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Presentation on theme: "ADVANCED SURFACE COAL MINING TECHNOLOGIES Indian Coal Mining Scenario 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 India is the 3rd largest coal producer in the world With Geological Coal Resources of 2,93,497 Million Ton, India holds 7 th Position in the World. Coal has the largest share of India’s power generation (about 55%) Coal production of India in FY 2011-12 – 539.79 MT Coal production from Surface Coal Mines is more than 80% of All India coal production figure with corresponding volume OB handling. Existing Demand-Supply Gap (2011-12)- 110.08 MT Estimated Coal demand in XII Plan ( 2016-17)–980.5 MT Demand-Supply Gap in XII Plan (2016-17)- 185.50 MT 2

3 SOME LARGE SURFACE COAL MINES IN INDIA 10.00 Mt or more: Sl NoProjectCompanyAnnual capacity 1GevraSECL35.00 2Dipka Expn.SECL25.00 3BharatpurMCL20.00 4Bhubaneshwari.MCL20.00 12RajmahalECL17.00 5LingrajMCL16.00 6LakhanpurMCL15.00 7HingulaMCL15.00 8AnantaMCL15.00 9DudhichuaNCL15.00 10NigahiNCL15.00 11KusmundaSECL15.00 13AmloriNCL10.00 14JayantNCL10.00 3

4 UPCOMING MEGA COAL PROJECTS OF CIL: ProjectCompanyTarget Capacity (Mty) MacharkataMGCL50.00 KusmundaSECL50.00 SiarmalMCL40.00 4

5 Surface Mining Technology in Operation 5

6  Dragline: Largest in use in India: 33m/70m (Krishnashila, NCL) Largest available:168cum/94m  Electric Rope Shovel : Largest proposed in India: 42 cum (Gevra,Dipka) Largest available : 63 cum 6

7  Hydraulic Excavator: Largest in use in India: 34 cum Rampur Agucha(HZL) Provisioning- Samaleshwari(MCL) Largest available: 50 cum  Dump trucks: Largest in use in India: 240 T Largest available: 400T 7

8  Bucket Wheel Excavator Finds application in relatively softer rock (Lignite) Largest size currently in use:1400 Lt. Largest belt size in use with BWE:2400 mm  Surface miner Some of the opencast coal mines of MCL, SECL & CCL are using surface miners for extraction of coal. Presently surface miner is used as cutting machine only and pay loader has been added for loading the coal into the tipping trucks. Contd. 8

9 9 Advantages of Surface Miner technology - Elimination of drilling & blasting - Environmental problems of blasting, like, fly rock, ground vibration etc. are eliminated. - Selective mining. - Less coal loss. - No primary crushing required. - Good fragmentation.

10  In-pit Crushing & Conveying. Mobile In-pit crushing and conveying in coal is in operation at Piparwar OCP of CCL Mobile In-pit crushing and conveying in OB is in operation at Ramagundem-II OCP of SCCL These technologies have been associated with high capital and operating cost This technology is generally economical for large mines 10

11  Planning & Design Capabilities CMPDI is a wholly owned subsidiary of CIL to provide in- house consulting services to CIL and its subsidiaries as well as mining projects coming up in other sectors, in Coal Exploration, Mine Planning & Design, Coal Beneficiation & Utilization, allied engineering services, and Human Resource Development. services were also expanded in environmental engineering, Geomatics, Information & Communication Technology, Laboratory & field services. Certified as an ISO-9001:1994 company in March, 1998 by BVQI (UK). Certificate was upgraded to ISO-9001: 2000 in November, 2002. CMPDI prepared over 950 mining project reports with individual project capacity up to 35 MTY. Services provided by CMPDI have facilitated CIL and its subsidiaries to achieve a sustained growth in coal production from 79 MT in 1974-75 to 431.33 MT in 2010- 11. 11

12 CMPDI has undertaken over 500 integrated coal exploration projects in varying geological and terrain conditions. There has been an overall increase of 240% in National Coal Inventory as compared to 1976 and an increase of nearly 443% in case of proven reserves. Quantum jump in proved coal resources is mainly due to CMPDI systematic detailed exploration of coal resources. About 18-fold increase in production from OC mines of CIL to a level of about 391 million tonnes in 2010-11 from a meagre 20.8 million tonnes in 1974-75 has been made possible through CMPDI sustained efforts in providing complete range of services CMPDI also expanded its services to external clients viz. SAIL, SCCL, NLC, TISCO, IREL, Reliance Coal Resources Ltd., M/s Adani Enterprises Ltd., UCM Coal Co. Ltd., UPBSNL, CEA, NTPC, CPCB, DGH, etc., not only in coal & lignite but also in other minerals viz. iron ore, rock phosphate, manganese, CBM, etc. 12


14 Draglines - 55 cum & Radius of over 100 m, Rope Shovels - 53 cum,(Kusmunda, SECL) Rear Dumpers – 400 T, Hydraulic Shovels – > 34 cum FrontEndLoaders(FEL) 40 cum (Reliance, Moher) Graders - 530 HP, Water Sprinklers - 70 KL or more.  HIGH CAPACITY HEMM 14

15  MATERIAL HANDLING High Angle Conveyors as special case of In Pit Crushing and Conveying for deep coal mines. Mobile Crushing system with direct loading from Trucks i.e. Dual Truck Mobile Sizer (DTMS) Capital cost can be decreased by indigenizing crushing equipment, spreaders and higher capacity drives for conveyor system. 15

16  DRILLING & BLASTING TECHNIQUES CMPDI is developing an indigenous MWD (Monitoring While Drilling) tool supported by user friendly backend application software, for blast hole drill machines. The tool would determine the rock mass characteristics for effective utilization of explosive during blasting causing better blast in terms of post blast results and overall blast performance. The system should also optimise explosive-rock interaction for Shovel Benches & Dragline Benches in opencast mines. Contd. 16

17 17 The objective is to capture rock characteristics while drilling, by installing various sensors on the drill machine, online capturing sensor data & analysing the field data to arrive at different type of rock mass as drilling progresses and guiding the explosive charging into the blast holes. This will result into techno economic selection of explosives for any rock mass.

18 18

19  APPLICATION OF GEOMATICS Topographical Survey : –Airborne/Space borne 3D remote sensing data can be used for preparation of topographical map, –Updation of maps with remote sensing data, –Topographical maps being in electronic form, can easily be correlated and updated as and when required, –Land use plan, 19

20 Excavation Monitoring : –Rapid and accurate measurement of OBR, –Airborne Laser Terrain Mapping (ALTM) for rapid and accurate mapping of opencast mines and measurement of excavation volume. Dump Management : –Remote Sensing, GPS and Digital Photogrammetry techniques may find application for effective dump management. 20

21  QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Surface Miner and Dozer with Ripper attachment, For new mines of 2.5 mty or more, coal washeries are being proposed. Preparation of quality grids (Maps) at planning stage by application of modern software. 21

22  MINE SAFETY Regular monitoring of OB dump through non- contact survey using laser profiler or laser scanner to predict likely dump failure. For inaccessible dragline dumps, a reflector-less equipment based on laser technology for surveying dump toe and crest to monitor any movement of dump. Application of Radar technology for Monitoring slope Stability. Special emphasis on mine illumination. 22

23  Truck Dispatch System TRUCK DESPATCH SYSTEM (TDS): Truck Dispatch System (TDS) has been working in Rajmahal (ECL) & Jayant (NCL) successfully. TDS offers a viable solution to improve communication, monitoring, dynamic allocation of trucks to shovels avoiding idle times of shovels and dumpers both and helps to achieve maximum utilization of shovel-dumper combination system working in the mine. 23

24  Enterprise Resource Planning Today, existing opencast mining operations have little real-time visibility into their production and maintenance information. For large mines better access to consistent information can be achieved through implementation of an effective Enterprise Resource Planning solution. Through an ERP in a large Open pit operation, one can –make reduction in costs of maintenance. –improve equipment productivity. –greatly reduced breakdowns. 24

25 –integrate maintenance processes with production with new tools for reliability-based equipment monitoring viz. VSMS etc. –deliver inventory analysis to maintenance and production managers in real time, so that informed and immediate decisions can be taken. Integration for various functions like production, maintenance, stores, despatch, personnel & payroll, finance & marketing through enterprise asset management solutions from ERP, mining companies can optimize asset condition and performance at the lowest possible cost. Companies can manage capital expenditure, reduce operating costs, improve asset utilization, and collaborate with engineering and maintenance contractors. 25

26 Future Scenario – Green Mining 26

27  Introduction of Surface Miners for coal exploitation with interlocked water spraying arrangement.  In-pit belt conveying system eliminating coal transport by trucks in big opencast projects  Transportation of coal by covered conveyor belts in CHPs  Wagon loading through silos in big opencast projects 27

28  Setting-up of more coal washeries to reduce coal consumption per unit of power generated resulting in reduction in greenhouse gas emission.  All washeries will have Fluidized Bed Combustion (FBC)/ Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFBC) plants to use washery rejects for power generation.  Disposal of fly-ash in backfilling of opencast projects as well as in underground mines with due regard to ground water quality  Identification of ‘go area’ and ‘no go area’ (forest area / eco-sensitive area) through satellite imagery technique. 28

29  Reclamation for post-mining land-use to generate revenue as social asset for future generations of the local community.  Introduction of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) i.e., Coalbed Methane (CBM), Coal Mine Methane (CMM), Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM), Ventilation Air Methane (VAM), Coal-to-Liquid (CTL), and CO2 sequestration.  CCS – Carbon capture and storage. 29

30 Conclusion 30

31 The sustainability of large & deep opencast operations in India will depend on – Technological Issues –Most of the technological issues relating to the large scale opencast mining are being continuously addressed with the technology keeping pace with the requirements. –Development of suitable method for extraction of coal standing on pillars in multi section i.e. Jharia coalfield. –Steep seams in North East region, Western Coalfields require innovative bulk material handling techniques for Overburden removal as land is scarce. –The problem of finding a cost effective alternative to diesel fuel needs to be addressed with more research with greater vigor. 31

32 Environmental & Socio-Political Issues –Opencast mining results in conservation of coal which is a non-renewable energy source and opencast mining invariably involves large scale resettlement of population. –It is necessary to arrive at a concensus regarding socio-political issues particularly in a country like India in the form of a pragmatic resettlement & rehabilitation policy. 32

33 Infrastructural Issues –Infrastructural issues which need immediate attention are enhancement of manufacturing base of major HEMM and of Off Highway Tyres in the country. – It is also essential to considerably augment the railway evacuation capacity from certain coalfields like IB Valley, Talcher, Korba, Rajmahal and North Karanpura from where the bulk of the opencast production will be obtained in future. 33


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