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THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Explain how the scientific world influenced society and thought.

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2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Explain how the scientific world influenced society and thought.

3 Scientific Revolution Background: – Challenging Old Ideas: Revolutions 1. Renaissance challenged the notion that only the Church had the right answers. New Idea: the individual. A cultural revolution 2. Reformation challenged accepted religious ideas on God, salvation and the soul. It also challenged the notion of one church and Papal control. A religious revolution 3. Scholars began to question old accepted ideas about the Earth and universe: Scientific Revolution

4 Scientific Revolution Background: – Prior to 1500’s… truth regarding the functioning of the Earth and universe, most scholars relied on Greek and Roman philosophers/scientists and the Bible. Most did not test these ideas for their correctness. – By the mid-1500’s this changed. Scholars began to test and question the ancient thinkers. Old assumptions became replaced with new theories. This led to a change in the way people thought: Scientific Revolution.

5 ► Literacy:  80% for men; 60% women. ► Books were expensive (one day’s wages). ► Many readers for each book (20 : 1)  novels, plays & other literature.  journals, memoirs, “private lives.”  philosophy, history, theology.  newspapers, political pamphlets.

6 COPERNICUS Polish scholar Proposed the idea of a heliocentric or sun-centered universe –The Earth was one of several planets to revolve around the sun

7 Models of the Universe: Geocentric vs. Heliocentric Geocentric: the Earth is at the center of the universe; all heavenly bodies move around the Earth Heliocentric: the Sun is at the center of the universe; all heavenly bodies move around the Sun—including the Earth

8 GALILEO Observed Jupiter’s moons orbiting that planet Condemned by the Catholic Church His ideas challenged Christian teachings –That heavens were fixed, unmoving & perfect

9 GALILEO FACING AN INQUISITION 1633- tried before the inquisition –Threatened with excommunication unless he withdrew his heresies Agreed to state publicly that the Earth stood motionless at center of the universe

10 SIR ISSAC NEWTON Proved Galileo correct Defined the Law of Gravity Invented calculus His laws became the starting point for investigating everything in nature.

11 Scientific Revolution--Enlightenment Rene Descartes: mid-1600’s: – French Philosopher and scientist – One of the most influential advocates of science. – Wrote: “Discourse on Method”: Argued that all thought had to follow the clear, orderly progression of scientific reasoning. Everything has to be proved. – The use of reason was vital: clear, rational, logical thinking.

12 Scientific Revolution----- Enlightenment Sir Francis Bacon: – Believed science would help humanity conquer nature and would end all suffering in the world. The scientific method will move from a strict scientific use to all realms of thinking including political, social.

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