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Lesson 24 What is behavior?. In school, behavior means being good or bad. To a scientist, behavior means all kinds of actions. It means how we react to.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 24 What is behavior?. In school, behavior means being good or bad. To a scientist, behavior means all kinds of actions. It means how we react to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 24 What is behavior?

2 In school, behavior means being good or bad. To a scientist, behavior means all kinds of actions. It means how we react to stimuli. It also means how we learn.

3 Scientists study behavior. They try to find out why we behave the way we do. They also try to find out how behavior can be changed.

4 One of the scientists who studied behavior was a Russian scientist named Ivan Pavlov. About a hundred years ago, Pavlov experimented with dogs.

5 He knew that dogs drool every time they see or smell food. This is a normal reflex response. Pavlov wanted to find out if this reflex could be changed. This is what he did:

6 Pavlov rang a bell every time he brought food to the dog. Each time he brought food, the dog drooled. Remember: food always makes dogs drool. He did this many times.

7 Then…………He just rang the bell. He did not give the dog any food. What do you think happened? The dog drooled, even though there was no food in front of him!

8 The dog had learned that the bell always meant food. The bell had now taken the place of food as a stimulus that causes drooling.

9 A behavior where one stimulus takes the place of another stimulus is called a conditioned response. Pavlov’s dog was conditioned to respond to a new kind of stimulus.

10 Conditioning is a very simple form of learning.

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