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Growing into the new millennium Chip Casanave Data Access Worldwide Miami, Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing into the new millennium Chip Casanave Data Access Worldwide Miami, Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing into the new millennium Chip Casanave Data Access Worldwide Miami, Florida

2 Vision... Open development solutions for a changing world

3 Data Access’ Profile  We are global company  International subsidiaries  Distribution  Global customers  Business must be a worldwide concept  Our products support business worldwide

4 Introducing...

5 New corporate identity  Common, global name to build awareness and recognition  Company entities remain the same  New icon and graphics  Launching as of today

6 Data Access is Growing  Sales are up  Financial condition is strong  New VDF6 & DataFlex WebApp products  Only beginning to contribute to revenues

7 Revenue Gains  1998 vs. 1997  up 37%  Q1-98 vs. Q1-99  Up 65%

8 1998 Facts and figures  Global population: 6.0 Billion - 1.3% growth  Global web users increased to 154 Million --55% growth  2.5 Million US Citizens paid taxes online - - a 38% increase  Internet hosts grew to 4.3 million -- 46% growth Source: The Industry Standard

9 1998 Facts and figures  Web Servers: 5,040,663 -- a 128% increase  New Web Site addresses: 621,000 a 137% increase  Worldwide e-Commerce revenues $21.1 BILLION - up 154% Source: The Industry Standard

10 Industry forecasts  Internet commerce applications  1998 - up 154% to $444 Million  1999 - up 280%to $1.7 Billion  International Data Corporation (IDC), Internet Commerce Software Applications Market Review and Forecast, 1998-2003.

11 Industry forecasts

12 $ Billions Source: Forrester Research

13 Check point  Every metric of the internet is demonstrating strong growth  Market research forecasts acceleration of growth trend

14 Trends and technologies  Low cost PC’s  Thin clients  Wireless Clients  N-tier applications

15 Low cost PC’s  Connects more people to internet  Creates more on-line customers for e- business  Expand the market for application software  New users with new requirements  Increases the demand for IT resources to service and maintain “e-customers”

16 The changing client  Traditional keyboard & screen interface  Connected people  Palmtops & handhelds  Connected Devices  Kiosks, industrial machines  Appliances, home automation  Any HTTP device; Sun’s “Jini” technology

17 Thin Clients  Web browsers  Network computers  Handhelds/palmtops  Retail kiosks  Java devices (the “smart Coke machine”)  Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server  Wireless - cell phones and more...

18 Thin Client Properties  Provide user interface and communications  Unpredictable configurations  Server stores data and programs  No local disk for applications  Application processing occurs on server

19 Wireless  The “thinnest client”  Millions (and millions) of new clients  Excellent technology support  Telecommunications  Devices - cellular phones, PDA’s & HHC’s  Software standards  Wireless Applications Protocol (WAP)

20 Wireless Data Subscribers Source: DataQuest, Inc - May ‘99

21 N-Tier Applications Business Rules & Business Process Objects Presentation & User Interface DBMS Client Application Server Database API & Drivers DataFlex OthersPervasiveDB2ODBC

22 Example... Device Client DataFlex WebApp Server PC Client Warehouse Handheld (Wireless) The Internet Coke Coca Cola Delivery Truck (Wireless)

23 N-Tier Applications Char Mode Business Rules & Business Process Objects DBMS Clients Application Server Database API & Drivers DataFlex OthersPervasiveDB2ODBC Net Device Browser. Win 32

24 Our opportunity...  All of these trends require new application software and the tools to build it  Web application servers and thin client applications are “hot” growth markets  DAC’s product suite (development tools, WebApp server, connectivity) supports trend implementation

25 Open development solutions for a changing world

26 Introducing Janne Wassberg Visual Solutions AB Stockholm, Sweden

27 DataFlex WebApp Server  Based on…  Core DataFlex technology  Internet standards  Open & collaborative with other Internet products and technologies  With DataFlex WebApp Server, we can all ride the internet wave!

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