State of R & D in ICT Sector in India By Dr T.H. CHOWDARY* * Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India.

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Presentation on theme: "State of R & D in ICT Sector in India By Dr T.H. CHOWDARY* * Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of R & D in ICT Sector in India By Dr T.H. CHOWDARY* * Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India ) Former: Chairman & Managing Director Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited & Information Technology Advisor, Government of Andhra Pradesh T: +91(40) 6667-1191/ 2784-6137(O) 2784-3121® F: +91 (40) 6667-1111, 2789-6103 Talk @ Birla Science Center- Sixth Indo-Italian Workshop : 31 st August 2007

2 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 072 R & D Establishments Telecom Research center C-DOT C-DAC CEERI DRDO [+Allied Unit]

3 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 073 Production/Manufacture Supported I T I B E L E C I L Scores of Private enterprises Members of TEMA

4 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 074 R & D – Hardly any in India ITI – (Established:1948) R&D spend in 2006- Rs.38.73 Cr [2.21% of sales, down from 2.66% in 2005 Ranbaxy 17.88% SuvenLife Sciences 26.59% Astra Microwave 13.26% Himachal Futuristic 0.8% Ramco 26.47%&Visual Soft 4.36% US IT Companies spend 15% to 30% of Sales on R &D Telcos (Mfg) in Mfg countries spend– 10% to 15% of Sales on R&D

5 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 075 Growing National Champions China’s HUAWI; ZTE Korea’s LG, Samsung… Investing in R&D; Create IPR Have we a Bell Labs & British Telecom research Mfg. Cos ( Lucent, NEC, Fujitsu, Nokia, LG, ZTE, INTEL, Motorola) spend ( 8 to 15)% of sales on R&D ZTE & HUAWI begotten & nourished by PLA

6 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 076 Scientists Per One Million of Population Japan5,095 USA4,099 Australia3,393 UK2,666 China545 India157

7 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 077 Foreign Companies Engaging Indian intellect (1/2) Motorola – 1700 employees 40% of software in its mobiles developed in India The Internet browser and multi-media messaging system conceived and developed for 3G and GSM by Indian engineers working for foreign companies. The software going into US cars is being developed here in India.

8 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 078 Foreign Companies Engaging Indian intellect (2/2) GE – Largest R&D center outside USA is in India in Bangalore with 2300 researchers, double that in Shanghai; A 2 nd one in Hyderabad with 2000 researchers GE put in $ 80 mln in the Bangalore R&D facility GE’s Bangalore R&D field for 260 patents in the USA (37 already approved) Boeing USA is outsourcing Aircraft design to Russia ( $ 120/ Hr) Russians are outsourcing parts of the design to HAL (BG) at $ 30/Hr Gorbachev went to USA to recommend Moscow as Bangalore’s rival! An Indian retained does the work of 2 or 3 Europeans; does not take 6 weeks of holidays & costs one-fourth

9 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 079 New IT Townships Co.RelianceDLFTatasUnitechBaba kalyani Acres.100,00050,00030,000 27,000 MahindraEMARANSAL’sInfosys 10,000 2,145

10 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0710 Telecom Equipment & Services Market for 2003-2004 Figures in (Rs) crores S. No ProductTotal Market Local Manufacture & Services Imports 1Switching-Wireline including CDMA3,5002,600900 2Switching-Wireless-GSM9,6505009,150 3Terminals- Fixed & Voice solution850600250 4Terminals-Wireless GSM & CDMA11,375600200 5Transmission Equipment – including line, 2-way radio, Multi-Channel Radio Relay System, DWDM & DLC 2,500345 6Cables – PIJF, OFC and Structured Cabling 70050-

11 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0711 Telecom Equipment & Services Market for 2003-2004 (contd..) S. No ProductTotal Market Local Manufacture & Services Imports 7EPBT, Feature Phones, CLI, PABX Phones, Customer Premises Equipment and voice solutions 850250244 8VSAT Equipment23434200 9Signalling Equipment ( Road, Railways, Defeance etc.) 55505 10UPS, Power Plant, Inverter etc.250 - 11Test & Measurement Equipment29450244 12Miscellaneous Equipment, Data Communication Equipment – Call Monitoring, Antenna, Answering machines etc. 440 -

12 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0712 Telecom Equipment & Services Market for 2003-2004 (contd..) S. No ProductTotal Market Local Manufacture & Services Imports 13Billing equipment including OSS & BSS 17550125 14Turnkey Services2,272 - 15Production by BSNL Factories155 - 16Export of Telecom Hardware an d Services 700700**- Total34,00014,00020,000 Source: DIT figures, estimates of V&D checked with DOT Annual Report and reference from selected TEMA Members The figures include grey market Expenditure on infrastructure & terminal equipment assumed to be made during the same financial year ** 250 cr. Hardware, 450cr. Services

13 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0713 What’s at stake… Telecom equipmentMarket sizeGrowth per annum Wireless$2.5 mln68% Mobile handsets$2.38 mln13%^ Others*$3.97mln50% Total$8.85 mln43% Telecom services**$15.12 mln16% ^ the GSM market grew by 76.2 per cent, but he CDMA market fell by 65 per cent during the last fiscal * includes enterprise solutions and telecom software ** includes fixed line, mobile, national long-distance, international long distance, VSAT and radio trunking (Source: Business World, 26 Dec 2005)

14 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0714 Production and Export of Telecom Equipment During 1992-1993 to 2003-2004 Figures in (Rs) crores S.NoYearProductionExport 11992-19933,98524 21993-19945,50058 31994-19957,000131 41995-19967,750310 51996-19978,300240 61997-19989,960296 71998-199910,000250

15 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0715 Production and Export of Telecom Equipment During 1992-1993 to 2003-2004 (contd..) S.NoYearProductionExport 81999-200010,760180 92000-200112,271450 102001-200215,437150 112002-200314,400402 122003-200414,000250 Source: TEMA/ DOT

16 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0716 R&D Spend 9 th plan 0.7% of GDP In a period 1985 to 1990 - 0.9% to 0.98% 1996-97 - 0.66% 2003- 1.0% Developed countries spend 2% to 6% of GDP on R&D

17 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0717 R&D Spend ( some ) in India S&T departments, GOI 9 th Plan Rs. 12,022 cr. 10 th Plan ( 2000- 07) Rs. 25,243 cr. Automobiles Rs. 869 cr. 2% of sales Forma Rs. 427 (1.5% of sales) 24% or 17,000 R&D personnel (70,000) have Ph.Ds 11% or 7,700 R&D people are women

18 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0718 Post Liberalisation & Privatisation of Telecoms R & D declined, almost nil P-Telcos & PSUs – all use imported equipment Indigenous R & D has no takers for production

19 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0719 PSUs - HCL & HTL – Closed Shop ITI takes know-how from “all quarters of the world” [Aah nah bhadraa Kritavo yaantu Viswatah...] including from China’s ZTE & HUAWI

20 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0720 Share of India in Global BPO & KPO Markets Year 2003-’04 2010-’11 BPO 36% 55% KPO 56% 71% Leaders: Eng. Design Basic Data Biotech & Search Pharma Integration & Mgment 400m $ 300m $ 280 Education coming up

21 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0721 India’s Global Companies Steel, Telecoms, Pharma, Wind-power, Construction, Oil & Gas [Co-opetition with China]

22 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0722 Over 50 globals have R & D centers in India Motorola CIT-Alcatel Nokia QUALCOM HUAWI Siemens BT...... IPR created by Indians but owned by foreign companies

23 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0723 R & D in Engineering Institutions 1400 & Engineering colleges <100 have PG & Doctorate programs IISC, BITs, IITs, IIITs; NITs – must be developed as R & D centers.

24 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0724 Creating IPR Learn; go up the food-chain Morph into ZTE/HUAWI/HAIET… Mission: Intellectual Property Reagan’s Funding: Chrysler (IACOCCO) SEMATEC (IBM, INTEL, Bell Labs; …Rivals’ together set up R&D to beat Japan to design and build FABs Fund Defence Research; contract Research (private sector salaries: Government Mission) Fund: IISC; IIIT’s; IITs

25 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0725 Creating IPR (contd..) Tatas to take over C-DOT/ transform it into Bell Labs / BELCORE… Nation Telecom & I.T University(ies) National Council for Development of Information Society (NCDIS) Incubators in about 50 universities/ Research Institutes Amend TRAI/ ITA to Constitute Statutory Research Funding & Management of NCDIS India as Home for MNC’s R&D & I.P Creation

26 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0726 India to create IPR State Intervention thro’ Defence Establishments National Board for ICT - IP creation A NASCOM ‘varsity (PG; R&D; Foreign Trade; Management) Select ‘varsities / Defence collaboration (anything from CEERI-Pilani? From CSIR’s labs?

27 THC_CTMSS357_Aug 0727 Dhanyawad: Thank You

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