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Health Status of Australian Adults. The health status of Australians is recognised as good and is continually improving. The life expectancy for males.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Status of Australian Adults. The health status of Australians is recognised as good and is continually improving. The life expectancy for males."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Status of Australian Adults

2 The health status of Australians is recognised as good and is continually improving. The life expectancy for males born in 2005 is 78.5, with females expected to live until the age of 83.3 years. In 1901-1910 males where 55.2 years and females 58.8 years. Why the difference between males and females? Why the improvement?

3 Almost 80% of deaths now occur in those aged 65 years or older, with 31% being 85 years or older. Complete activity 11.2

4 National Health Priority Areas There are 9 health areas that the government has identified as a concern for the health of Australian adults. They are: Asthma, Cardiovascular health (CVD), Cancer control, Diabetes Mellitus, Injury prevention and control, Mental health, Arthritis and Musculoskeletal conditions and Obesity.

5 Differences in health status among Australian adults Gender plays an important factor in illness. Many conditions that occur in both genders appear more often in one than the other, or they occur at different ages. The differences in conditions also stems from different behavioural, lifestyle and working patterns of men and women. Men tend to experience higher rates of life threatening conditions like alcohol abuse, while women have an increased prevelance of less threatening conditions such as Alzheimer’s and arithritis.

6 Males Australian men are more likely to get sick from serious health problems than Australian women. Men do not live as long as women as a result of increased risk in lifestyle, health habits and biological risks. Mortality rates are higher for men than women in all age groups and the main cause of early mortality include cancer (Lung and Prostate), stroke, suicide. The poor health status of men is further influenced by their lack of seeking medical treatment.

7 Females Women have a higher life expectancy than males. The main cause of early mortality in females are coronary heart disease, cancer (breast, bowel and lung) and stroke. Females are more likely to suffer from depression with 68% of sufferers aged 25-64 being female.

8 Missing a chunk of work, put in later!!!

9 Causes of morbidity and burden of disease What is morbidity? Leading causes for 26-64 were heart disease, diabetes, anxiety and depression, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and back pain. Leading causes for 65+ were heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, prostate cancer, emphysema and falls.

10 Burden of disease Is measured by DALY. One DALY is one year of ‘healthy life’ lost due to an injury or disease. Coronary heart disease, anxiety and depression and Type 2 diabetes are the largest contributors to adult burden of disease. Obesity and type 2 diabetes are increasing. Estimated that 700,000 Australians have been diagnosed diabetic.

11 Type 2 Diabetes In 2004 it was reported that 580,668 people had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. That is 3% of our population. There is a significantly higher prevalence in Indigenous Australians, 3.4 times higher than non Indigenous Australians. It is estimated that in 2031 there will 3.1 million Australians with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease that can lead to a number of health conditions and is reported as an underlying causes of many deaths.

12 Mental health Is the leading cause of non fatal burden of disease and injury. It is estimated that 1 in 5 Australians will have a mental illness at some time in their lives, 1 in 10 long term. Most commonly reported conditions are anxiety related problems with more females 10% than males 5% being affected.

13 Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. In 2005 over 6 million people, 31% of the population, were affected with long term arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. It is the 2 nd highest reason for visits to the doctor and is the third cause of health expenditure in Australia.

14 Dementia Is the general and worsening loss of brain power, such as memory, understanding and reasoning. In 2008 227,300 had dementia with 731,00 predicted to develop it by 2050. Alzheimer’s is responsible for 70% of dementia cases.

15 Activities Complete activity 11.9 Complete activity 11.10

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