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Vietnam: Stage Two President Johnson & the Escalation of Vietnam.

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Presentation on theme: "Vietnam: Stage Two President Johnson & the Escalation of Vietnam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vietnam: Stage Two President Johnson & the Escalation of Vietnam

2 Johnson Questions Vietnam Policy Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President Fall of Vietnam to communism – not on his watch! Increases number of U.S. advisers by over 11,000 Refuses to accept rebellion originating in the South January, 1964 – authorizes covert attacks on North Vietnam Secret bombings of Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos

3 The Gulf of Tonkin Incident August 2, 1964, USS Maddox fired on in North Vietnamese waters On August 4, USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy reported being attacked Johnson orders first bombing raids against North Vietnam Congress overwhelmingly passes The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Gives President Johnson broad powers: “all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression…” This became known as “the blank check”

4 Johnson escalates the war February 1965, Johnson begins Operation Rolling Thunder Operation Rolling Thunder - first sustained bombing of North Vietnam March 1965, first U.S. troops arrive By June 1965, 74,000 in Vietnam ARVN easily defeated by the North furthering build up of U.S. troops U.S. troops reach 543,000 in 1969

5 Short clip in FOG OF WAR Who is Robert McNamara?

6 North Vietnam Escalates When U.S. escalates, North Vietnam sends troops to help VietCong in south The VietCong and VietMinh use guerrilla warfare tactics: –inflict heavy casualties on U.S. – wear down popular support for the war in U.S. 1967: ground war is a stalemate Air war stalemate too - no more major military targets The damage on Vietnamese population enormous


8 The “Living Room War” Because of television, Vietnam was in the living room of all U.S. citizens Vietnam war became very unpopular because of the images and because it seemed “unwinnable” after TET Offensive The following are some of the images people saw








16 The TET Offensive TET – Vietnamese New Year Week long truce proclaimed January 31, 1968: over 85,000 NLF soldiers attacked almost every major city across South Vietnam U.S. Embassy in Saigon taken over Heavy losses for NLF & North Vietnamese

17 Aftermath of TET Commander of U.S. forces, General Westmoreland, requests 206,000 more troops Says “victory is near” – Johnson refuses troop request, fires Westmoreland Anti-war protests that started early/mid 60s, intensify in 1967 & more so after TET President Johnson’s popularity plummets Changes in Johnson’s administration

18 Johnson Changes Course After TET, Johnson announces: –U.S. would seek negotiations to end war –U.S. escalation would end –U.S. bombing would cease –South Vietnam & ARVN would play major role –Johnson chooses not to run again

19 Short clip of Cronkite after TET Who is Walter Cronkite?

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