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Equipping Counselors for Your Church Robert W. Kellemen, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Equipping Counselors for Your Church Robert W. Kellemen, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equipping Counselors for Your Church Robert W. Kellemen, Ph.D.

2 Our Class Focus

3 Equipping Counselors for Your Church

4 The Equipping Process Can Feel Like a Maze

5 Ever Feel a Little Confused?

6 Ever Feel a Little Lost?

7 Ever Need Some Directions?

8 Some Signs Are More Helpful Than Others

9 Want to Change Lives? Are You Milton Berle or Ed Sullivan?


11 Running the Race: For Discussion and Application  Who is an example you know of an Ed Sullivan minister? What have you learned from this person?  How could you become even more of an “Ed Sullivan” and even less of a “Milton Berle?”

12 The Big Questions How do we effectively disciple the Body of Christ for one-another ministry in the church and to the community? How do we leave a legacy of loving leaders?

13 Running the Race: For Discussion and Application  In your life and in your church, how much of a transition would it be to shift from doing the work of the ministry to making disciple- makers? What might that shift look like and involve?

14 The Big Answers  A Hospital for the Hurting  A Teaching Hospital: Training Soul Physicians  A Chief of Staff: CDP

15 The End Goal—Transformed People A relationship with the transforming Person produces transforming leaders relationally leading a transforming process that the Holy Spirit uses to transform people so people are transformed into disciple-makers.

16 Before We Begin…  A Transformational Process, Not a Program  A Relational Strategy, Not a Strait-Jacket  A Fellow Traveler, Not the Expert Guide  An Approach, Not the Answer  Not One-Size-Fits-All

17 The 4E Ministry Training Strategy  Envisioning: Jointly Creating the MVP-C  Envisioning Word Picture: “Go!”  Are You Running in the Right Direction?— Core Values

18 The 4E Ministry Training Strategy  Enlisting: Birthing Family/Building Team  Enlisting Word Picture: Mr. Potato Head  Are the Right Runners Running the Right Laps?—Committed People

19 The 4E Ministry Training Strategy  Equipping: Transformational Coaching  Equipping Word Picture: Not a Brain Dump  Is Every Race Participant a Skilled Runner? —Coached People

20 The 4E Ministry Training Strategy  Empowering: Leaving a Legacy/Loving Leaders  Empowering Word Pictures: Spinning Plates and the Elephant in the Room  Are the Runners Running on All Cylinders? —Comprehensive Strategy 

21 The Big Picture: 4E

22 Running the Race: For Discussion and Application  Of the “four laps”/“4Es”, which do you think you do best already? How have you developed this ability?  Of the “four laps”/“4Es”, do you think you and your church might need the most help with? Why?

23 Equipping Counselors for Your Church Want to Change Lives?

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