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Christ, Our Passover I Corinthians 5:1-8. Introduction-1 Paul was dealing with a terrible sin in the church at Corinth A member was committing sexual.

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Presentation on theme: "Christ, Our Passover I Corinthians 5:1-8. Introduction-1 Paul was dealing with a terrible sin in the church at Corinth A member was committing sexual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christ, Our Passover I Corinthians 5:1-8

2 Introduction-1 Paul was dealing with a terrible sin in the church at Corinth A member was committing sexual immorality with his father’s wife- v. 1 A sin condemned by the Gentiles He rebuked them for being puffed up with pride rather than having sorrow for the man’s sin They had allowed it to continue without censure

3 Introduction-2 Paul said that a little leaven leavens the whole lump- v. 6 The behavior of each member affects the whole church He instructed them to purge out the old leaven- v. 7 Remove the sin that was corrupting the church That required withdrawing from the man- v. 5 & v.9 The reason given for withdrawing from the man was because “Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us”- v. 7 I want to consider this statement further

4 The Passover-1 A feast begun in Egypt at the end of the Israelites’ bondage there- Exod. 12 On the night when the firstborn children were killed, and Pharaoh released them Observed on the 14 th day of the 1 st month About this time of the year The Jews killed a lamb and put its blood above and on the sides of the doors of their houses

5 The Passover-2 They roasted and ate the lamb with bitter herbs The lamb’s blood protected the firstborn children in the houses of the Israelites But all of the firstborn among the Egyptians died The Passover began a feast of unleavened bread that continued for seven more days- Ex. 12:15 The Jews were commanded to keep this feast and were observing it when Paul wrote this letter

6 Similarities between Christ and the Passover-1 Jesus is the antetype of the Passover lamb Each one, every year pointed to Him 1.The Passover lamb had to be without blemish- Exod. 12:5 Jesus was completely sinless- I Pet. 2:22 2. Not a bone of the lamb was broken- Exod. 12:46 The soldiers sent to break Jesus’ legs found Him already dead and pierced His side- Jn. 19:36

7 Similarities between Christ and the Passover-2 3. Blood of the lamb delivered the firstborn Israelites from death in Egypt The word Passover means to spare Jesus’ blood delivers us from sin and spiritual death- Rev. 1:5 & Rom. 6:23 John the Baptist declared, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”- Jn. 1:29

8 Similarities between Christ and the Passover-3 Jesus’ blood is represented by the fruit of the vine in the Lord’s supper- Mt. 26:28 4. The Passover lamb was killed at the beginning of the new year Jesus’ death gives us a new beginning and a better life- II Cor. 5:17 5. The lamb provided nourishment for the Israelites who ate it Jesus’ life and words are our spiritual food- Jn. 6:54 & 63 They will enable us to grow spiritually and be like Him- I Pet. 2:2

9 Similarities between Christ and the Passover-4 6.Jesus is also our unleavened bread The Jews were commanded to remove all leaven from their houses before the Passover feast Leaven in the scriptures often represents sin- Mt. 16:6 The unleavened bread in the Passover feast appears to have represented the purity and separation between God’s people and the Gentiles It is used in the Lord’s supper to represent Jesus’ sinless body which was freely given for our sins- Mt. 26:26

10 Christ’s Expectation for His Church- 1 God claimed Israel as His firstborn son- Ex. 4:22 He delivered them from slavery by the death of the Passover lamb God’s “firstborn” today comprise His church which has been delivered from sin by the blood of His Son- Heb. 12:23 Christ wants His church to be holy – Eph. 5:27 Not just most members but every member- I Pet. 1:15 Reason the Corinthians were told to “purge out the old leaven”

11 Christ’s Expectation for His Church-2 To be a pure and holy influence upon on one another and in the world- Mt. 5:13 Jesus has cleansed us in His blood so that we can remain pure and clean- I Tim. 5:22 Only those who keep themselves pure will be prepared to meet Jesus when he returns- I Jn. 3:3 Are you prepared to meet Jesus this afternoon?

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