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A tool for separating specific biomolecules from a mixture (A key step in most biotechnology applications) Electrophoresis.

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Presentation on theme: "A tool for separating specific biomolecules from a mixture (A key step in most biotechnology applications) Electrophoresis."— Presentation transcript:

1 A tool for separating specific biomolecules from a mixture (A key step in most biotechnology applications) Electrophoresis

2 Electrophoresis: movement of charged particles through a substance when an electric field is applied. rces/electrophoresis.html

3 The Gel Substance Agarose (from seaweed) Polyacrylamide –Powders that gel when boiled in liquid and cooled to room temp.

4 The Buffer Ions in solution –Conduct the current from the electrodes through the gel –Maintain pH so that biomolecules keep their original charge

5 THE ELECTRIC FIELD + anode - cathode Parallel Electrodes Electric field (direction of conventional current) Electron flow

6 typical gels ++ - -

7 Movement of biomolecules DNA, RNA, Proteins Strong electric field → large force moves molecules faster –For nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), average voltages range from ~80-200 Volts DC The more concentrated the gel matrix, the slower the migration

8 Goal: Maximize the separation of molecules of different molecular weights Minimize changes in electrolyte conductivity Don’t overheat (melt) the gel

9 Size (molecular weight) net charge Conformation (shape) Physical features of biomolecules affect their ability to be separated from each other:

10 DNA External Phosphates give DNA a net Negative charge. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Longer molecule means a lot more atoms and a few more negative charges. Larger molecules go slower Size and Net Charge As length increases, charge/mass ratio Decreases.

11 Conformation (shape) DNA can be supercoiled - goes faster than when it is linear Proteins can take on many different 3-D shapes – These are denatured in the gel so that they are all essentially linear.

12 Q+ F E lectric F frictio n + anode - cathode Force diagram Biomolecules migrate at Terminal velocity ∑F = F E + F f = ma = 0 Who can resist a little Physics?:

13 2H + + 2e - → H 2(gas ) e-e- + anode - cathode Electrolysis Water is H 2 0 → H + + OH - 2H 2 O→ O 2(gas) + 4H + + 4e - e-e- The generated amount of hydrogen is twice the amount of oxygen. Both are proportional to the total electrical charge that was sent through the water.proportionalelectrical charge A little Chemistry:

14 Electrophoresis LAB 1.Characterize physical features of dye molecules (relative size, charge, relative amount) 2.Determine whether dyes are pure (only 1 color) or complex (more than one color) 3. Identify the 2 dyes in an unknown mixture

15 These are some of the individual colors in your dyes Blue #1 792.85 g/mol Crystal Violet 408.0 g/mol Fluorescein 376.27 g/mol Red #40 496.42 g/ mol Yellow #5 452.38 g/mol Safranin 350.85 g.mol

16 Terminology Pure dye has 1 color Complex dye has more than one color in it. Your unknown is made of 2 dyes (may be complex, pure or one of each)

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