Student Tutorials Coloring with Photoshop These are drawings that Katie L used to demonstrate some Photoshop painting techniques for my classes. She showed.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Tutorials Coloring with Photoshop These are drawings that Katie L used to demonstrate some Photoshop painting techniques for my classes. She showed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Tutorials Coloring with Photoshop These are drawings that Katie L used to demonstrate some Photoshop painting techniques for my classes. She showed us two different methods. One was using the dodge and burn tools, which make colors lighter and darker, the other was using the brush tool to paint and blend several colors onto the drawing. She demonstrated each step to the class and I have shown each step that she created.

2 Color Brushing Dodge/Burn She started with local color, just laying down the main color. The image to the right shows swatches of the two colors that she sampled.

3 Color Brushing Dodge/Burn Now using the dodge and burn tools she puts shadows and highlights on the image to the right. The same shadows and highlights we added to the image on the left with the brush tool by applying different colors with a soft, transparent brush.

4 Color Brushing Dodge/Burn She showed us the same process with the dress, talking about shading the form correctly.

5 Color Brushing Dodge/Burn Here you can see the treatments of the skin tones and eyes. All of the colors used on the image to the left are placed on the working space for quick sampling of the colors needed.

6 Color Brushing Dodge/Burn There are several differences between the two finished drawings. Katie pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of each technique.

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