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Israel & The Arabs. (friends or foes?) Gen 17.. Gen 12:1-3. Sarah gives Hagar her maid to Abram to wife. She conceives. Gen 16:3-4. Resentment broods.

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Presentation on theme: "Israel & The Arabs. (friends or foes?) Gen 17.. Gen 12:1-3. Sarah gives Hagar her maid to Abram to wife. She conceives. Gen 16:3-4. Resentment broods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Israel & The Arabs. (friends or foes?) Gen 17.

2 Gen 12:1-3. Sarah gives Hagar her maid to Abram to wife. She conceives. Gen 16:3-4. Resentment broods between Sarah & Hagar, Sarah deals with her hardly. verse 6. Yahweh comforts Hagar with a promise. v10. Yahweh evens names the child. v11. Ishmael (God shall hear). Sarah, Abrahams wife is barren Gen 16:1-2.

3 Yahweh’s covenant with Isaac. Gen 17:21. Ishmael blessed to become a great nation. Gen 17:20. (12 princes). Scriptural principle covenant not with the firstborn. Gen 21:9-10. Sarah requests Abraham to send Hagar & son away. Hagar sees the providential hand of God with them Gen 21:17-18.

4 Gen 25:13. 12 princes promised to Ishmael. They dwelt in the lands from Havilah unto Shur Gen 25:18. Bordering the Kuwait-Sinai region. Saudi-Arabia, towards Iraq Eastwards to Egypt in the West. To this day bitterness reigns between Ishmael and Isaac’s people.

5 Isaiah 11:11. The bible speaks of a time when God will send his Son back to the earth as promised. A second time speaks of a previous similar occurrence. This we know to be the Exodus.

6 Deut 33:2. It’s a scriptural principle that the future has it’s footprint in the past. Habakkuk 3:3.

7 Habakkuk 3:7 Tents (a nomadic people.) As Christ and the Saints leave Sinai they meet the Arab people first. CushanMidian. Arabia.


9 The scriptures inform us that hostility that has existed between Jews & Arab‘s will cease. Isaiah 21:13-15. 13, Forests speaks of transformation. 14, Tema = South. (Ishmael’s descendant Gen25:15). Provided sustenance to fleeing refugees. 15, Arabia provides a sanctuary from the invader of Jerusalem.

10 Isaiah 42:9-13. Psalm 72:8-9. The Wilderness. Habitations of Kedar. Inhabitants of the rock. They of the Wilderness. The Arab’s Ishmaels descendents will be recipients of God’s mercy. Isaiah 60:6-7

11 At the time of Christ’s return there shall be great signs in Egypt. ( Isaiah 19). 2, Civil war. 3, Government collapses. 4, Ruled over by a cruel lord. 5-10, Their economy fails 11-15, Egypt’s rulers fail the people. 16-17, they are brought to bear. 18, Yahweh memorialised. 21, They are converted. 23, Highway from Egypt to Assyria = world unity. Egypt recognises and embraces the Heir apparent.

12 When Christ reign’s from Jerusalem all Hostility amongst peoples of the world will cease Zechariah 14. Zephaniah 3:9.

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