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Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Agent Modeling Language: Behavioral Models Rafael Oliveira Ricson Santana Vinícius Remigo Jacques Robin.

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Presentation on theme: "Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Agent Modeling Language: Behavioral Models Rafael Oliveira Ricson Santana Vinícius Remigo Jacques Robin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ontologies Reasoning Components Agents Simulations Agent Modeling Language: Behavioral Models Rafael Oliveira Ricson Santana Vinícius Remigo Jacques Robin

2 Outline 1.Behavior package structure 2.Basic Behavior package 3.Behavior decomposition package 4.Observation and effecting interactions packages 5.Services package 6.Communicative interactions package

3 Reminder: Overall AML Package Structure

4 Behavior Package Structure  The AML conceptual metamodel reuses many of the concepts from UML: behavior, interactions, activities, state machines, etc. Behavior Decomposition Behavior Decomposition Observations and Effecting Interactions Observations and Effecting Interactions Services Mobility Basic Behavior Communicative Interactions Communicative Interactions

5 Basic Behavior Behavior Decomposition Behavior Decomposition Observations and Effecting Interactions Observations and Effecting Interactions Services Mobility Basic Behavior Communicative Interactions Communicative Interactions

6 Basic Behavior: Meta-Model

7 Basic Behavior  BehavioredSemiEntityType:  Abstract metaclasss  Specializess Class (from UML) and ServicedElement (from Services package)  Serves as a common superclass to all metaclasses which can: Own Capabilities, Observe and/or effect their environment by means of Perceptors and Effectors, and Provide and/or use services by means of ServicedPorts.  Capability:  Model an abstraction of a behavior in terms of its:  inputs, outputs, pre-conditions, and post-conditions.  Allows using common features of all the concrete subclasses of the Capability metaclass uniformly

8 Basic Behavior: Example Models Capability

9 Behavior Decomposition Behavior Decomposition Behavior Decomposition Observations and Effecting Interactions Observations and Effecting Interactions Services Mobility Basic Behavior Communicative Interactions Communicative Interactions

10 Behavior Decomposition: Meta-Model  BehaviorFragment allows:  decomposition of complex behaviors of Behaviored-SemiEntityTypes  the means to build reusable libraries of behaviors and related features.

11 Behavior Decomposition: BehaviorFragment  Specialized BehavioredSemiEntityType used to:  Model coherent and reusable fragments of behavior;  Structural and behavioral features  To decompose complex behaviors into simpler and (possibly) concurrently executable fragments.

12 Behavior Decomposition: Example Models Behavior Fragment Definition of the Behavior Fragments

13 Observation and effecting interactions Behavior Decomposition Behavior Decomposition Observations and Effecting Interactions Observations and Effecting Interactions Services Mobility Basic Behavior Communicative Interactions Communicative Interactions

14 Observation and effecting interactions  Observation Perceives the environment, or its part; Obtain information about its state or changes of its state; Observations are not considered to be interactions.  Effecting interaction Directly manipulating the state of another entity; The affected entity does not need to be aware that it is being changed;

15 Observation and effecting interactions: Meta-Model

16 Observation and effecting interactions  Observations Observations are modeled by means of perceptors. Perceptor types are used to specify a perceptor of that type can make. Perceiving acts are used to specify what perceptions their owners, or perceptors of given type, can perform. The specification of which entities can observe others is modeled by a perceives (metaclass Perceives) dependency.  Effecting Interactions Different aspects of effecting interactions are modeled analogously, by means of: effectors, effector types, effecting acts,and effects dependencies.

17 Observation and effecting interactions: Example Models Perceptor Effector Perceives Effects EffectorType PerceptorType

18 Services Behavior Decomposition Behavior Decomposition Observations and Effecting Interactions Observations and Effecting Interactions Services Mobility Basic Behavior Communicative Interactions Communicative Interactions

19 Services: Meta-Model

20  Service Specification  Specify properties of the functionality of the service and the way the specified service can be accessed.  Service Elements  Superclass to all the metaclasses that can provide or use services  Service Provision  Specialized Realization dependency (from UML) between a ServiceSpecification and a ServicedElement;  Specify that the ServicedElement provides services  Service Usage  Specialized Usage dependency (from UML) between a ServiceSpecification and a ServicedElement,;  Specify that the ServicedElement uses or requires (can request) services

21 Services: Specification

22 Service Specification: Example Models Sequence Diagram Communication Diagram Textual Notation

23 Services: Element

24 Service Element: Example Models Service Element

25 Services: Provision and Usage

26 Service Provision and Usage: Example Models Service Element Service Provision Service Specifiction Service Usage

27 Communicative Interactions Behavior Decomposition Behavior Decomposition Observations and Effecting Interactions Observations and Effecting Interactions Services Mobility Basic Behavior Communicative Interactions Communicative Interactions

28 Communicative Interactions Package  Generic extensions to UML interactions provide the means to model:  Interactions between groups of entities,  dynamic change of an object’s attributes induced by interactions,  messages not explicitly associated with an invocation of corresponding operations and signals.  The agent specific extension allows the modeling of:  speech act based interactions between MAS entities  interaction protocols.

29 Communicative Interactions: Multi-lifeline  Communicative Interactions—multi-lifeline: is a specialized UML lifeline used to represent (unlike UML lifeline) multiple participants in interactions. MultiLifeline

30 Communicative Interactions: Example Models MultiLifeline MultiMessage Subset

31 Communicative Interactions: Multi-message, Decoulpled Message and Palyload

32 Communicative Interactions: Meta-Model MultiMessage DecoupledMessage DecoupledMessagePayload CommunicationMessage CommunicationMessaPayload

33 Communicative Interactions: Example Models DecoupledMessagePayload DecoupledMessage

34 Communicative Interactions: Example Models CommunicationMessage CommunicationMessagePayload

35 Communicative Interactions: Subset Subset

36 Communicative Interactions: Join Join

37 Communicative Interactions: Example Models Join

38 Communicative Interactions: Attribute Change AttributeChange

39 Communicative Interactions: Example Models AttributeChange Unaffected Lifeline Destroy attributeCreate attribute

40 Behaviors in AML: Strengths  Allows the modeling of mobility more complexly  Covers the static deployment structure  Mobility dynamics and behavior.  Explicit modeling of behavior fragments  reusable libraries of capabilities,  does not appear in any other modeling language.  Framework for modeling advanced interactions.  Complex modeling of non-communicative interactions and effecting acts  Explicit modeling of perceptors and effectors

41 Behaviors in AML: Limitations  Technology-specific modeling frameworks  re-usable model libraries  Lack specific semantics,  e.g. What events or actions are “socially sensitive”  Model special social properties  Special actions to manipulate entity role playing is more explicit and therefore semantically rich.  Customize and extend the generic AML modeling constructs  Modeling of specific architectural concepts of particular (MAS) technologies.

42 ?

43 Communicative Interactions: Meta-Model CommunicativeInteraction InteractionProtocol

44 DecoupledMessageTrigger CommunicationMessageTrigger Communicative Interactions: MessageTrigger

45 Communicative Interactions: SendMessageAction SendDecoupledMessageAction SendCommunicationMessageAction

46 AcceptDecoupledMessageAction AcceptCommunicationMessageAction Communicative Interactions: AcceptMessageAction

47 222 CommunicationInteraction Fig 5.49 InteractionProtocol 226 DecoupledMessageTrigger 227 ComunicationMessageTrigger

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