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Solar energy is based on getting energy from sunlight. It needs technology.

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2 Solar energy is based on getting energy from sunlight. It needs technology.

3 The biggest energy source in the world. An alternative for the fossil fuels. Used to produce electric or heat. Environmentally-friendly. Renewable.


5 It’s a renewable energy source. It’s clean and there is no dirty materials such as smoke, gas, carbon monoxide, sulphur and radiation. It’s possible to get solar energy almost everywhere when there is a necessity of energy. Sun is an energy source which can be benefited from all countries in the world. For this reason, the energy dependence of the countries can be eliminated.

6 There is no need the complex technologies in many applications. It decreases the expences of companies. It’s a very silent way to get energy. There is no noise!

7 There is need to have large panels because the amount of solar radiation is little for a unit cell. The amount of solar energy can’t be controlled and it doesn’t depend on our demand. It’s necerray to store it because it’s not permanent. But the costs of storage is high and limited. Energy need is high during winter but solar radiation is low and moreover there is no at nights.


9 Heating and cooling of houses and companies. Supplying hot water and heating swimming pools. Heating vegetable glasshouses and drying agricultural products. Solar ovens and cookers. Producing salt and fresh water from sea water. Solar batteries. Solar pools. Heat pipes. Producing electric.





14 Referencesüneş-Enerjisi

15 Thank you for listening

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