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Maggie Neave, Development Manager OCN Eastern Region Understanding Units Demystifying the language and assessment criteria.

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Presentation on theme: "Maggie Neave, Development Manager OCN Eastern Region Understanding Units Demystifying the language and assessment criteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maggie Neave, Development Manager OCN Eastern Region Understanding Units Demystifying the language and assessment criteria

2 Agenda Objectives Understanding units –how QCF units are; written used assessed –how they can be combined together within QCF Qualifications Q&A

3 Objectives

4 Unit types QCF unit –From a QCF Qualification –May be used as a standalone unit or within a group of units, sometimes leads to achievement of a Qualification –Content cannot be changed –May be eligible for funding

5 Unit types OCN Eastern Region Accredited Unit –Written to QCF standards but sits outside the QCF –Centre can devise unit with us or select from databank –Quality assured and certificated by OCN Eastern Region –Not eligible for public funding

6 Unit Writing - Key document Guidelines for writing credit-based units of assessment for the Qualification Credit Framework

7 Key Rules UNIT TITLES All units must have a unit title that: –is clear, concise and reflects the content of the unit –is meaningful in its own right and does not make reference to any information outside the unit –does not include reference to the levels of the QCF or to any terms that may be taken to refer to a level of achievement.

8 Key Rules UNIT TITLES –should not contain qualification titles, numbers, module titles, codes or references to its status in a given qualification, such as the words ‘core’ or ‘optional’ –must not contain references to level, such as ‘beginner’s’ or ‘introduction to’ –must not refer to methods of assessment.

9 Key Rules LEARNING OUTCOMES All units must contain learning outcomes that: –set out what a learner is expected to know, understand or be able to do as the result of a process of learning –are clear and coherent, and expressed in language that is understandable by the learners for whom the unit is intended –are expressed in a manner that addresses individual learners in the third person and will make sense to a learner.

10 Key Rules LEARNING OUTCOMES –should begin with: ‘know’, ‘understand’ or ‘be able to’. –should form a coherent group of statements that relate to each other, and the title of the unit and should be consistent with the unit level and credit value.

11 Key Rules ASSESSMENT CRITERIA All units must contain assessment criteria that: –specify the standard a learner is expected to meet to demonstrate that the learning outcomes of that unit have been achieved –relate to an individual learning outcome in language consistent with it –are sufficiently detailed to support reliable, valid and consistent judgements that a learning outcome has been achieved, without creating an undue assessment burden for learners or assessors –do not include references to methods of assessment or assessment specifications.

12 Key Rules ASSESSMENT CRITERIA –should be observable, measurable and provide qualitative information that reflects the standard expected when the learner is assessed –are guided by the level descriptors. Appropriate language must be used to reflect the statements contained in the descriptor for the expected level –the use of words/phrases such as ‘understand’, ‘demonstrate an understanding’ or ‘know’ must be avoided as these concepts cannot be observed and evidenced

13 LEARNING OUTCOMES Know Understand Be able to ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Entry Level 3Level 1Level 2Level 3 Define Demonstrate Give (examples of..) Identify Indicate Locate Outline State Use Apply Assess Classify Compare Define Demonstrate Describe Differentiate Distinguish Estimate Give (+ / - points of..) Illustrate Perform Select Use (a range of) Analyse Apply Clarify Classify Critically compare Demonstrate Develop ( a plan/idea which..) Diagnose Differentiate Distinguish Draw conclusions (which..) Estimate Evaluate Explain Extrapolate Implement Interpret Judge Justify Perform Review and revise Summarise

14 Writing units To develop a unit or QCF Qualification contact your Development Manager or Development Officer

15 Unit selection Where to find QCF units –Qualifications –Unit funding

16 Using Units NOCN /OCN Eastern Region produce; –Qualification Guide –Unit content –Assessment Information – prescribed and optional; activities –Assessment/verification paperwork You develop –Lesson plans –Assessments

17 Qualification Guide General information –Age restrictions –Entry criteria –GLH –RPL Rules of Combination Assessment information

18 Rules of Combination



21 Registering a new course Complete a New Course Notification form Submit to Development Officer at OCN Eastern Region –For some qualifications you will be asked to complete an additional form and provide evidence of the knowledge and competence of tutors/assessors and verifiers Receive confirmation that course has been processed

22 Registering Learners Develop lesson plans Develop assessment activities Check with Approved Internal Verifier (AIV) Start course Register learners within 25 days of start of course for short courses and 60 days for longer courses Learner evidence to be assessed and verified RAC signed by AIV and returned to OCN Eastern Region.

23 How units are assessed Units can be assessed; –One assessment criteria per assessment question/activity –More than one assessment criteria per assessment question/activity. Assessment activities can also provide evidence for assessment criteria across more than one unit

24 Combining Units Activity –Planning and cooking a 2 course meal Units –Using cooking skills in the Domestic Kitchen L1 3cr Planning, cooking, equipment, food prep, health and safety –Using Kitchen Equipment L1 1cr Knowledge and use of equipment, health and safety –Money: Adding and Subtracting Entry 3 1 cr Adding and subtracting and using money

25 Combining Units Activity –Decorate a room Units –Preparing Ceiling and Walls for Decoration –Using Painting Skills for Ceilings and Walls –Wallpapering Skills –Health and Safety in a Practical Environment –Developing Group and Teamwork Communication Skills

26 Activity Select one or more units –What assessments could you set? –How would you or the student record the evidence? –Could you provide evidence for more than one unit with your activity? –Discuss with your colleagues around the table

27 Questions

28 Maggie Neave 07920 027370

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