Alfa Laval Group Presentation Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineered solutions. The company.

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2 Alfa Laval Group Presentation

3 Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineered solutions. The company

4 Activities We help customers to heat, cool, separate and transport products such as oil, water, chemicals, beverages, foodstuff, starch and pharmaceuticals.

5 Beverage Biochemical Brewery Chemical Engineering Fish and meat processing Food processing Heating and ventilation Marine Mining Oil and gas Pharmaceutical Power generation Refrigeration Steelworks Starch Sugar Vegetable oil Water and waste water treatment We serve most industries

6 A global company 20 Production units* 70 Service centres Sales companies in 50 countries Other sales representation in 45 countries * Plus a number of minor production and assembling units

7 Gustaf de Laval (1845-1913) “The Man of High Speeds” 200 projects and inventions 92 patents, including the milk separator (1878) and the steam turbine (1883) Started 37 companies

8 Key technologies Heat Transfer Energy saving solutions for heating, cooling, ventilation, evaporation and condensation Products Plate heat exchangers Purpose built systems Tubular heat exchangers

9 Key technologies Separation Efficient separation of liquids from liquids, of particles from liquids and of fluids and solids from gases Centrifugal separation products Disc stack centrifuges Decanter centrifuges Filtration products Membranes Filters and strainers

10 Key technologies Fluid handling Safe transport and control of fluids Products Pumps Valves Tank equipment Installation material

11 The giant Alfa Laval Packinox welded plate heat exchanger Focus on R&D Constant improvements of existing products New capacities, materials and functions New products and technologies Cooperation with customers and partners The T50 plate heat exchanger for super-sized plants The X20 high-speed separator for heavy crude oil dehydration System for cross-flow filtration of beer 18m / 59.06ft

12 Focus on customer segments Marine & Diesel Queen Mary 2, the world’s largest ocean liner, has equipment from Alfa Laval to clean oil and oily water and to produce fresh water. A ski slope in Dubai’s desert climate has become a reality. Alfa Laval has supplied glycol coolers which maintain Ski Dubai’s natural snow at the right consistency. Comfort & Refrigeration

13 Thermodynamics

14 Q -given = Q -taken Q -given = m1. cp1. (T1 - T2) Q -taken = m2. cp2. (T4 - T3) Thermal balance Q=capacity [W] m=massflow [kg/s] cp=specific heat [J/kg°C] Surface T1, in T2, in T1, out T2, out giventaken

15 Q= k. A. LMTD Q = capacity (W) k = heat transfer coëfficient (W/m²°C) A = heat transfer surface (m²) LMTD= Logaritmic Mean Temperature Difference  1  2

16 Heat Exchangers

17 A. Gasketed PHE : construction carrying bar pressure plate plate with gasket tightening bolts frame plate

18 Model T20 180 215x80 425 T50 975 400x155 2900 MX25 250 290x95 940 M30 490 300x120 1400 Flow max. (kg/s) Dimensions (cmxcm) M6 16 100x30 38 M10 50 110x50 90 M15 80 190x65 390 Surface max. (m²) A. Gasketed PHE : units

19 Liquid Vapour/liquid mixture B. The COMPABLOC... as a reboiler Reboiler Distillation column Condensate Condenser Steam

20 C. Alfa (e) Vap (orator) Steam Condensate Feed Vapour Plate tailormade for evaporation Optimised connections Optimised plate pattern

21 D. The Spiral Heat Exchanger... as a reboiler Condensate Steam Liquid Vapour/liquid mixture

22 Steam regulation

23 Steam heater – liquid level control Condensate TIC Process liquid Steam trap Steam Control valve

24 Steam heater – bypass control TIC Process liquid Condensate Steam trap Control valve


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