Prehistory and River Valley Civilizations 500 400 300 200 100 River Valley Civilizations Indus River/Ancien t China Ancient Egypt Mesopotamia Prehistory.

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2 Prehistory and River Valley Civilizations

3 500 400 300 200 100 River Valley Civilizations Indus River/Ancien t China Ancient Egypt Mesopotamia Prehistory

4 Development that separate prehistory from recorded history. Prehistory 100 Points

5 What is a writing system?

6 Prehistory 200 Points The Old Stone Age characterized by hunting and gathering and a nomadic lifestyle.

7 What is the Paleolithic Age? Prehistory 200 Points

8 Prehistory 300 Points Any surviving object made by early people.

9 Prehistory 300 Points What is an artifact?

10 “Wise humans”, the species name for modern humans. Prehistory 400 Points

11 What are homo sapiens? Prehistory 400 Points

12 What B.C.E. stands for. Prehistory 500 Points

13 What is Before Common Era. Prehistory 500 Points

14 Architectural element invented by Sumerians. Mesopotamia 100 Points

15 What are ziggurats?

16 Mesopotamia 200 Points Present-day country that includes most of Mesopotamia.

17 What is Iraq? Mesopotamia 200 Points

18 Mesopotamia 300 Points The Babylonian code of laws.

19 Mesopotamia 300 Points What was Hammurabi’s Code?

20 Arc of rich-soil land where Mesopotamia was located. Mesopotamia 400 Points

21 What is the Fertile Crescent? Mesopotamia 400 Points

22 Sumerian wedge-shaped writing. Mesopotamia 500 Points

23 What is cuneiform? Mesopotamia 500 Points

24 This process preserved bodies for the afterlife. Ancient Egypt 100 Points

25 What is mummification?

26 Ancient Egypt 200 Points Region formed by the mouth of Egypt’s major river.

27 What is the Nile Delta? Ancient Egypt 200 Points

28 Ancient Egypt 300 Points Artifact that showed how to decipher Egyptian writing.

29 Ancient Egypt 300 Points What is the Rosetta Stone?

30 Egyptians used to write on this paper like material. Ancient Egypt 400 Points

31 What is papyrus? Ancient Egypt 400 Points

32 Ruler who united Northern and Southern Egypt. Ancient Egypt 500 Points

33 Who was Memes? Ancient Egypt 500 Points

34 The desert to the north of China. Indus River/Ancient China 100 Points

35 What is the Gobi Desert?

36 Indus River/Ancient China 200 Points Mountain range to the northeast of India, and southwest of China.

37 What are the Himalayas? Indus River/Ancient China 200 Points

38 Indus River/Ancient China 300 Points India’s seasonal winds.

39 Indus River/Ancient China 300 Points What are monsoons?

40 Ancient Chinese term for divine right to rule. Indus River/Ancient China 400 Points

41 What is the Mandate of Heaven? Indus River/Ancient China 400 Points

42 Items that were inscribed with questions for ancestors. Indus River/Ancient China 500 Points

43 What are Oracle Bones? Indus River/Ancient China 500 Points

44 Belief in a number of gods, common among ancient people. River Valley Civilizations 100 Points

45 River Valley Civilization 100 Points What is polytheism?

46 River Valley Civilization 200 Points Method of watering crops during the dry season.

47 What is an irrigation system? River Valley Civilization 200 Points

48 River Valley Civilization 300 Points Reoccurring river valley events that enriched the soil.

49 River Valley Civilization 300 Points What is flooding?

50 Device developed to reckon and mark time. River Valley Civilization 400 Points

51 What is a calendar? River Valley Civilization 400 Points

52 Simplified picture of a thing, developed into written language. River Valley Civilization 500 Points

53 What is a pictogram? River Valley Civilization 500 Points

54 Be sure to study! Extra Help today after school!

55 The Daily Double

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