AIAA Hybrid Airliner Competition 2013 The Transporters.

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1 AIAA Hybrid Airliner Competition 2013 The Transporters

2 The Team Project Lead: Josh Boyer Aerodynamics: Austin Conrad Tyler Carroll Colin Gibson Propulsion: Stephanie Wegener Leah Jackson Josh Boyer Structures: Bryan Brown Tyler Davidson Lance Mort Systems: Max Di Lonardo Colin Gibson Tyler Carroll CAD: Tyler Davidson

3 Propulsion Engine : PW1521G High bypass turbo fan providing 17,000 lbs of thrust each. Hybrid Modifications : Electric motor integrated into the input shaft of the turbofan which is powered by batteries The purpose of the battery powered electric engines is to decrease the amount of fuel used while at cruising speeds. Our goal was to maintain a high level of efficiency throughout all stages of flight. Range for this aircraft is 1350nm and the endurance is 7.25hrs.

4 Hybrid System The hybrid system contributes 3,293 lbs of thrust continuously. This equates to about 10% of overall thrust available when engines are at WOT. The electric motor is built into the output shaft of the gearbox. This placement keeps the motor clear of the bypass air, saves space, and keeps the drive structure contained and rotationally balanced. Two clutches are included on the shaft: one to disconnect the turbine, and the other to transfer power from the electric motor. Based on the batteries specifications, 10 batteries were selected to be used for flight and one additional battery for the electrical systems on board.

5 AIRFOIL SELECTION AirfoilCDo NACA 63(4)-4210.00685 NACA 64(2)-4150.00566 E2140.0066 NACA 63(3)-4180.0064 FX63137SM0.007 NACA 66-2090.00916 pmc190.00631 7370.00771 Roncz Low Drag Airfoil0.00458

6 DRAG Cruise Mach0.69 Cruise Alt. (ft)35,000 V stall (ft/s)513 M stall0.52 Best Range Mach0.69 Total Thrust (lb)8,032 Minimum Drag (lb)4,495 Cruise Drag (lb)6,864

7 PLANFORM SIZING & HIGH LIFT DEVICES Aircraft Properites Weight/Lift Req. (lb)70,600 Wing Chord (ft)10 Wing Span (ft)100 Wing Area (ft 2 )1000 Aspect Ratio10 Span Efficiency Factor0.707 Sweep (Rad)0.349 Sweep (Deg)20 Dihedral (Deg)6 Taper Ratio0.2 Wing Loading (lb/ft 2 )70.6 Cl max1.07964 W/ flap2.36015 W/ flap and slot2.81209


9 COCKPIT Fly-by-wire Large Touchscreens Contain multiple information panels Customizable Heads-up Display Electric Powered Lighting Deicing Environmental Controls

10 Weight by Comparison Based on other aircraft with similar missions we can plot a graph of weight verses passengers, which is our payload. From this we can get an estimated empty weight of about 45,000 lbs. This is weight without engines. Using the spreadsheet given to us by Dr. Jacob we calculated an Empty weight of 42,000 with engines. The aircraft we benchmarked are made with a large percentage of aluminum, but like the Boeing 787, we designed our aircraft to have a much greater percentage of composite material which will cut down on weight. We expect that with the advancement of composites and other materials, by the year 2030 we will be able to reduce this weight by 20%.

11 Tube and Wing Design Efficiency Semi-Monocoque Fuselage Shell Absorbs Partial External Loads Tapering Spar and Rib Wing Structure Full Fuel Storage in Wings Allows for Battery Placement STRUCTURES

12 Additive Manufacturing Additive manufacturing is the official name for 3-d printing. The process eliminates wasted material, is faster than machining some parts, and is extremely cost effective. Because of the lack of wasted material, less man hours, and 24 hour work times, additive manufacturing can save huge amounts of money. In some calculations the savings were around 90%!

13 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Hybrid Non-hybrid (Battery Energy)-33%±0%33% Fuel Weight (lb)10088102711044810000 Density (lb/gal)6.76 Volume (gal)1492151915461479 Price ($/gal)5555 Cost ($)$7,461.48$7,596.83$7,727.99$7,396.45 Battery Energy Provided by an Equivalent Hybrid System Energy (kWh)80.831122.471162.886 Quantity10 Price ($/kWh)0.05 Cost ($)$40.42$61.24$81.44 Total Savings$24.61$139.14$250.10 Purchase Price Cost (Weight Eqn.)$40.5M Cost (Spreadsheet)*$47.9M *Based on the sale of 250 units


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