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Cascading Style Sheets Example

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1 Cascading Style Sheets Example

2 What is CSS? CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets Styles define how to display HTML elements Styles were added to HTML 4.0 to solve a problem External Style Sheets can save you a lot of work External Style Sheets are stored in CSS files Multiple style definitions will cascade into one

3 Cascading Order 1.Browser default 2.External Style Sheet 3.Internal Style Sheet (inside the tag) 4.Inline Style (inside HTML element) So, an inline style (inside an HTML element) has the highest priority.

4 Syntax selector {property: value} Example:body {color: black} p {font-family: "sans serif"} p {text-align:center;color:red} Grouping: h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { color: green }

5 The class selector You can define different styles for the same type of HTML element p.right {text-align: right} {text-align: center} This paragraph is right-aligned. This paragraph is center-aligned.

6 The class selector You can omit the tag name!.center {text-align: center} This heading will be center-aligned This paragraph will also be center-aligned.

7 How to insert a style sheet: External It is ideal when the style is applied to many pages body {background-color: tan} h1 {color:maroon; font-size:20pt} ttt abc.html mystyle.css

8 How to insert a style sheet: Internal.. is used when a single document has a unique style. p {margin-left: 20px} body {background-image: url("images/back40.gif")}....

9 Styles: Lists ul.disc {list-style-type: disc} {list-style-type: circle} ul.square {list-style-type: square} ul.none {list-style-type: none} Coffee Tea o Coffee o Tea  Coffee  Tea Coffee Tea or etc…

10 Styles: Lists (more) Ordered list list-style-type: decimal or lower-roman or upper- roman or lower-alpha or upper-alpha … Image as a list-item marker list-style-image: url("/images/arrow.gif") Place: list-style-position: outside or inside {list-style: square inside url("/images/arrow.gif")}

11 Cascading Order: Inheritance External h3 { color: red; text-align: left; font-size: 8pt } Internal h3 { text-align: right; font-size: 20pt } Result color: red; text-align: right; font-size: 20pt

12 Styles: Text color: red or #00ff00 or rgb(0,255,0) text-align: center or left or right or justify text-indent: 1cm or 10% text-transform: uppercase or lowercase or capitalize

13 Styles: Font font-family: times or sans-serif … font-family: "lucida calligraphy", arial, 'sans serif'; font-style: italic or normal font-size: 150% or small or x-small or large or x-large … font-weight: bold or 100 … 900 or normal

14 Background body {background-color: yellow} h1 {background-color: #00ff00} h2 {background-color: transparent} p {background-color: rgb(250,0,255)}

15 Background image background-image: url("/images/bg.jpg")

16 Background image background-repeat: no-repeat or repeat repeat-y repeat-x

17 Background image background-repeat: no-repeat background-position: center center or top left or bottom right or x y or x% y% body { background-image: url("smiley.gif"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center}

18 Margin CSS Margin properties define the space around elements. margin-top margin-right margin-bottom: 20 or = 20px or 20% or 20cm margin-left

19 Position h1 {position: absolute;bottom: 30px;right: 40px} h1 {position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 20%} Image: vertical-align: baseline or top or bottom …

20 Cursor style p {cursor: help} –crosshair –pointer –default –help –wait –…

21 Inline style Inside a tag as an attribute, but following the css description syntax This is a paragraph.

22 How to make invisible h1 {visibility:visible or hidden} h1 {display:none} 1 2 3 1 2 3

23 Other selectors Connect css and html using ID of an html element css: #example {color:blue} Html: somekind text Where instead of “example” you can write any text

24 Other selectors Formatting links (tag a): a:link {color:red} /* unvisited link */ a:visited {color:green} /* visited link */ a:hover {color:orange} /* mouse over link */ a:active {color:white} /* selected link */

25 Other selectors Othe pseudo elements (defined using “:”) css: p:first-line {color:green} html: Info css: p.inf:first-letter {color:blue} html: Info :first-childStyles first subelement (child) :first-lineStyles first text line :first-letterStyles first character

26 Media Defines how it looks on different media (hiding for example some elements in printing) @media screen { p {font-family:verdana} } @media print { p {display:none} } @media screen,print { p.test {font-weight:bold} }

27 Other Forms: input[type="text"] {background-color:blue}

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