Strategy of Tyumen Region development until 2020 year.

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1 Strategy of Tyumen Region development until 2020 year

2 Core Sector of Tyumen Oblast Economy: Oil-and-Gas Producing Cluster  The cluster includes oil-and-gas producing enterprises, service companies (exploration, drilling, well workover), applied research institutes and educational institutions  Major final products of the Cluster include crude oil, natural gas and gas condensate  Power industry, transport, telecommunications and medicine are important supporting industries  229.7 thousand people were employed at the Cluster core and at companies of specialized services unit in 2003 – 12.3% of employable population of the Oblast  The educational unit provides new specialists for the oil-and-gas sector : 2.5 thousand graduates of institutions of higher education and 2.6 thousand graduates of high school  Vertically integrated companies play a key role – they simplify vertical interaction within the corporation; at the same time they impede formation of separate segments of specialized service market

3 If in towns of Tyumen Oblast and in Tyumen itself, new high-tech segments of the core sector are expanded, these segments relating first of all to the management (logistics, financial and informational support, administration of business processes) and innovation development (service and technological provision, personnel training, research, technological and design work) of the branch of industry, core sector of the region will have a chance to obtain a structure which will be more balanced both in production and spatial respects. Active scenario of Tyumen Oblast development

4 Investment in Innovation Activities in Trades of Tyumen Oblast Including Autonomous Okrugs 93 103 215 256 3865 4876 8291 3 124 284 555 57 135 80 182 97 731 8 966 5 312 4 207 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 2001200220032004 mln Rubles Information technologies, machine- building and other sectors Communication Fuel industry Power industry

5 Science & Technology Park in Tyumen

6 Tyumen Technology Park will unfold in two stages 2006-2007 Development of Technology Park at the ‘Geolog’ site 2007-2010 ‘Alebashevo’ site launching Primary goals: ●to develop the admission principles and procedures for resident companies ●to develop a financial, economic and legal pattern of project members interaction ●to identify the services to be provided and service providers ●to specify the office and production area needs as well as office, laboratory and manufacturing equipment needs Full scale deployment of the technology park 1 Stage 2

7 Residents Office centre Show & test facility Shared R&D centre Production sites Sites to be developed by residents, housing Services (park services and outsourced services) Certification & metrology centre Training centre Information centre Business incubator Park’s service portfolio

8 Objectives of technology park Federal authorities ●Increased competitive advantage of Russian economy ●Stronger innovative component in Russian economy ●More efficient use of natural resources in the context of global market and environment-oriented international relations City authorities ●Concept corresponding to the Strategy of the city development as a basis and generator of territorial development of the region ●Increased number of highly paid jobs and tax revenues to the city budget ●Accelerated development of SME Scientific community ●Increased funding of applied science ●Improved R&D infrastructure ●Higher quality of human resources and more opportunities to involve them in research process ●Increased heft of regional science Regional authorities ●Concept corresponding to the Region Development Strategy ●More sustainable development of regional economy ●Increased investment appeal and competitive advantage of the region ●Development of the regional budget tax base Population and society ●Attractive city and region image ●Better conditions for application of one’s labour and creative thinking Educational sector ●More attractive educational sector of Tyumen ●Increased quality of education Business community ●New options for high-tech value added products launch ●Huge personnel reserve for regional business development Technology park shall meet the expectations the stakeholders

9 Vision of Tyumen Technology Park Tyumen Technology park: New centre of Tyumen business activities, where offices of leading companies are situated Competency centre of Russian Oil & Gas industry Concentration of Integrating regional educational resources High-tech production site Investment-attractive, highly valued place

10 Strategy of tourism development of tourism development over the territory of over the territory of Tyumen region Tyumen 2006

11 The Strategy of tourism development over the territory of Tyumen region is worked out by the company Olympia Reisen GmbH The basis for strategic development are: - The commission of President of Russia V.V.Putin to start building the tourist center based on the historic and cultural legacy of the town of Tobolsk; dated by March of 2003 - Agreement for cooperation in the field of tourism, signed between the Federal Tourist Agency and Administration of Tyumen region; dated by 29 June, 2005 - Necessity of effective employment of tourist potential of the Tyumen region The department of strategic development has worked out the Regional Target Program General directions of tourism development in Tyumen region, approved by the degree № 8-рп of Administration of Tyumen region; dated by January 16, 2006

12 Strategic purpose Development of competitive tourist industry aimed for the preservation of the historic and cultural legacy, intellectual development and satisfaction of the customer demands in tourist services of the residents of Tyumen region, citizens of Russia and international guests The Strategy of tourism development over the territory of Tyumen region

13 Historical-cognitive tourism is the locomotive of cultural development and the instrument of formation of attraction and image of the region Competitive ability of Tyumen region is to be determined by the presence of the museum, exposition and event projects related to cultural tourism, and also to depend on the introduction of new technologies and development of the modern cultural infrastructures Tyumen region possesses unique (on a Siberia scale) and competitive (on a RF scale) cultural resources (Tobolsk, Tyumen, village of Abalak, village of Pokrovskoe, Ingalskaya valley), and considered to be one of the main spiritual and pilgrimage centers. Potential Tyumen region has all prerequisites to become one of the main centers of cultural (historic, ethnographic, archeological) tourism and pilgrimage in the macro-region of Urals and Siberia Gregory Rasputin memorial estate

14 Reception of visitors, coming with the purpose of business is a main specialization of the Tyumen tourist activities Availability of steady flow of business visitors coming to Tyumen region. Over 55% of the tourist visits, according to calculation, based on the collective accommodation facilities only, and are related to business trips. According to expert judgment, the business visitors amount up to 70% of the tourist flow. Reasons to develop business tourism in Tyumen: economic development of the city and specialization of the region economics activities of big international investors in the Tyumen region (in particular, Schlumberger, Halliburton, KCA Deutag), processes related to administrative and economic territory integration, which facilitate growth of business trips Stake on the business tourism means a strict presentation of Tyumen amongst the Ural and Siberian business centers (subject and technologic specialization) Potential Perspectives

15 The Government of Tyumen region has established a non-commercial partnership Informative Travel Center of Tyumen region The opening of the office, 16 December of 2005

16 The successful solution of the set tasks to preserve the memorials of cultural and historic legacy, the attraction of investments, the promotion of intellectual development of the residents, – give grounds to make a conclusion : In a near time, the tourism in Tyumen region can and must become a dynamically developing competitive trade


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