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Getting Started with Odyssey Assessment Test Builder.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Started with Odyssey Assessment Test Builder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Started with Odyssey Assessment Test Builder

2 What Do You Know About Odyssey? Which of these statements are true? 1.Odyssey activities are interactive, self-paced, challenging, and engaging activities and apply confirmed research about how students think and learn. 2.Student activities promote exploration, individual and cooperative learning, problem solving, reflection, with real-world connections. 3.Students can monitor their own progress. 4.Odyssey is available for use at home. 5.Students have many opportunities to apply writing skills across the curriculum. 6.Odyssey curriculum is research-based and aligned with national and local standards. 7.The Odyssey Manager delivers individual learning paths based on student assessment scores. 8. Student data is immediately available to administrators, teachers and students through a wide variety of reports.

3 District >Name< Goals for Odyssey Implementation  Add your local goals here  Ask an administrator of the district lead to discuss these briefly, if possible

4 What will you learn today? Participants will develop a working understanding of how creating and monitoring Odyssey assessments and learning paths can support their teaching and student learning.  Understand how to log-in to Odyssey  Create a class on Odyssey  Familiarize participants with Dashboard  Identify the basic features of Odyssey Test Builder  Understand the student experience on Odyssey using assessments  Develop a working understanding of progress monitoring

5 Agenda Morning Session: Introduction Basic Navigation Creating a Class Assignment Archive Test Builder Previewing Afternoon Session: The Student Experience Progress Monitoring Wrapping Things Up Session Evaluation

6 Outcome of Session Participants will have class(es) set up by the end of the session. Participants will have assigned the assignment from the Assignment archive. Participants will have created at least one Odyssey aligned assessment with a learning path that supports upcoming teaching and the implementation goals.

7 What is your personal learning goal?

8 Basic Navigation of OdysseyCreating a ClassAssigning CurriculumThe Student ExperienceProgress Monitoring Wrapping Up Today’s Session

9 What Do You Know About Odyssey? Which of these statements are true? 1.Odyssey activities are interactive, self-paced, challenging, and engaging activities and apply confirmed research about how students think and learn. 2.Student activities promote exploration, individual and cooperative learning, problem solving, reflection, with real-world connections. 3.Students can monitor their own progress. 4.Odyssey is available for use at home. 5.Students have many opportunities to apply writing skills across the curriculum. 6.Odyssey curriculum is research-based and aligned with national and local standards. 7.The Odyssey Manager delivers individual learning paths based on student assessment scores. 8. Student data is immediately available to administrators, teachers and students through a wide variety of reports.

10 Requirements We Address… State Standards Alignment Comprehensive Assessment Research-Based Pedagogy Depth and Breadth Spiraling Curriculum Scaffolded Support

11 The CompassLearning Difference Brain-Based Research / Engagement Interactive Conversational Interface Higher Level Thinking Skills Critical Mistakes Framework Single Manager Architecture 21 st Century Skill focus Automated Prescriptive Paths Unlimited Users

12 Engaging K-12 Content Reading Comprehension Biology English 1GovernmentPhysics

13 Educator Development Model

14 Single-Management System State standards aligned Easy to use Formative assessments Customizable assessments Automatic online prescription Progress monitoring Classroom management and differentiated instruction Student, parent, teacher, and administrator reports Aggregate and disaggregate data

15 Let’s Log In!

16 Teacher Interface / Dashboard

17 At a Glance - Assessment Snapshot views of how students are doing based on an objective Pie slice represents score ranges by color Fly out shows average student scores from LP and time on task

18 Concept Mapping for Teacher Interface Teacher Interface

19 Content  Resources

20 Standards-Aligned Instruction


22 Each one; Teach one Activity Working with a partner, create a class. Demonstrate this process for your partner. Be sure you are discussing the features and capabilities. Answer any questions your “student” may have. Switch roles and repeat.






28 Assessments  Test Builder


30 Think, Write, Share 1. Log in as a Student 2. Click on the Odyssey Community link on the student launch pad. 3. Reply to the thread in the topic Summarize it! 4. Read at least two entries made by your peers.


32 Assessment Results by Objective  Standards mastery documentation  Progress monitoring  Time-on-task reporting  Disaggregated and aggregated student information  District, school, teacher, and individual student reporting

33 Progress Monitoring How many times has each student in my class logged in? How much total time have they spent during a given period? How are my students progressing on a given assignment? What progress are they making on the assignment?


35 What? What did I learn? What did I share with other participants? What is the greatest benefit in using this software? What is the greatest challenge?

36 So What? What does this mean for my instructional practice? What could this mean for my students?

37 Now What? What is my immediate plan for using the software in my classroom? When will I begin to use it?

38 Moving forward… I will use Odyssey and have my students use Odyssey. I will monitor student assignments, progress, and completed work. I will contact my district representative for additional support.

39 Objectives Review Participants will develop a working understanding of how creating and monitoring Odyssey assessments and learning paths can support their teaching and student learning.  Understand how to log-in to Odyssey  Create a class on Odyssey  Familiarize participants with Dashboard  Identify the basic features of Odyssey Test Builder  Understand the student experience on Odyssey using assessments  Develop a working understanding of progress monitoring

40 Insert Contact Information Follow up Session will be: Differentiating Instructional Learning Paths for Students

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