THE NIGHT ALONE VOCABULARY P. 404. BRUISED ( ADJ) Injured under the skin, showing a mark or discoloration He couldn’t sleep on his bruised shoulder because.

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2 BRUISED ( ADJ) Injured under the skin, showing a mark or discoloration He couldn’t sleep on his bruised shoulder because it hurt too much.

3 POUCH ( NOUN) A bag or sack The student carried a pouch filled with pencils and pens.

4 RECKLESS ( ADJ) Behaving or acting in a careless way, regardless of possible dangerous effects or results; not careful Reckless driving causes many accidents.

5 POSSESSION (NOUN) Something owned, property The autographed baseball is my most prized possession.

6 LODGE ( NOUN) Place to live in, especially a small or temporary house My aunt rents a lodge in the mountains for the summer.

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