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EALR and GLE of Social Studies Gene Dawydiak. EALR #1 Civics: the student understands and applies the knowledge of government, law, politics, and the.

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Presentation on theme: "EALR and GLE of Social Studies Gene Dawydiak. EALR #1 Civics: the student understands and applies the knowledge of government, law, politics, and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 EALR and GLE of Social Studies Gene Dawydiak

2 EALR #1 Civics: the student understands and applies the knowledge of government, law, politics, and the nation’s funademtal documents to make decisions about local, national, and international issues and to demonstrate thoughtful, participatory citizenship.

3 EALR #2 Economics: the student applies understanding of economic concepts and systems to analyze decision- making and the interactions between individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies.

4 EALR #3 Geography: the student uses a spatial perspective to make reasoned decisions by applying the concept of location, region, movement and demonstrating knowledge of how geographic features and human cultures impact environments.

5 EALR #4 History: The student understands and applies knowledge of historical thinking, chronology, eras, turning points, major ideas, individuals, and themes on local, Washington State, tribal, United States, and world history in order to evaluate how history shapes the present and future.

6 EALR #5 Social Studies Skills: The student understands and applies reasoning skills to conduct research, deliberate, form, and evaluate positions through the processes of reading, writing, and communicating.

7 GLE GLE’s for each grade are represented on the following components Understand key ideals and principles of the United States, including those in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other fundamental documents Evaluate relationships between key ideals and historical and current realities Understand that people have to make choices between wants and needs and evaluate the outcome of those choices Analyze how economic choices made by groups and individuals in the global economy can impose costs and provide benefits Understand and analyze casual factors that have shaped major events in history Evaluate how individuals and movements have shaped contemporary world issues

8 Grade 11 GLE Examines how arguments made in the Federalist Papers justify the principles of limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, and federalism. Examines what economic incentives caused people to join labor unions in large numbers during the Great Depression. Weighs the costs and benefits of immigrant labor on the industrialization of the United States.

9 Grade 12 GLE Judges the relationship between environmental regulations and the constitutional principle of eminent domain. Evaluates the costs and benefits of individuals’ decisions to buy a hybrid automobile,boycott Nike, or purchase only shade-grown coffee. Evaluates the impact the founders and shapers of Microsoft have had on international corporations throughout the world.

10 Civics Compared to EALRs and GLEs, the Center for Civic Education seeks to teach the importance of the founding documents of America, what people have played a role in history, and how it has affected us Details lesson plans for civic holidays and notable politicians by teaching their importance to the United States Recognizing the importance of important documents, and notable figure Primarily through the use of holidays

11 Common Core Prepare students to be college and career ready in literacy by the end of high school Must be able to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas, like social sciences Having students be able to justify, in the appropriate maturity level of a student, why a mathematical statement is true and where the rule comes from

12 Relationships The Center for Civic Education seeks for students to understand the importance of many civic holidays that would just be considered a day-off by teaching it’s meaning and importance to the United States Common core standards seek students to be able to read, write, speak, and listen with a variety of language for each related subject area as well as being able to reason mathematical problems

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