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Presentation on theme: "WISHES WOULD RATHER HAD BETTER"— Presentation transcript:


2 Wish + would/could + bare infinitive
ability or possibility in the present or near future e.g. I wish I could get in touch with Tom. I wish I could find a better job. Note: The structure wish + would is used with different subjects. e.g. I wish I could find a better job. NOT I wish I would find a better job. I wish she would find a better job. wish + would Complaint about the present or a desire for a change e.g. I wish she would stop asking me silly questions.

3 Wish + past simple/ past continuous
Dissatisfaction with a present situation Hopes and dreams e.g. I wish I spoke better Italian. I wish I knew how to drive a car. She wishes she were going on that cruise.

4 Wish + past perfect/ modal perfect
Regret about a past situation that cannot change e.g. I wish we hadn’t left so early. (past perfect simple) I wish we could have stayed longer. (modal perfect)

5 If only instead of wish To emphasize a wish or to express strong desire or regret WISH cannot be used with present or future tenses because a wish is hypothetical. For possible situations we use HOPE e.g. I hope it doesn’t rain while we are in Italy. Compare: I hope we meet up later. (we may do so) I wish we could meet later. (but we can’t)

6 would rather Would rather + bare infinitive (same subjects)
e.g. I’d rather leave by plane. (present/ future) Would rather + perfect infinitive (same subjects) e.g. I’d rather have slept in a hotel. (past) I’d rather not have gone to the party. (past) Different subjects 1st subject + would rather + 2nd subject + past simple (present/ future) e.g. I’ d rather you didn’t work so late. 1st subject + would rather + 2nd subject + past perfect simple (past) e.g. I’d rather she had not come with us.

7 had better had better + bare infinitive = to give strong and urgent advice in a present or future situation e.g. You’d better drive more carefully.


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