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 Mrs Bates  Miss Ashfield  Mrs Sherwood  Mrs Bright  Mrs Pereira  Mrs Jones  Mrs Knight  Mrs Castledine.

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3  Mrs Bates  Miss Ashfield  Mrs Sherwood  Mrs Bright  Mrs Pereira  Mrs Jones  Mrs Knight  Mrs Castledine

4  Rabbit class

5  Salamander Class

6 8:40 Children enter class and begin morning activity 9:00 Start 10:30 Break time 12:00 Lunch time 2:30 Break time 3:30 Home time (wait under the covered way)

7  Numeracy and literacy (including ERIC time) usually in the mornings  Topic work and PE in the afternoons  Phonics twice a day

8 Phonics Reading and Writing Numeracy IPC

9 Systematic progression in phonic teaching following on from prior teaching year groups Based on Government’s Letters and Sounds programme Supported by interactive lessons, phonic based reading material

10  Individual reading with adult  With parent help  Reading in groups – ERIC  With parent help  Differentiated literacy groupings within class  Spellings/Skills : Monday and Tuesday  Writing : Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

11  Groupings for their current level of knowledge  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday  Class numeracy  Thursday and Friday  Reviewed every half term

12  Buildings and Structures  London  Our World - The Environment  Transport  Flowers and Insects  Media Magic

13  IN ART  Drawing pictures of local buildings  Making and decorating models of buildings  Looking at colour and texture  IN GEOGRAPHY  finding out about different houses, homes and other buildings around the world.  Look at places and buildings in London  IN HISTORY  finding out about how buildings were made in the past and important buildings in London  finding out how buildings have been used

14  IN ICT  eSafety and sending messages and emails  IN MUSIC  exploring the structures of tunes and songs  comparing our own music

15  IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION  building basic skills in running, jumping and ball skills  improving balance and co-ordination by making shapes with our bodies  IN TECHNOLOGY  making models of buildings and a house interior  IN SCIENCE  testing the strengths of structures  finding out about materials used in structures  In doing this work, we'll be finding out more about how structures are made and how changing the shapes of structures can make them stronger.

16  IN ART  looking at paintings of different environments – urban and rural  finding out about colours and tone  IN GEOGRAPHY  finding out about plans and maps of our classroom and journey to school  finding out the effects of any changes to the environment, good and bad

17  IN ICT  making a digital newspaper  IN MUSIC  using symbols in music  singing songs about the weather

18  IN TECHNOLOGY  making model gardens and environments  IN SCIENCE  Making electrical circuits and learning about electricity

19  IN ART  making detailed drawings of transport  using collage to show transport from around the world  IN GEOGRAPHY  finding out about different types of transport here/abroad  finding out about getting to other countries  thinking about the good and bad things about different types of transport  IN TECHNOLOGY  making plans and building a vehicle  testing different vehicles

20  IN HISTORY  reviewing transport through the ages  In ICT  using word processing to write and illustrate an eBook

21  IN MUSIC  making transport sounds with different musical instruments  using symbols in music  IN SCIENCE  reviewing forces used in transport  IN PSHE  recapping on road safety and reviewing signs used to direct transport

22  IN SCIENCE  a bout where flowers and insects prefer to live and grow  about how and where seeds grow  how to set up tests to discover how plants use water  how to grow lots of different things  about the life cycles of insects  about ants and bees  famous scientists inventing communications  IN MUSIC  using instruments to make minibeast sounds

23  IN ART  about paintings of flowers and insects  how to make pastels and collage of flowers and insects  how to make models of flowers and insects  how to use symmetry to make paintings of insects

24  IN ICT/Geography  how to collect and store data about creatures in the garden  how to code a game turtle and a roamer to follow a route  different ways to communicate across the world  IN HISTORY  how telephones have changed with time  how inventors of communications and codes have influenced history

25 Celebrating success Prepared for learning Supporting positive behaviour

26  School rules  Class rules  Golden time  Golden tickets  PSHE/Assembly times

27  Kit in school for every PE lesson  Outdoor  Jogging bottoms, sweater, outdoor trainers  Indoor  Shorts, t-shirt, plimsolls  1 session with teacher  1 session with sports coach  Swimming – summer term  Parent helpers

28  Daily reading  Book and record to return to school the next day  Word packs to practise in home and school  Weekly spellings  New spellings to learn in home book  Tests in test book left at school  Weekly numeracy  Weekly reading questions  Begins after Christmas  Occasional topic homework





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