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2015-09-031 These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-09-031 These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-09-031 These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Mälardalen, Västerås, Sweden and at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia (year 2003/2004). For all other purposes, authors’ written permission is needed! The purpose of these materials is to help students in better understanding of lectures in DSD and not their replacement! NOTICE!

2 Vision of the main application

3 2015-09-033 Selected Topics in Software Engineering - Distributed Software Development

4 2015-09-034 The Interactive Museum Team Presents: Interactive Museum Design Description and Project Status

5 2015-09-035 Introduction General requirements –Mote network –Main Application –PDA Application –Web Application –Database Project Status What we will talk about?

6 2015-09-036 Introduction General requirements Divided in 5 parts Main application - basic functionality Mote network - communication between motes PDA Application - gives visitor multimedia content Web Application - view exhibition from home Database - store information

7 Main aplication Has five main functions –Staff management –Visitor registration –Floor plan and mote administration –Exhibit content administration –Mote management Technologies –.NET framework 2.0 –C#

8 Staff management This part allow us to register new users –Two different types of users Administrator –Able to see all main application options (possibilities) Staff –Can only register new visitors and see visitors positions in a museum Also allow us to change user details –Name, password.... Or delete existing user

9 Floor plan and mote administration Allow us to present mote deployment in museum space (using preloaded map of the museum) Drag and drop functionality will make adding removing and relocating the motes easy Displayes signal coverage We will see visitors current positions in a museum and will be able to see attendance for each exhibit

10 Exhibit content administration Part for adding deleting and modifying exhibit related content –Allow administrator to chose video and/or static content that will be sent to visitors PDA –Creates links in database that will be used in data streaming module

11 Visitor registration When visitors come in the museum this is where we will register them –Using some personal data (e-mail) but never storing it, and links it with PDA IP address and mote ID –taking care of visitors privacy –Allows merging of data for previously visited exhibitions Administrator can delete information on visitors

12 Vision of the main application

13 Mote management Allows administrator to power up and shut down motes in the museum –Power up in the morning when museum opens –Shut down at the end of work time –Power up/shut down on will

14 Mote Control

15 2015-09-0315 Mote network requirements Detect visitors at every exhibit Identify visitor Identify exhibit Inform the rest of system about this Allow system to control network (start up / shut down)

16 2015-09-0316 Mote network - overview Three mote classes: Static motes –At every exhibit stand –Larger radio range Dynamic motes –With museum visitor –Smaller radio range Base mote –Connected to the server computer –Bridge between hardware and software part of the system

17 2015-09-0317 Mote network

18 2015-09-0318 Mote Communication Every static mote has unique ID Every dynamic mote has unique ID Dynamic mote Static mote Base mote Main application Main application

19 2015-09-0319 Communication - General Dynamic mote broadcasts it’s ID Static mote captures ID (if enough close) –Reports it back to the main application Main application can shut down / start up the mote network

20 2015-09-0320 Mote Technology Details Hardware mica2 motes –as static, dynamic and base motes Software TinyOS –system and component library platform nesC –writing mote programs

21 PDA Application

22 Development Windows Mobile 5.0 (OS).NET Framework 2.0 Visual Studio 2005 Windows Mobile 5 Emulator Communication Protocol TCP/IP over 802.11g

23 PDA Application Requirements Visitor can choose to recieve multimedia (text, images and maybe video) Add/remove bookmarks View history

24 Web Application Technologies 2.0.NET Framework (ASP.NET) IIS 6.0 Language C# Support for IE Explorer and Firefox

25 Web Application Requirements Visitor can: Login with ID View information from a particular exhibit List all visited, non visited and all exhibits List visits View bookmarks Send postcards to friends

26 Database Centralized data storage for all systems of the Interactive Museum MySQL 5 Exposed interface will be Web Services Security in mind Smart Caching

27 Database Main database content Information on Exhibitions Visitor statistics Mote information Information on PDAs Logs Employee information

28 Database Design

29 2015-09-0329 Overall project status: on track Time schedule: on track Project Status

30 2015-09-0330 Activity plan: on track Legend: Project Status cont. FinishedNext weekFuture

31 2015-09-0331

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