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Social 30-1 Mr. Danny Tulk. Words  Pluralism  Progressivism.

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Presentation on theme: "Social 30-1 Mr. Danny Tulk. Words  Pluralism  Progressivism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social 30-1 Mr. Danny Tulk

2 Words  Pluralism  Progressivism

3 Housekeeping  Your first test will be Wednesday of next week.  It will be on Chapters 1 and 2.  Mainly on the Formation of Ideologies and the development of collectivism and Individualism.

4 Let’s talk about your assignment book  Good job.  Most of you seem to really grasp the elements in the class.  However, some answers were superficial, I know what the books states. This is 30-1, I expect you to construct opinions and arguments.  But, generally very pleased.

5 Quick review  Identity.  Ideology  Collective and Individual.  Hegemony  Plato  Locke and Hobbs.  Collectivism and Individualism.  Ideological Spectrum and the Grey Area.

6 Questions of an Ideology (Quick Review)  What are humans like, and why do they act the way they do?  How should society be organized?  How did the world work in the past?  How should it work in the future?

7 Let’s get started with your Presentations.  As a class, we need to determine where each individual falls on the Ideological Spectrum.

8 Now, let’s move on to “Themes of Ideology” Yesss.

9  Autonomy  Liberalism  Individual Rights and Freedoms

10 Housekeeping  I am concerned that I am rushing the upcoming test.  Would you mind it being after the break?  Also, you will have a Quiz on Friday of this week.  It is a “real” quiz with 3 short answer questions.

11 This is based on Pg. 51

12 Themes of Ideology  Ideologies can be based on Themes.  These central themes are:  Nation.  Religion.  Class.  Relationship to the environment.  Gender  Race

13 Nation  A community of people usually occupying a defined territory, often (but not always) politically independent.  Many Francophone Separatist want to create a separate nation state, This is part of their Ideology.  Being “American” has slowly developed into an Ideology.

14 Class  A division of society, such as the middle class, usually defined by income, wealth, privilege, or role in society.  The ideas of Communism (Collectivism) attempt to eliminate class system.  Others see class as evidence of a persons wealth and talent?

15 Race  Grouping of human beings distinguished according to biological traits, such as skin colour.  Some ideologies seek to eradicate racial discrimination.  Some assert their superiority or ideology on racial characteristics.

16 Environment (Relationship to land)  The natural surroundings in which a person lives, and his/her connection to those surroundings.  Think about Environmentalism and the new Green Movement.

17 Gender  Sex considered as a sociological category.  Feminist ideologies are concerned with attaining equal legal and political rights for women.  Others attempt to assert the superiority of one sex over another.

18 Religion  The Worship of one or more deities and acceptance of a particular set of values associated with that worship.  Liberalism develops an idea based on freedom of religion.  Others create a society based around the ideas of a particular religion.

19 That’s it  Tomorrow we start on the Renaissance and Reformation.

20 “Early Understandings of Individualism and Collectivism”

21  The Middle Ages - Year 500:  People are defined by their social class. (peasant, clergy, nobility)  The Individual is not valued and can not move in society unless they are clergy or nobility.  People have little rights or freedoms.

22  The individual was unimportant.  Unless you knew somebody to help you, you didn’t move in society.  This can be seen in the art of the time.

23  People were not usually pictured.  No real images or actual depictions.  Only glorified images of religious figures.  Called Icons or iconocalastic.

24  People became more interested in studying the world around them.  Their art became more true to life.  They began to explore new lands.  Renaissance is a French word that means “rebirth.”  With these new ideas the individual became more important.

25 1. Self-Portrait -- da Vinci, 1512 1452 - 1519 Artist Sculptor Architect Scientist Engineer Inventor

26  One of the great thinkers of the Renaissance.  Began creating art that focused on the actual form of man.  Da Vinci’s most famous painting.


28  Vitruvian Man  created by Leonardo Da Vinci around the year 1487. [ [  Depicts a male figure in two with his arms and legs apart.  Simultaneously inscribed in a circle and square.

29  the picture represents a cornerstone of Leonardo's attempts to relate man to nature.  Up until this point people were always seen as holy and unrealistic.  After thinkers like Da Vinci society began to change.  Books, Education, and Philosophy were growing among the upper classes.

30 The Renaissance “Man” Broad knowledge about many things in different fields. Deep knowledge/skill in one area. Able to link information from different areas/disciplines and create new knowledge. The Greek ideal of the “well-rounded man” was at the heart of Renaissance education.

31  People were still largely ruled by Kings and Queens and the Church.  Rulers were ordained by God and had divine right.  It was unacceptable to question authority or the church.  So, even though people were getting more education, it was not available to the lower class.

32  An ideology based on the importance of individual liberty and the values of individualism.

33 Social 30-1 Chapter 2

34 Words  Rule of Law  Renaissance  Enlightenment  Social Contract

35 Quick Review  Printing Press:  Printing Press:  Invented by German inventor Johannes Gutenberg.  increased mechanization  remained the principal means of printing until the late 20th century  Made book affordable.

36 Religion  Christian reform movement in Europe which begun with Martin Luther's Ninety- Five Theses.  attempt to change the Catholic Church.  involving the teaching and sale of indulgences.  Let’s talk about indulgences.

37 Now, Let’s move on!

38  A time for questioning.  The idea of the individual became more important.  People began to question the rulers and the Church.  Reason, not religion, should be the source of knowledge.  Each individual had rights (if that “individual” was a Man that had Land!).

39  People were capable of governing themselves.  Science became more prominent in reasoning and not faith.  Famous scientists like Isaac Newton came from this time.  During the Enlightenment people began to question society and their place within it.

40  After the Enlightenment people questioned government.  A new political Ideology known as Liberalism formed.  A central idea of liberalism is the focus on individual liberty.  People moved away from rulers and more rights and freedoms.

41  These ideas led to both of the major revolutions:

42  The political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century.  Thirteen of Britain's colonies in North America rejected the British monarchy  became the sovereign United States of America.

43  a period of political and social radical change in the history of France.  the French governmental structure, previously an absolute monarchy underwent radical change to.  based on Enlightenment principles of citizenship and inalienable rights.

44 Principles of Individualism and Collectivism

45 Quick Review (On the Next Page of your booklet)  Compare the Ideology of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes.

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