Chapter 4 Learning Styles Personality assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Learning Styles Personality assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Learning Styles Personality assessment

2 Sabiduria Two sides of learning – Knowledge – Wisdom

3 Your brain Brain function contributes to learning

4 The brain & learning 3 lbs Control center – Think – Feel – Act Where learning takes place

5 Hardworking brain Involuntary functions Balance Voluntary actions Emotional reactions Reasoning & thinking Interpret senses

6 Brain Zones The brain stem – Connects brain to spinal cord – Control basic functions Cerebellum – Balance & coordination Cerebrum – High-level functioning – Voluntary movements

7 The Cerebrum – A house divided 2 hemispheres – Left Language Logic Right side of the body – Right Art & music Imagination Non-verbal Left side of the body

8 On a cellular level Functional unit of the brain – Neuron – Receive and send messages – Nerve impulse travels 200 miles an hour

9 Making connections Learn  connections between neurons Learn  FASTER

10 Keep your brain healthy Diet impacts brain performance

11 Learning Styles “a particular way in which the mind receives and processes information”

12 How can you discover your learning style? http://learning-styles- http://learning-styles- Pg 116 of your text book

13 What is the value of learning style assessments? Maximize strengths Compensate for weaknesses ID’s – Best way to study – Manage time – Remember material General guide

14 How do I put assessment results in perspective? Remember – snapshot No right answers Try different approaches  – analyze results Multiple pathways

15 Multiple Intelligence Pathways Howard Gardner

16 Multiple Intelligence Pathways Verbal-Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Bodily-Kinesthetic Visual-Spatial Interpersonal Intrapersonal Musical Naturalistic

17 Verbal - Linguistic Ability to communicate through language (listening, reading, writing, speaking)

18 Logical-mathematical Ability to understand logical reasoning and problem solving (math, science, patterns sequences)

19 Bodily-Kinesthetic Ability to use the physical body skillfully and to take in knowledge through bodily sensation (coordination, working with hands)

20 Visual-Spatial Ability to understand spatial relationships and to perceive and create images (visual arts, graphic design, charts and maps)

21 Interpersonal Ability to relate to others, noticing their moods, motivations and feelings (social activity, cooperative learning, teamwork)

22 Intrapersonal Ability to understand one’s own behavior and feelings

23 Musical Ability to comprehend and create meaningful sound and recognize patterns (music, sensitivity to sound and patterns)

24 Naturalistic Ability to identify, distinguish, categorize and classify species or items, often incorporating high interest in elements of the natural environment

25 Who do you think you are? A.Verbal-linguistic B.Logical-mathematical C.Bodily-Kinesthetic D.Visual-spatial E.None of these

26 Who do you think you are? A.Interpersonal B.Intrapersonal C.Musical D.Naturalistic E.None of these

27 Take & Score the Assessment Test Page 115-116

28 Verbal - Linguistic SKILLS Analyzing own use of language Remembering terms easily Explaining, teaching, learning using humor Understanding syntax and work meaning Convincing someone to do something STUDY TECHNIQUES Read text; highlight no more than 10% Rewrite notes Outline chapters Teach someone else Recite information or write scripts / debates

29 Logical-mathematical SKILLS Recognizing abstract patterns Reasoning inductive and deductively Discerning relationships & connections Performing complex calculations Reasoning scientifically STUDY TECHNIQUES Organize material logically Explain material sequentially to someone Develop systems and find patterns Write outlines and develop charts and graphs Analyze information

30 Bodily-Kinesthetic SKILLS Connecting mind and body Controlling movement Improving body functions Expanding body awareness to all senses Coordinating body movement STUDY TECHNIQUES Move or rap while you learn; pace and recite Use “method of loci” or manipulative Move fingers under words while reading Create “living sculptures” Act out scripts of material, design games

31 Visual-Spacial SKILLS Perceiving and forming objects accurately Recognizing relationships between objects Representing something graphically Manipulating images Finding one’s way in space STUDY TECHNIQUES Develop graphic organizers for new material Draw mind maps Develop charts and graphs Use color in notes to organize Visualize material (method of loci)

32 Interpersonal SKILLS Seeing things from other’s perspectives Cooperating within a group Communicating verbally and nonverbally Creating and maintaining relationships STUDY TECHNIQUES Study in a group Discuss information Use flash cards with others Teach someone else

33 Intrapersonal SKILLS Evaluating own thinking Being aware of and expressing feelings Understanding self in relation to others Thinking and reasoning on higher levels STUDY TECHNIQUES Reflect on personal meaning of information Visualize information / keep a journal Study in quiet settings Imagine experiments

34 Musical SKILLS Sensing tonal qualities Creating/enjoying melodies, rhythms Being sensitive to sound & rhythms Using “schemas” to hear music Understanding the structure of music STUDY TECHNIQUES Create rhythms out of words Beat out rhythms with hand or stick Play instrumental music/write raps Put new material to songs you already know Take music breaks

35 Naturalistic SKILLS Ability to categorize something as a member of a group or species Ability to distinguish items in a group from one another STUDY TECHNIQUES Break down information into categories Look for relationships among ideas, events facts

36 Other learning variables Scope of thought

37 Global Learner “See the big picture” “How things relate to each other” – Summarize your notes – Draw conclusions – Sketch diagrams to show how things come together – Come up with questions about the topics covered in class Detail learner “Learn in logical patterns” “Like strict outlines” – Summarize notes with bulleted points – Draw diagrams to relate small pieces of into to larger themes – Make to-do lists for self – Write questions down during class – Think of examples to illustrate details

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