PAINTING 6. Object of paints Characteristics of an Ideal Paint H E A D

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1 PAINTING 6. Object of paints Characteristics of an Ideal Paint H E A D
Various types of bases for paints Types of paints






7 Object of paints Paint performs following functions:
It protect wood from decaying حماية الخشب من التلف. It prevents corrosion of metals.حماية الحديد من الصدأ It protects the surface from harmful effects of atmospheric.حماية من المؤثرات الجوية It gives decorative and attractive appearance to the surfaces.منظر جمالي وجذاب للأسطح It renders surface hygienically safe and clean. تعطي أسطح لامعة وصحية

8 . Characteristics of an Ideal Paint
The paint should be cheap.رخيص الثمن It should have good covering power. In other words it should be able to cover maximum area of the surface with minimum quantities of the paint. أن يغطي مساحات كبيرة بكميات قليلة It should be easy and harmless to the user. سهلة الاستخدام وغير ضارة The painted surface should dry neither too slowly nor too rapidly. ان يكون معدل الجفاف متوسط لا سريع ولا بطئ .

9 Characteristics of an Ideal Paint
Atmospheric agencies should not be able to affect the painted surface. لا يتاثر بالمؤثرات الجوية The paint should form a hard and durable coat on the painted surface. أن تعطي السطح متانة وقوة وديمومة. The painted surface should posses attractive and decorative pleasing appearance. يجب أن تهطي منظرا جميلا The paint should not peel off from painted surface. أن يكون الدهان غير قابل للتقشير

10 Characteristics of an Ideal Paint
The painted surface should not show any cracks. يجب أن لا تحتوي على التقشقات. It should be good fire and moisture resistant. يجب أن يكون مقاوم للحريق والرطوبة. It should retain its original color for along time. أن يحتفظ لونه الاساسي لفترة طويلة. When applied, the paint should form a thin uniform film on painted surface. يجب أن يكون طبقة رقيقة متساوية السماكة عبر مقاطعه المختلفة

11 Various types of bases for paints
1. White lead. Out of all the bases of paints, it is the cheapest base and is thus in most common use for ordinary painting works. It is available in market both in powder form and stiff paste form. Paste is made by mixing white lead with linseed oil. It is dense, permanent and water proof. It possesses good spreading and binding power. 2. Red lead. It is lead oxide and is available in market either inform of powder or stiff paste ground in linseed oil. It is quite suitable for painting iron surfaces and for providing a priming coat to wood surfaces. As it solidifies in a short time with linseed oil, it can be used as a drier.

12 Various types of bases for paints
3. Zinc white or zinc oxide. Zinc white is an oxide of zinc and forms the base of all the zinc paints. It is available in powder as well as in paste form, made by grinding with linseed oil. This paint has good hiding and spreading is affected by sulpher vapour charged atmosphere. It is costlier than lead white paint and is less durable and workable than it. Its film is very hard and brittle and has tendency to develop surface cracks. 4. Iron oxide. Iron oxide forms the base of all the iron paints. It is exclusively used for the priming coat on iron or structural steel. The tint of paint varies from yellowish brown to black. It mixes readily with the vehicle oil and is quite cheap and durable. It is effective in preventing rusting of iron surfaces.

13 Various types of bases for paints
5. Titanium white. This material possesses intense opacity. It is chemically inert and not affected by heat or light. It is used as under coat, in case of enamel paints. It is non-poisonous and provides a thin transparent film. 6. Antimony white. It is very nearly similar to titanium white. 7. Litho phone. Litho phone is a mixture of barytes and zinc sulphide obtained by the process of precipitation under carefully controlled conditions. It is cheap and can be easily applied on the surface. When exposed to day light it changes colour and as such it should not be allowed to come in contact of water.

14 Various types of bases for paints
8. Aluminum powder. It is the base of all the aluminum paints. This paint is generally used for a priming coat of new work. It prevents working and cracking of wood. It is impervious and maintains same moisture content in the wood, if painted with it.

15 PAINTING Preparation of Oil Paints
Mostly white lead is used as base, in all the light colored oil paints. The base i.e. white lead is either obtained in form of paste directly from market or white lead is ground in linseed oil to the paste like consistency. White lead paste is broken further by adding a linseed oil and stirring the mixture with the help of wooden stick. Drier if to be used is also ground in little linseed oil and separate paste of it is prepared. If some specific color is to be developed in the paint the coloring pigment is also mixed with linseed oil and a third separate paste is prepared.

16 PAINTING Preparation of Oil Paints Cont.
Now all the three pastes i.e. white lead paste in linseed oil ,If the resulting mixture is very thick, it should be thinned into consistency of cream by adding more of linseed oil and stirring it well. The mixture thus prepared is screened through fine sieve or canvass. The screened mixture is an oil paint ready for use. The paint may be further thinned to desired consistency simply by adding more of linseed oil or turpentine or both, just before its actual use.

17 Types of paints 1. Aluminum Paint
The paint is prepared by holding very finely ground aluminum in suspension either in quick drying spirit varnish or slow drying oil varnish as per the requirements of the surface to be painted. The suspension liquid i.e. spirit or oil, evaporates and a thin metallic film of aluminum is left on the surface. This paint is used for painting wood work and metal surfaces. It is widely used for painting hot water pipes, gas tanks, marine piers, oil storage tanks, etc.

18 Types of paints Following are the advantages of aluminum paints.
(i) It has very good weather-resisting and water-proofing properties. (ii) It is Visible in darkness also because of its silver shinning color. (iii) It has high electrical resistance. (iv) It protects the surfaces of iron and steel against corrosion, better than any other paint. (v) It possesses a very large capacity. For instance one litre of this pain may cover an area of about 200 m2. (vi) It is highly heat reflective (vii) It can withstand the effect of atmosphere contaminated with acidic fumes, and also effects of sea water.

19 types of paints 2. Anti-corrosive paints. الدهانات المضادة للتآكل
As their name suggests, these paints are used mainly to protect the surface of metallic structural steel work, against the negative effects of acids, corrosive chemicals fumes, etc. There are several paints which exhibit these properties. These paints essentially consist of the linseed oil as vehicle and red lead, zinc oxide, iron oxide, zinc dust, zinc chromate etc, as their base. Application Areas: Industrial epoxy flooring Pipe line for sewage and drinking water Metallic structure and girdles Storage cement and metallic tanks


21 types of paints 3. Asbestos paint.
This paint is used for stopping leakage of metal roofs and painting gutters, paint is also used as damp-proof coat to cover the outer face of the basement walls. This paint can withstand the effects of acidic gases and steam.

22 types of paints 4. Bituminous paint.
This paint consists of asphalt, bitumen or pitches, dissolves in any type of oil or petroleum. The paint is always black in colour but its colour, can be modified by mixing certain pigment like red oxide etc. in it. This paint is used mostly for painting iron-works under water.

23 types of paints Bitumen paint

24 types of paints 5. Bronze paints.
These paints are prepared by disbursing aluminum bronze or copper bronze in nitro-celrulose lacquer as vehicle. They produce a very reflective type of surface and hence very useful for being applied on radiators. These paints are equally effective for painting interior or exterior metallic surfaces.

25 types of paints 6. Cellulose paint.
This type of paint is prepared from cellulose sheets, nitro-cotton and photographic films. This paint dries very quickly and provides a flexible, hard, and smooth surface. The paint does not harden by oxidation but by evaporation of thinning agent. The surface of this paint can be easily washed and cleaned. It remains unaffected by hot water, smoky or acidic atmosphere. This paint is used for painting cars aero planes.

26 types of paints 7. Casein paint.
Casein is a product extracted from milk curd. This when mixed with base like whiting, titanium, lithopone, etc. forms the paint which is usually available in powder or paste form. This paint has high capacity and can be applied on new plaster work. It is usually used on walls, ceilings wall-boards, cement block construction etc. to increase the appearance of the surface.

27 types of paints 8. Cement paint.
This paint is available in powder form. It consists of white or colored cement as its base and water acts as vehicle. No oil or varnish is added to it. This paint is available in variety of shades. It is durable and water-proof. This paint proves to be useful for surfaces which are damp at the time of painting and are also likely to remain damp after painting. Enamel paint. This paint is prepared by adding base like white lead or zinc white to a vehicle which is a varnish. To obtain the desired colour, coloring pigments may also be added. This paint dries slowly and forms a hard, durable, smooth gloosy solid thin film. Different types of enamel paints are being manufactured in a variety of colours.

28 types of paints 10. Emulsion paint.
This paint consists of synthetic resin like poly vinyl acetate. It can be applied easily. It retains its colour for a very long time. The surface of the paint is tough and can be cleaned by washing with water. This paint has excellent resistance against action of alkali. It dries very quickly in about one to two hours 11. Graphite paint. It is black in colour. It is used over the surface which come in contact with ammonia, chlorine, sulphur gases, etc. It is very much used in under ground railways.

29 types of paints 12. Plastic paints.
This paint contains a variety of plastics in suspension and is available in the market under different trade names. This paint is available in very attractive and pleasing shades. It is mostly used in show rooms, display rooms, and auditorium etc. It can be applied by spray or by brush. 13. Silicate paint. It is prepared by mixing calcium and finely ground silica with resinous materials. It forms a very hard and durable film on painted surface. It can be directly applied on brick, concrete or plastered surface, but only after wetting them.

30 types of paints 14. Luminous paint.
This paint is prepared by mixing calcium sulphide with Varnish. This paint shines in darkness like radium dials of watches. This paint should be applied on surface which have been rendered free from corrosion or lead paints in particular. 15. Inodorous paint. This paint consists of white lead or zinc white mixed with methylated spirit. No turpentine is used in this paint. White lead or zinc white is ground in oil. Shellac with some quantity of linseed oil and castor oil, is dissolved in methylated spirit and this mixture is mixed with lead or zinc white paste prepared in linseed oil.

31 types of paints 16. Rubber paint.
This paint is prepared by treating rubber with chlorine gas (chlorinated rubber) and then dissolving it in suitable solvent. This paint can be used on new concrete and lime plastered surfaces. This paint dries quickly. It is little affected by weather and sunlight. It is resistant against chemical actions, water, etc. It can be applied on fresh concrete surface i.e., surfaces which are not completely dry.

32 types of paints

33 Painting Brushes And Painting Gun


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