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Task Force Update Dr. Kirk Shilts, Chair.  Dr. Kirk Shilts (MA), Chair  Dr. Henry W. Hulteen (SC)  Dr. Robin Lecy (SD)  Dr. Karen Mathiak (GA)  Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "Task Force Update Dr. Kirk Shilts, Chair.  Dr. Kirk Shilts (MA), Chair  Dr. Henry W. Hulteen (SC)  Dr. Robin Lecy (SD)  Dr. Karen Mathiak (GA)  Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Task Force Update Dr. Kirk Shilts, Chair

2  Dr. Kirk Shilts (MA), Chair  Dr. Henry W. Hulteen (SC)  Dr. Robin Lecy (SD)  Dr. Karen Mathiak (GA)  Dr. Michael Massey (TN)  Dr. Gary Pennebaker (MN)  Dr. William Rademacher (IL)  Dr. Ian Yamane (NV) >|

3 Fall 2010Comments sought at fall regional meetings Nov 9, 2010FCLB BOD approved task force request to seek add’l comments from broader audience Dec 17, 2010Deadline for additional comments Jan 21, 2011FCLB BOD to review task force recommendations May 5, 2011Report to Member Boards – FCLB Annual Conference in Marco Island, Florida Complete document scheduled for adoption in May 2012 – FCLB San Antonio Annual Conference

4 PriorityConcept 1Table of Contents 2Definitions A ● Statutory B ● Regulatory 3Scope of Practice Please refer to 10-page handout Complete 5 question survey on-line or send suggestions via e-mail

5  Many federations have a Model Practice Act  MPA = “Buffet ◦ pick and choose sections that help your board if you decide to rewrite some sections of your Statutes and/or Regulations New countries that initiate chiropractic regulation can reference a solid starting framework Can be customized for their laws and culture >

6  Original Task Force appointed by FCLB president Dr. Ed Weathersby in 2005  Reviewed other health professions’ Model Practice Acts, also FARB (Federation of Associations of Regulatory Boards)  Regular working breakout sessions and reports at FCLB regional and annual meetings >

7  Overall North American document is drafted ◦ FCLB BOD and member boards are now studying certain high-profile sections ◦ Finalized Documentation & Recordkeeping section in Hollywood 2009  Sample statute  Sample regulation  Beginning to study other countries’ laws ◦ Plan to involve other regulators in modifying the document in the future to apply to worldwide audience >|

8 ◦ Definitions ◦ Indemnification ◦ Qualifications for provisional licenses ◦ Recognition of specialty certifications ◦ Chiropractic assistants ◦ Immunity ◦ Delegation of application process ◦ Documentation and recordkeeping ◦ Peer review ◦ Compliance programs ◦ Board advisory rulings and practice guidelines  How the 11 page handout is organized Includes such important concepts as: >

9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Outline of statutory components (p. 2 – 3) Outline of regulations (p. 4 – 5) Introduction: (p. 6) STATUTE Article I: Statutory definitions (Section 102) (p. 7) REGULATIONS Section 1.01 Definitions (p. 8 - 9) Section 5.01 Scope of Practice (p. 10) >

10  Task Force recommendation, not yet formally adopted by FCLB BOD  Intended to lay out broadly inclusive language ◦ Focus on overarching chiropractic concepts ◦ Without drugs or surgery ◦ Allows jurisdictions to permit DCs to prescribe vitamins, supplements, homeopathic remedies, etc., if that’s what they want  FCLB BOD forwarded this to CCE as a suggestion for discussion – to include in their definitions No other uniform definition currently available >

11 Article I Section 102 “Chiropractic”, a primary care health discipline that recognizes the inherent recuperative power of the body, whose practitioners promote and facilitate health through the evaluation, diagnosis and management of structural conditions or other disorders of the body that interfere with physiological function or neural integrity. Chiropractic practice does not include the use of legend pharmaceuticals or operative surgery. >|

12 P. 8 - 9 Please review all definitions, with special attention to the following:  Chiropractic Adjustment  Chiropractic Formulary  Legend Pharmaceutical  Subluxation Complex >|

13 P. 10 Excerpt: Chiropractor may perform such procedures, functions, and services as… Examining, evaluating, and diagnosing patients of all ages for the purpose of determining the presence or absence of neuromuscular and/or musculoskeletal illnesses, injuries, conditions or disorders which interfere with the biomechanical and/or neurological integrity or functioning of the body including, but not limited to the Subluxation Complex; 4 other major concepts also listed >|

14  Dr. Kirk Shilts, Task Force Chair ◦  FCLB Offices ◦ ◦ Or just give us a call! >|

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