller Coaster Physics
Do Now: Roller Coaster Maze Today: Roller Coaster Energy Worksheet Roller Coaster Physics Online Coasters (if available) Homework: Study Guide Fill-ins and Problems

8 Study Guide Problems and Questions Review Game Homework:
Unit 3 Chapter 15 Day 7 OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate knowledge of Chapter 15 – Energy forms, conversions and conservation Do Now: Word Wise Chapter 15 Today: Study Guide Problems and Questions Review Game Homework: Study for UNIT 3 TEST on Tuesday!

9 Current Events – Stop the Shock Homework: Finish Current Events
Unit 3 Chapter 15 Day 8 OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate knowledge of Chapter 15 – Energy forms, conversions and conservation Do Now: Do Now Folder - 6 pages Today: Unit 3 Test Notebook - 12 pages Current Events – Stop the Shock Homework: Finish Current Events

Monday 6/9/2014 Core 1 & 2 only Into the Universe OBJECTIVE: Consider the possibilities beyond our planet. Do Now: Pick up a laptop and sign on. Today: NASA Junior Assistant (online) Homework: Complete constellation myth

11 Chapter 15 ENERGY!

12 ENERGY is the ability to do WORK
Chapter 15.1 – Energy Forms ENERGY is the ability to do WORK WORK is the Transfer of Energy

13 Kinetic and Potential: GPE & EPE
TYPES OF ENERGY Kinetic and Potential: GPE & EPE

14 What is Kinetic Energy? The energy of MOTION
Greek “kinetos” means moving Depends upon the objects MASS and SPEED DOUBLE the mass and you DOUBLE the kinetic energy DOUBLE the speed and you QUADRUPLE the kinetic energy KE=1/2 mv2

15 Examples of Kinetic Energy

16 What is Potential Energy?
Potential Energy is energy that is stored as a result of position or shape. Gravitational Potential Energy (PE=mgh) Depends on MASS, HEIGHT and the acceleration of GRAVITY (9.8 m/s2 ) DOUBLE the MASS or the HEIGHT DOUBLE the Gravitational Potential Energy Elastic Potential Energy Objects that can be stretched or compressed When stored energy is released it is converted to Kinetic Energy EPE can be stored in compressed objects like springs

17 Examples of Potential Energy… What kind?

18 Mechanical, Electromagnetic, Electrical,
TYPES OF ENERGY Mechanical, Electromagnetic, Electrical, Chemical, Thermal And Nuclear

19 What is Mechanical Energy?
Energy due to a object’s motion (kinetic) and position (potential). The bowling ball has mechanical energy. When the ball strikes the pins, mechanical energy is transferred to the pins!

20 Examples of Mechanical Energy

21 What is Electromagnetic Energy?
Light energy Includes energy from gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, microwave and radio bands

22 What is Electrical Energy?
Energy caused by the movement of electrons Easily transported through power lines and converted into other forms of energy

23 What is Chemical Energy?
Energy that is available for release from chemical reactions. The chemical bonds in a matchstick store energy that is transformed into thermal energy when the match is struck.

24 Examples of Chemical Energy

25 What is Thermal Energy? Heat energy The heat energy of an object determines how active its atoms are. A hot object is one whose atoms and molecules are excited and show rapid movement. A cooler object's molecules and atoms will show less movement.

QUIZ TIME! What type of energy cooks food in a microwave oven? ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY What type of energy is the spinning plate inside of a microwave oven? MECHANICAL ENERGY

27 QUIZ TIME! Electrical energy is transported to your house through power lines. When you plug an electric fan to a power outlet, electrical energy is transform into what type of energy? MECHANICAL ENERGY

28 QUIZ TIME! What energy transformation occurs when an electric lamp is turned on? ELECTRICAL ENERGY ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY

29 What types of energy are shown below?
Mechanical and Thermal Energy (Don’t forget friction)

30 What type of energy is shown below?
Chemical Energy

31 What types of energy are shown below?
Electrical, Mechanical and Electromagnetic Energy

32 What type of energy is shown below?
Chemical Energy (yummy)

33 What type of energy is shown below?
Thermal Energy

34 Discuss or Draw the flow of energy transformations in a car from starting vehicle to driving. You should have 5 different types of energy.

35 Energy Transfer Sound (mechanical) Electrical Thermal Mechanical
Chemical Electrical Light (Electromagnetic)

36 Chapter 15.2 – Energy Conversion and Conservation
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed However… Energy can be converted from one form to another – and in either direction! The gravitational potential energy of an object is converted into the kinetic energy of motion as the object falls The BEGINNING TOTAL of KE + PE EQUALS the ENDING TOTAL of KE + PE

37 How was energy converted or conserved?

38 How was energy converted or conserved?

39 How was energy converted or conserved?

40 How was energy converted or conserved?

41 C = speed of light (3 x 108 m/s)
Energy and Mass E=MC2 Einstein’s equation shows that ENERGY and MASS are equivalent and can be converted into each other E=energy M = mass C = speed of light (3 x 108 m/s)

42 Energy and Mass E=MC2 In other words, Energy is released as matter is destroyed and Matter can be created from Energy Because the square of the speed of light is a very large figure: even a small chunk of matter can produce a large amount of energy!

43 Your Turn… Think of an example from everyday life where potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy, or vice versa. Draw a diagram that illustrates the transformation, using the interactive activity as an example. Then describe the transformation.

44 For example: When I carry a sled to the top of a snowy hill, the potential energy of the sled increases. As I stand with my sled at the top of the hill, the kinetic energy is zero and the potential energy is at its maximum. As I slide down the hill, the potential energy of the sled decreases and its kinetic energy increases.

45 Energy Skate park Energy in a Roller Coaster

46 Physics Unit 3 Test Formula List
Average Speed v = d / t Acceleration a = (vf – vi) t Force - 2nd Law F = m * a Momentum p = m * v Gravitational Potential Energy GPE = m*g*h

47 Energy Resources

48 Energy Resources Fossil fuels uranium Non - Renewable Renewable oil
natural gas coal uranium Hydroelectric Solar Geothermal Wind Biomass Nuclear fusion





53 ??? ??? Benefits? Drawbacks? ??? Cons? Pros? ??? ???

54 Alternative Energy Presentation
ESSENTIAL ITEMS TO INCLUDE: Where does it come from or how is it made? Advantages (use, production, waste) Disadvantages (use, production, waste) Costs (immediate or start-up as well as long term costs) Current usage in the US. How has it changed in your lifetime? What is the future for this type of energy?

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