Palestinians studying in Germany. Title of Presentation | Seite 2 Universität Tübingen.

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1 Palestinians studying in Germany

2 Title of Presentation | Seite 2 Universität Tübingen

3 Title of Presentation | Seite 3 DAAD Alumni in Palestine Over 600 DAAD Alumni since 1992 are registered with the DAAD IC Jerusalem An estimated 400 Alumni before 1992 1 st DAAD alumnus studied from 1957 - 1960

4 Title of Presentation | Seite 4 Yearly DAAD scholarships for Palestinians 8 Master Scholarships 7 PhD scholarships 5 IT scholarships (Master & PhD) up to 20 Master scholarships to Jordan Other scholarships (no quote) : PPGG, IWRM (Water), REMENA (Environment), ECAR (Economic change), INEMA (Education), postgraduate scholarships for developing countries, BA Translation, MA DaF

5 Title of Presentation | Seite 5 For more information check our website:

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