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Product/Service Name: Team Leader: Faculty / Research Alliance: Email: Mobile Tel:

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Presentation on theme: "Product/Service Name: Team Leader: Faculty / Research Alliance: Email: Mobile Tel:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Product/Service Name: Team Leader: Faculty / Research Alliance: Email: Mobile Tel:

2 Customer & Need Identification Who is or are the potential customer(s) – There may be more than one type of customer - please identify as many as you are targeting – Be as specific as possible, give examples What is the important customer need – Customer’s problem / want / need – Why is it important? – How does this change with different types or sets of customers?

3 Customer Value Customer Value Proposition – Why customer will be compelled to buy from you – What is the sense of customer urgency? Why now? Quantify the value – Customer benefits per cost – Equalize the value / price equation – Quantification CVP examples: Cost efficiency – how much costs are reduced Faster – how much faster than alternatives Better – quality improvement over other options

4 Market Analysis How big is the market (units, sales, revenue) – How many potential customers? – Market size - in volume: units, sales or revenue – What is the geography you will serve: Malaysia, SE Asia, other Market trends – Is the market stable, growing or shrinking?

5 Product/Service Description Key features & capabilities How does this address the customer’s needs? Product/Invention status (how developed is your product?) – Proof of concept – Prototype or model - lab scale – Prototype or pilot – in customer operation – Commercial production plant, industrial model

6 Market Competition What is the competition today – What alternatives are used by customers today? Market approach – New market, penetration of existing market or replacement of competitors? – Why will a customer buy from you instead of a competitor? Competitive Comparison – Do internet search – Talk with potential partners or customers – Develop a matrix comparing 3-4 alternatives to your product/ service

7 Competitive Strategies Sustainable competitive advantage – Shelf life of the product/service ? – Over time how will you protect & grow business, i.e. cost differentiation, niche strategy, product differentiation (continued development), other IP Protection: – Do you have one or more patents on your idea? – Please describe them briefly – What is the patent strength ?

8 Technology Plan Sustainable technology road map being proposed for the product – What new features & capabilities will be developed – When will new capabilities be available

9 Management Plan Team – Who are the current key team members? [provide some background] – Who are your current business/industry advisors? – What are the key holes, roles you need to fill? Team’s activities & motivation to commercialise the invention

10 Business Model How does the business get money, generate revenue? For example: License to partners Produce product/service to sell through partners Produce product/service to sell direct

11 Financial Plan Expense Forecast (Operations) Start-up costs Staffing needs & costs Facilities Revenue Forecast (Income, sales) Sales per year Revenue per year (if different from sales ) Cost of Goods Sold Expected cost to produce one “unit” (parts, labor, supplies, etc.) [Provide quarterly forecast for years 1 & 2 and annual forecast for years 3 & 4]

12 Funding Plan Current Funding – How have you been funded so far? Amount & sources Funding Requirements – Show the amount required NOW – How funding will be used (what will you do with the money - activities, purpose, outcome?) – What timeframe is needed to achieve these results (how long will this take) Further Funding Required – What future funding requirements do you expect? – How many more rounds of financing? – For what type of activities/purpose/outcome?

13 Risks & Risk Mitigation What are the top 2-3 risks that you face – Technology development (i.e. scalability) – Competition (i.e. time to market, duplication, protection) – Customer acceptance (i.e. buyer) – Approval, certification requirements – Other? And how do you plan to address these risks?

14 Why invest in me Besides good ROI, demonstrate your: – Passion – Belief – Confidence – Commitment

15 What’s the important customer need you are addressing? Why is your solution (product/service) better than the competition? Action Plan/Way Forward for this Project: Pursue for commercialization i.e. Find partners, develop pilot plant, need private funding or Venture Capital Need for innovation value add i.e. Business Plan, Prototype Development, Product testing/validation, Packaging Need further research i.e. Collect more data, time to complete the research is > 6 months Request for: follow up meeting/permission to send more information /arrange for demo/visitation to site, etc Acknowledge/thank for input Summary

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