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The Periodic Table of Elements 11 th Grade Chemistry Miss Bouselli Click Here to Begin.

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Presentation on theme: "The Periodic Table of Elements 11 th Grade Chemistry Miss Bouselli Click Here to Begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Periodic Table of Elements 11 th Grade Chemistry Miss Bouselli Click Here to Begin

2 Click the group you would like to start with Group 1: Alkali Metals Group 2: Alkaline Earth Metals Transition Metals Group 3: Boron Group Group 4: Carbon Group Group 5: Pnictogens Group 6: Chalcogens Group 7: Halogens Group 8: Noble Gases 1 2 Transitions 3 4 5 6 7 8 All Done? Click here!

3 Group 1: Alkali Metals Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table *Even though Hydrgen is in Group 1, it is actually a gas

4 Group 2: Alkaline Earth Metals Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table

5 Group 3: The Boron Group Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table

6 Group 4: The Carbon Group Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table

7 Group 5: The Pnictogens Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table

8 Group 6: Chalcogens Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table

9 Group 7: Halogens Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table

10 Group 8: The Noble Gases Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table

11 The Transition Metals Click the element you would like to learn more about.* *Note these are just the most common transition metals Return to Full Periodic Table

12 Hydrogen Symbol: H Atomic Mass: 1.0794g/mol Atomic Number: 1 Return to Alkali Metals

13 Lithium Symbol: Li Atomic Mass: 6.941g/mol Atomic Number: 3 Return to Alkali Metals

14 Sodium Symbol: Na Atomic Mass: 22.99g/mol Atomic Number: 11 Return to Alkali Metals

15 Potassium Symbol: K Atomic Mass: 39.10g/mol Atomic Number: 19 Return to Alkali Metals

16 Rubidium Symbol: Rb Atomic Mass: 85.47g/mol Atomic Number: 37 Return to Alkali Metals

17 Cesium Symbol: Cs Atomic Mass: 132.9g/mol Atomic Number: 55 Return to Alkali Metals

18 Francium Symbol: Fr Atomic Mass: 223g/mol Atomic Number: 87 Return to Alkali Metals

19 Beryllium Symbol: Be Atomic Mass: 9.012g/mol Atomic Number: 4 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals

20 Magnesium Symbol: Mg Atomic Mass: 24.305g/mol Atomic Number: 12 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals

21 Calcium Symbol: Ca Atomic Mass: 40.078g/mol Atomic Number: 20 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals

22 Strontium Symbol: Sr Atomic Mass: 87.62g/mol Atomic Number: 38 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals

23 Barium Symbol: Sr Atomic Mass: 137.327g/mol Atomic Number: 56 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals

24 Radium Symbol: Ra Atomic Mass: 226.025g/mol Atomic Number: 88 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals

25 Boron Symbol: B Atomic Mass: 10.811g/mol Atomic Number: 5 Return to The Boron Group

26 Aluminum Symbol: Al Atomic Mass: 26.982g/mol Atomic Number: 13 Return to The Boron Group

27 Gallium Symbol: Ga Atomic Mass: 69.732g/mol Atomic Number: 31 Return to The Boron Group

28 Indium Symbol: In Atomic Mass: 114.818g/mol Atomic Number: 49 Return to The Boron Group

29 Thallium Symbol: Tl Atomic Mass: 204.383g/mol Atomic Number: 81 Return to The Boron Group

30 Carbon Symbol: C Atomic Mass: 12.011g/mol Atomic Number: 6 Return to The Carbon Group

31 Silicon Symbol: Si Atomic Mass: 28.086g/mol Atomic Number: 14 Return to The Carbon Group

32 Germanium Symbol: Ge Atomic Mass: 72.61g/mol Atomic Number: 32 Return to The Carbon Group

33 Tin Symbol: Sn Atomic Mass: 118.7g/mol Atomic Number: 50 Return to The Carbon Group

34 Lead Symbol: Pb Atomic Mass: 207.2g/mol Atomic Number: 82 Return to The Carbon Group

35 Nitrogen Symbol: N Atomic Mass: 14.007g/mol Atomic Number: 7 Return to The Pnictogens

36 Phosphorus Symbol: P Atomic Mass: 30.974g/mol Atomic Number: 15 Return to The Pnictogens

37 Arsenic Symbol: As Atomic Mass: 74.922g/mol Atomic Number: 33 Return to The Pnictogens

38 Antimony Symbol: Sb Atomic Mass: 121.760g/mol Atomic Number: 51 Return to The Pnictogens

39 Bismuth Symbol: Bi Atomic Mass: 208.980g/mol Atomic Number: 83 Return to The Pnictogens

40 Oxygen Symbol: O Atomic Mass: 15.999g/mol Atomic Number: 8 Return to The Chalcogens

41 Sulfur Symbol: S Atomic Mass: 32.066g/mol Atomic Number: 16 Return to The Chalcogens

42 Selenium Symbol: Se Atomic Mass: 78.09g/mol Atomic Number: 34 Return to The Chalcogens

43 Tellurium Symbol: Te Atomic Mass: 127.6g/mol Atomic Number: 52 Return to The Chalcogens

44 Polonium Symbol: Po Atomic Mass: 208.982g/mol Atomic Number: 84 Return to The Chalcogens

45 Fluorine Symbol: F Atomic Mass: 18.998g/mol Atomic Number: 9 Return to The Halogens

46 Chlorine Symbol: Cl Atomic Mass: 35.453g/mol Atomic Number: 17 Return to The Halogens

47 Bromine Symbol: Br Atomic Mass: 79.904g/mol Atomic Number: 35 Return to The Halogens

48 Iodine Symbol: I Atomic Mass: 126.904g/mol Atomic Number: 53 Return to The Halogens

49 Astatine Symbol: At Atomic Mass: 209.987g/mol Atomic Number: 85 Return to The Halogens

50 Helium Symbol: He Atomic Mass: 4.003g/mol Atomic Number: 2 Return to The Noble Gases

51 Neon Symbol: Ne Atomic Mass: 20.180g/mol Atomic Number: 10 Return to The Noble Gases

52 Argon Symbol: Ar Atomic Mass: 39.948g/mol Atomic Number: 18 Return to The Noble Gases

53 Krypton Symbol: Kr Atomic Mass: 84.80g/mol Atomic Number: 36 Return to The Noble Gases

54 Xenon Symbol: Xe Atomic Mass: 131.29g/mol Atomic Number: 54 Return to The Noble Gases

55 Radon Symbol: Rn Atomic Mass: 222.018g/mol Atomic Number: 86 Return to The Noble Gases

56 Titanium Symbol: Ti Atomic Mass: 47.88g/mol Atomic Number: 22 Return to the Transition Metals

57 Vanadium Symbol: V Atomic Mass: 50.942g/mol Atomic Number: 23 Return to the Transition Metals

58 Chromium Symbol: Cr Atomic Mass: 51.996g/mol Atomic Number: 24 Return to the Transition Metals

59 Manganese Symbol: Mn Atomic Mass: 54.938g/mol Atomic Number: 25 Return to the Transition Metals

60 Iron Symbol: Fe Atomic Mass: 55.847g/mol Atomic Number: 26 Return to the Transition Metals

61 Cobalt Symbol: Co Atomic Mass: 58.933g/mol Atomic Number: 27 Return to the Transition Metals

62 Nickel Symbol: Ni Atomic Mass: 58.693g/mol Atomic Number: 28 Return to the Transition Metals

63 Copper Symbol: Cu Atomic Mass: 63.546g/mol Atomic Number: 29 Return to the Transition Metals

64 Zinc Symbol: Zn Atomic Mass: 65.39g/mol Atomic Number: 30 Return to the Transition Metals

65 Silver Symbol: Ag Atomic Mass: 107.87g/mol Atomic Number: 47 Return to the Transition Metals

66 Gold Symbol: Au Atomic Mass: 196.97g/mol Atomic Number: 79 Return to the Transition Metals

67 Mercury Symbol: Hg Atomic Mass: 200.59g/mol Atomic Number: 80 Return to the Transition Metals

68 Let’s see what you’ve learned! Which group is the element Tellurium found? A.The Alkali MetalsThe Alkali Metals A.The Noble GasesThe Noble Gases C. The ChalcogensThe Chalcogens D. The HalogensThe Halogens

69 Oops! Your Answer: The Noble Gases Sorry, that’s incorrect! Try again!

70 Oops! Your answer: The Alkali Metals Sorry, that’s incorrect! Try again!

71 Oops! Your Answer: The Halogens Sorry, that’s incorrect! Try again!


73 Congratulations! You’ve finished The Periodic Table of Elements! Return to the Start


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