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4.03: The Planets Identify the characteristics associated with the Terrestrial and Jovian planets.

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Presentation on theme: "4.03: The Planets Identify the characteristics associated with the Terrestrial and Jovian planets."— Presentation transcript:

1 4.03: The Planets Identify the characteristics associated with the Terrestrial and Jovian planets.

2 Adventure through the Solar System!

3 Mercury: The first Planet from the Sun

4 Mercury Bio/Facts Diameter: 4880 km Relative Mass (Earth = 1): 0.06 Density (kg/m 3 ): 5430 Distance from Sun (AU): 0.39 Length of Day: 4222.6 hours Length of Year: 88 days Mean Temp: 332.6 ⁰F

5 Atmosphere No sustained atmosphere Slight, thin “exosphere” made up of Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, and Sodium that is constantly being lost and replenished

6 Moons According to our scans, Mercury has no moons!  How lonely!

7 Pictures As we travel by and on Mercury write down 1 observation about Mercury and what you can see at each location!



10 What is this dark spot at the North Pole?



13 Blue??? (Its false color, but why are there different surfaces?)

14 Video!

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