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Beyond the Cold War Chapter 26. Foreign Affairs  Invasion of Panama (1989)  Bush ordered an invasion to capture General Manuel Noriega for trial for.

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1 Beyond the Cold War Chapter 26

2 Foreign Affairs  Invasion of Panama (1989)  Bush ordered an invasion to capture General Manuel Noriega for trial for drug smuggling and money laundering.  The Gulf War  Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq  Iraq invaded its wealthy neighbor Kuwait on August 2, 1990 because of an oil dispute.  The U.S. dispatched troops to Saudi Arabia to prevent Iraq expansion.  Desert Shield


4 The Gulf War  The U.N. authorized the use of force to dislodge Iraq from Kuwait.  By January 1991, Bush had put together a 28 nation coalition  Operation Desert Storm  Air attack began on January 17 against Baghdad  Ground attack began on February 24 and lasted only 4 days  Cease fire on February 28  148 U.S. combat deaths / 145 noncombatant.  Saddam Hussein remained in power.

5 Recession and Downsizing  Bush seemed unbeatable  Approval rating – 91%  Bush was an expert in foreign policy; however, the Cold War was over.  Bush begins the process of downsizing the military.  Private businesses also began “restructuring” and “downsizing”  Economic recession  Bush administration assured Americans that the recession would be short and self-correcting.  “ Peace dividend”

6 More Controversy  Clarence Thomas Hearings  Bush nominates for Supreme Court  African American and a Conservative  Former employee Anita Hill accused Thomas of sexual harassment  Thomas was confirmed in the Senate by a 52 to 48 margin.  North American Free Trade Agreement  Bush negotiated NAFTA with Canada and Mexico  Tariff reductions would open up foreign markets to American industries.  Organized labor favored barriers against cheaper foreign products that might cost U.S. jobs.  Passed in 1993.

7 The Election of 1992  George Bush (Rep)  Bill Clinton (Dem)  Moderate Governor of Arkansas  Stressed economic issues to win over working-class whites and blacks.  Made extensive use of polls to shape his stance on issues.Flip-flopped on controversial issues.“Slick Willie”  Personal Character  Chronic adulterer  Dodged the draft in Vietnam  Ross Perot (Independent)  Candidate of the Reform Party  Wealthy Texan

8 “It’s the Economy…”

9 The Clinton Presidency  Health care reform plan  Government subsidized health care  Hillary Clinton  Failed to muster the necessary support of Congress and the public.  Comprehensive economic program  Tax hikes for corporations and for individuals in higher tax brackets.  Increased “investment” in public works and in education, skills, health, and welfare.  Very controversial; narrowly passed.  “Don’t ask; don’t tell” policy for the military

10 The Clinton Presidency on Trial  The Conservative Revolution Reborn  Midterm elections of 1994  Newt Gingrich (R-Speaker of the House in 1995)  The “Contract with America”  Welfare reform  Government shutdown  Scandals  Whitewater fraud (S & L scandal)  Paula Jones – Sexual harassment  Monica Lewinsky affair (White House intern)  Impeachment for perjury(1998)  Acquittal (1999)

11 The Clinton Presidency: The New World Disorder  Middle East Peace  Middle East peace negotiations  1993 agreement between Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasir Arafat to restore Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.  Rabin assassinated in 1995.

12 The Clinton Presidency: The New World Disorder  Americans in Haiti (1995)  Coup against Democratically-elected Jean-Bertrand Aristide.  Jimmy Carter sent to Port-au-Prince to negotiate  U.S. troops landed without opposition  Yugoslavian Turmoil (The Balkans)  Ethnic and religious conflicts in Bosnia and Croatia  Orthodox Serbs, Catholic Croats, and Bosnian or Albanian Muslims  NATO launched air strikes in 1995. Peacekeeping mission.  Intervention in Kosovo  Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic asserted Serbian control through martial law.  NATO launched air strikes in 1999


14  1986 Immigration and Control Act Significant Events  1992 Rodney King verdict; Clinton elected  1993 NAFTA passed  1994 Republicans win control of Congress  1995 Oklahoma City bombing  1996 California passes Proposition 209  1998 Lewinsky scandal  1999 Senate acquits Clinton of impeachment charges

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