Welcome to PHYS 253!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to PHYS 253!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to PHYS 253!

2 What is physics??? Study of the Universe!
How it works, where it came from, where it’s going [ rules of the game! ] Study of matter and energy Study of motion (kinematics / dynamics) “reductionist” approach to life The unknown Universe! Physics!

3 Branches of Physics Mechanics / kinematics Fluid dynamics
Study of motion (“Newton!”) Fluid dynamics Thermodymamics Optics Electricity and magnetism Modern physics Quantum mechanics, Relativity, etc…

4 Measurement and Units Physics is the study of physical things
Need to “qualify” what we measure UNITS! USA: Imperial System mph, ft, lbs, US pint, etc… Rest of the world: Système internationale Metric system!

5 Fundamental SI Units Length: meter (m) Time: second (s)
“Distance travelled by light in a vacuum during an interval of 1/ seconds” Time: second (s) “Duration of periods of the radiation corresponding to hyperfine transition of Cs-133” Mass: kilogram (kg) “Mass of the prototype kilogram in Paris.”

6 Les unités de la systeme internationale
Distance: mètre (m) “La distance parcouru par la lumière dans un vacuum durant 1/299,792,458 seconds” Temps: seconde (s) “La duration de 9,192,531,770 périodes des radiations du transition hyperfine de Cs-133” Masse: kilogramme (kg) “La masse équivalente de la kilogramme prototypique à Paris.”

7 Converting Units To switch back and forth from one type of unit to another, multiply by “unit conversion factor” Example: How many feet in 1 km? We know 1 km = 1000 m , and feet = 1 m All units cancel except the one we’re trying to find Units must describe the same quantity! (e.g. can’t convert time to distance)

8 Additional Example Example: How many seconds are in a year? Solution:
We want to convert 1 year = ??? s. Since 1 year = days day = 24 hr 1 hr = 60 min 1 min = 60 s we can determine

9 Compound Quantities and Units
All quantities and units are made up of those three! From one unit: Area: Volume: length length w h length w h l

10 Compound Quantities and Units
All other units are made up of those three! Speed: how much distance is covered in a particular amount of time Acceleration: how does speed change over a particular amount of time?

11 Dimensional Analysis Area: Volume:
We can figure out what the compound units are by writing all known quanities in terms of the fundamental SI units! Area: Volume: w h w h l

12 Dimensional Analysis Speed: Acceleration:

13 What are the units of force?
Example: Acceleration can be expressed as the ratio between the force applied to a mass and the value of the mass: Using dimensional analysis, determine the units of force.

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